Anna hugged Chu Yi tightly, her voice full of tension and expectation, "Hold me tight, otherwise it will have no effect!" In an instant, the two of them transmigrated the boundary of the blue star like black light and entered the depths of the universe.

"Hoo ho ho, I have to slow down, there is no air in space, slow down..." Chu Yi kept waving his hands, breathing heavily.

When Chu Yi and Anna regained their breath, an even more embarrassing scene happened. Their clothes mysteriously disappeared at the speed of light, as if they were swept away by invisible force. In the boundless space, Chu Yi and Anna were focused on each other and treated each other sincerely. Anna's face flushed slightly, and her mood was uncontrollable.

"What... is going on!" At the same time, Chu Yi looked confused, and his heart was full of confusion. "Could it be that the speed was too fast and the clothes were burned in the friction with the air?" However, this The scene really made Chu Yi's blood boil, and it made people feel an irresistible impulse!

"This, this, this, I can't stand it anymore..." Chu Yi's heart beat rapidly, as if it was about to jump out of his chest. Anna and Chu Yi burned like meteors in an instant, and in the boundless universe, the two were passionately intertwined.

Anna's body seemed to be surrounded by flames, burning with endless desire. Her lips and Chu Yi's lips and tongue were entangled with each other, like two molten magnets inseparable. Their tongues kept wandering, exploring each other's deep secrets.

As for Chu Yi, his fingers wandered over Anna's body like a magician, causing every inch of her skin to tremble. His touch was an electric current that traveled from her skin to her marrow, sending her into an overwhelming frenzy. Their bodies fit tightly together, as if the gravitational pull of two planets attracted each other. Their breathing was rapid and powerful, like the howling wind in the night sky. Their heartbeats were beating like drums, like the most beautiful music in the universe.

In this vast space, they became each other's universe. At this moment, Anna and Chu Yi merged into one, and their souls merged with each other. Their love burns like a fire, unbound by time and space, as if it exists forever in the memory of the universe.

I don't know how long it took, but Chu Yi suddenly said: "Anna, did you do it on purpose? Why did you do this?" He never expected that Anna would use such an extreme method. However, since they already have skin-to-skin contact, he will be responsible.

Anna smiled, with a satisfied look on her face, and replied calmly: "Chu Yi, you know. Ever since I devoured the black light core and gained the power of the devil, I feel that my emotions have been amplified countless times, including emotions. aspect……"

"Then why didn't you tell me? I will find a way for you." Chu Yi was filled with guilt.

A playful smile appeared at the corner of Anna's mouth, "Haha, it has happened, and this is the result. From now on, I will be your woman!" There was a kind of firmness and determination in her tone.

Chu Yi reached out to signal, took out two sets of black robes from the space ring, and said helplessly: "Let's put on clothes first!"

Anna nodded slightly, with a blush on her face, and the two hurriedly put on their robes.

Chu Yi then said: "Time is running out now, we must find those alien battleships quickly. I guess they will attack again soon. Blue Star...can no longer be injured."

Anna nodded after hearing this and couldn't help but hold Chu Yi's hand. In the space, the two people were like lights in the darkness, speeding towards the direction indicated by Chu Yi.

Although super-light flight is extremely fast, in the universe, this speed is obviously not fast enough. Anna and Chu Yi flew for a long time, but still did not find the alien warship that attacked Blue Star.

But at this moment, Chu Yi's body underwent strange changes. As time passed, he felt that his entire body was enveloped by a spiritual energy.

In Chu Yi's body, a strange energy core slowly formed. This core contained terrifying energy and was integrated with the power of Primordial Origin.

"It's unbelievable. A Primordial Origin core was born in my body! How did this happen?" This is the Primordial Origin core. It is simply unbelievable. Chu Yi's heart was filled with turmoil.

Moreover, Chu Yi was surprised to find that his supernatural power had reached the peak of Rank Nine, which made him feel very confused. The birth of the Primordial Origin core allowed Chu Yi to clearly feel that it contained all his powers, but it did not include the God-killing Spear.

Chu Yi asked excitedly: "Anna, do you feel any changes?" He expected her to have the same experience.

Anna was equally surprised and said: "Chu Yi, are you also..." There was disbelief in her voice.

Chu Yi nodded and said excitedly: "You have also formed an energy core in your body?" He felt hope and resonance.

Anna nodded and affirmed: "Yes, I don't know why. Since entering space, my body has continued to absorb the surrounding energy, forming a dark light core in my body! It's weird!"

Chu Yi fell into deep thought, trying to understand the meaning of all this, but at this moment, the ethereal voice of Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable sounded in Chu Yi's mind, "This is the real energy of this universe. What you have practiced before is only what I released." Spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy I released was too thin, which caused Blue Star to practice slowly. Now that you have come into contact with the real energy of this world, you will have such a reaction."

"I see, is this the realm after Rank Nine?" Chu Yi suddenly realized.

Just like that, after who knows how long, Chu Yi and Anna finally witnessed this interstellar battleship. Its shape is unique and exquisite, exuding a breathtaking technological light.

At this time, in the command room of the star battleship, Punias had a crazy expression on his face, "Finally, the people from Blue Star have arrived! Launch gamma rays immediately and shoot at them!"

The subordinate immediately responded excitedly: "Yes! The gamma rays are about to be ready!" The subordinate's voice seemed to be suppressed in the tense atmosphere, with a hint of trembling.

"Launch!!!" His voice suddenly sounded loud, as shocking as a war drum. Immediately afterwards, the huge interstellar battleship suddenly launched a beam of dazzling gamma rays, heading straight towards Chu Yi and Anna.

"Haha! I'm so sleepy, I'll give you a pillow!!" Chu Yi smiled, his eyes shining with desire. This thing is really a treasure, it can greatly enhance his strength!

He stood in front of Anna without hesitation and resolutely took on the responsibility of protecting her.

"Chu Yi, get away quickly!!" Anna shouted hurriedly, with an anxious look written all over her face.

However, Chu Yi responded unwaveringly: "It's okay! This is a good thing from Transcendent Level!" His voice conveyed a kind of determination and confidence.

As soon as Chu Yi finished speaking, gamma rays and light waves hit his body.

There was a loud "boom", and although the intense energy brought instant pain, Chu Yi burst out laughing with excitement. He felt the power surge inside his body, and his laughter echoed in the air, "Swallow! Swallow!! Hahaha, more!!"

Chu Yi felt a strong energy spreading through his body. His skin seemed to be absorbing the super strong gamma rays, and every inch of his skin was bathed in endless light. His body seemed to have been injected with new power, and the Primordial Origin core emitted more powerful energy fluctuations in his body.

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