Aura Hunter

Chapter 900

Ding Moruo continued to speak:

"But these are always uncertain!"

"In this case, there is only one thing we have to do now. The only thing is to kill all the hunters in front of you as soon as possible!"

"You have all seen the performance of this group of hunters just now, although they all look like young children, However, the strength is to overwhelm most of the hunters before, and the mind is more sinister and cunning..."

"So, now, it is not the time for us to have fun. !"

"『Spirit World 』......"

"This move, I have used it twice today, and it will cause trouble if I continue to use it, but You haven't used it yet...then it's your turn!"

"Later, you both must give me spare no effort, never for later. Leaving more hidden dangers!"

After listening to Ding Moruo's remarks, Saiin Saiai was nodded and agreed, while Fente's face was ashen, and he immediately said seriously:

"I understand what you mean, but only that pink little girl, you must not move! She must be handed over to me to deal with!"

Ding Moruo turned back impatiently Glancing at Finte.

"Oh! Leave it to you, how much time do you have to spend? I have seen it, her strength is obviously much stronger than your daughters, and she still holds the A labyrinth relic that can change the position of space at any time! Now, do you still expect to be able to subdue her without injury?"

Fente's face changed twice in embarrassment, passing by After a brief thought struggle, he finally replied loudly:

"Okay! You are right! I really shouldn't be so naive! Later I will directly cast "Spirit World" on her, even if she Therefore, if she is seriously injured, as long as she can be caught alive, it is worth it!"

Ding Moruo responded with a pouted mouth:

"hmph, this is a good thing!"

Sainsai whispered sighed.

"Alas... it's long overdue to do this."

Therefore, an agreement was reached, and Ding Moruo then emphasized to his colleagues:


"Then I'll make an action plan now."

"Fente, you are the fastest, catch up with me first, and stop all the other's footsteps; then, Saiin Sai Ai, try to interfere with the spirits of all the opponents at the same time, so that they can experience the feeling of being in a quagmire."

"As for me, I'll be adaptable in the middle and help you find and fill in the gaps!"

"Furthermore, once the time is right, don't be stingy with me. Immediately release "Spirit World" and try to solve the problem in one breath!"

Sainsai heard this and immediately questioned Added:

"But what if when the time comes these hunters choose to scatter and flee?"

Ding Moruo answered without hesitation:

"They If you dare to do this, we at worst will follow suit!"

"Leave that pink-haired girl to Fente, the owner of the blood python to me, and you are responsible for the last mouse boy, just in time The third hunter is obviously more skilled than the previous two, so you can catch up even with your foot strength alone."

"In short, none of them can run away!"

Sainsai heard this, and nodded agreed immediately:

"Well, let's do it like this."

So Ding Mo Luo sounded. Battle horn.

"Okay, let's start now, Fente, you go first!"

Fente closed his eyes and inhaled, and the whole Insect body began to contract sharply like a spring.

After the pair of old eyes suddenly opened with deep ruthlessness, a majestic and mighty power of Aura erupted from her body and limbs, causing Defente's entire body to burst into flames. The person instantly turned into a huge and hideous black arrow, and it was aimed at the shadow of python in the distant sky and shot at it!

Ding Moruo and Saiin Saiai followed closely from behind, thus officially launching the final round of the chase!

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield.

『Swallowing the Master Drawing Python』 moved towards the edge of the plateau area at a very fast speed and flew straight.

Inside its huge body, Ye Chen, Oke, and Wei Meng are suspended together in a huge bubble.

After going through battles and dangers at different times and places, the three young hunters are finally able to meet again.

However, since the current situation is still dangerous, everyone has no lyrical leisure and mood at the moment.

Ye Chen swam forward at full speed while driving the "Drawing Python", and quickly exchanged information on the enemy's abilities with his teammates.

After a brief exchange, Ye Chen, Oke, and Wei Meng all obtained the labyrinth relics and the Life Source Aura technique of Dimolo, Fente, and Saiin Saiai. In order to gain a more comprehensive understanding, it allows oneself to take the lead in intelligence.

After initially sharing the enemy's ability information, Ye Chen turned to Ou Ke and said:

"Ou Ke, briefly describe what happened after you entered the "Wonderland Rubik's Cube" ."

Ou Ke replied calmly:

"I first arrived in a river gorge area, where I met three female clowns."

"They were born in a sweet family, and then I killed them all."

"After that, I continued to explore the rest of the Rubik's Cube area, all the way to this plateau. Immediately killed Dunke, but was obstructed by Fente and another iron-helmeted man, so he could only choose to escape, and finally saw you chasing another clown and came here."

Ye Chen listen Well, nodded pondered then said:

"That is to say, before you came here, you already got rid of three clowns... I know."

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