Aura Hunter

Chapter 892

At the same time, Oke briefly recounted all the intelligence information here including Dunke, Fente, Saiinsaiai and the others to Ye Chen, and then reminded in a worried tone:


"Up to now, the three backbones of the Joyous Theater have all assembled here, and it is almost impossible for the two of us to kill Dunke under their obstruction. So what should we do next? Is it time to run away and find others?"

Ou Ke originally thought that the arrival of Ye Chen would bring about a direct reversal of the situation, but didn't expect and He came along with the last backbone clown, a terrifying and powerful enemy who was at the same perverted level as Fente and Saiinsaiai.

In this way, the Joker's side is equivalent to all three of the strongest battle strengths.

On the hunter's side, Ye Chen and Ou Keren not to mention, Ye Chen was injured by a severed finger just to protect Ou Ke, and the overall situation seems to be much more severe than before. .....

However, in the face of such a desperate battle strength gap, Ye Chen replied calmly to Oke:

"Don't worry, Let's stand here first and take a look at the situation."

Ou Ke listened, his face suddenly froze.

It is obvious that there is an urgent situation at the moment, and it is necessary to rush to make action decisions before the clown makes a move, but Ye Chen seems to be so calm now, where does his confidence come from?

However, just when Ou Ke was deeply confused about this question, a sound suddenly came from under her feet, which instantly dispelled Ou Ke's doubts...

Seeing that Ou Ke was rescued by Ye Chen from Ding Moruo in time, Fente couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and then rushed all the way to Ding Moruo's side.

Ding Moruo turned his head and looked towards Fente who came to his side, and said with a playful tone:

"Yo, Fente, I won't see you for a while, why is your expression wrinkled? Like a bitter gourd?"

Fente ignored Ding Moro's joke, but warned fiercely:

"Ding Moro! You know, you almost I killed my long-lost daughter!"

Ding Moruo was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked towards the huntress who was staying with Ye Chen on the surface below, and then he rushed to the ground in disbelief. Tei asked:

"Is she the little girl you were kidnapped by hunters in the past?"

Fente was heavily nodded.

"Yeah! Now our mother and daughter are finally together again, this big happy event was almost ruined by you just now!"

Ding Moruo coldly smiled .

"Oh! Even if that's the case, she was staring at Lao Tzu's head just now! Why, I can't even defend myself? Even more how, this little girl is obviously on the hunter's side, I guess Don't remember you at all? Now, you are it possible that you plan to capture her alive?"

Fente nodded affirmed without the slightest hesitation:

"That's right She must be captured alive, and I will be responsible for this matter! You must not interfere! Otherwise, I will fight with you!"

Ding Moruo frowned with disdain.

"It's such a time, why are you still fighting in this nest? You old woman is really troublesome! But, is this really good? Now the guy holding your daughter is your big enemy Oh?"

Fente's expression was startled, she looked down at Ye Chen next to Ou Ke, and quickly asked Ding Moruo:

"Ding Moruo, what are you saying? What do you mean!?"

Ding Moruo explained slowly with an expression of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune:

"This kid has killed Titino, and your dear The other two daughters, Ruilin and Nicola."

Fente's entire face instantly turned to petrification, and then her wrinkled face began to twitch frantically.

"What ——————!?"

"Rillin, Nicola, was killed by this male hunter ——————!?"

"Are you sure---------!?"

Ding Moruo replied calmly:

"Yes, is it possible that you think In this situation, am I still in the mood to play tricks on you?"

Fente's expression froze, as if struck by lightning, her whole body was stuck in place, and she fell into a shocked sluggishness.

Fente lost her overwhelming majority of her family in today's war, leaving only five precious daughters headed by Betasha.

They are the wealth that Fente values most in life. As a result, now Ding Mo Luo suddenly told Fente that the second daughter and third daughter have died in Ye Chen's hands one after another.. ....

Such a sudden and cruel reality cast a cold shadow on Defente's face, and the whole person immediately started talking to himself in a trembling voice.


"My lovely second daughter and third daughter . ....."

"It's just a few dozen minutes never get back to mother?"

"How...will it become like this..."

"There are only so many old children left, why is reality still like this to me? Cruel?"

Speaking of this, the pair of eyeballs stuffed in the old eyelids, then a large piece of scarlet bloodshot appeared, looking like a densely packed distorted worm tide, straight Staring at Ye Chen below the surface, he was fierce as if he was going to devour him alive.

"Well...wú wú wú..."

"They are all smart and very difficult to deal with... "

"If you don't use some despicable means, how can you kill them all?"

"Ah! Damn hunters! Dirty scum!"

"Ah! p>

“a debt of blood must be paid in blood...”

“I absolutely want you a debt of blood must be paid in blood ah aaahhhh ———— ——————————————!”

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