Aura Hunter

Chapter 890

Ye Chen never imagined that Ou Ke happened to be in this plateau area, and now he planned to directly intervene in his battle with Ding Moruo!

At the same time, Ding Moluo, who was far away from Ye Chen, was also running at a rapid rate.

(The purple light beam is the movement made by Dunke, indicating that he is now casting spells in this place!)

(But what is this pink light? We There is no one with this style in the team at all!)

(And there seems to be a big insect behind it?)

(That's... Fente !?)

(Oh, I get it!)

(It looks like another hunter who is in a hurry to die!)

Only via short After a brief moment of analysis and thinking, Ding Moluo had a general understanding of the current situation.

And at the moment when he sorted out the situation, Ou Ke rushed directly to Ding Moruo several kilometers away at the terrifying speed of breakthrough sound.

However, in the face of such a scene, Ding Moruo's face not only showed no fear, but instead revealed a hideous smile full of banter and excitement.

Fente, who was left behind by Ou Ke, screamed hysterically:

"Ding Moruo, don't kill her————!"

However, Fente's voice couldn't keep up with Oke's speed.

I saw Ou Ke's figure flashing all the way to Ding Moruo's 100 meters away with an unstoppable momentum, and then the seven sword edges turned into a gorgeous sword light together. In the next second, I will send the deepest greetings to the flesh and blood of Ding Moluo!

At the same time, the "Doom Apparatus" located on both sides of Din Moro's body began to turn wildly, and the countless invisible wires were shrouded in Oke's silhouette like a downpour. come!

Although Oke couldn't see any outline of the thread, he could still sense the energy fluctuations of a densely packed piece of energy from the air.

However, even so, Ouke had no intention of stopping at all. After all, she had left another crimson virtual lotus on the road ahead of time.

It is precisely because of such an insurance measure that Ou Ke dares to attack as boldly as he is now.

Even if she encounters an unexpected attack next, Ou Ke can completely return to her original position immediately through the relic effect of "Scarlet Silk Feet", just like escaping from Saiin Saiai before. that's the case!

However, all of the above is only Oke's personal opinion after all.

At this moment, even if Ouke can recognize Ding Moruo's identity, she has no experience with Ding Moruo before, so she cannot know the essence of Ding Moruo's ability in advance.

Ding Moruo's attack method of fuse the Aura technique with the labyrinth relics can be described as a "touch and die" nirvana technique!

If Oke's body was really attacked by Ding Moluo's ability, then whether it was her blade or hair, even if the contact surface was only a little trifling, even if the contact time was only a short moment, The effect of "block decomposition" is also enough to instantly spread to Oke's limbs like a virus!

At that time, that terrifying price cannot be offset by the Sakura Hunter's spatial displacement ability alone!

Once there is a head-on contact with Ding Mo Luo's attack, then Oke will never find a chance to escape!

Ok doesn't know anything about this!

And her fatal omission in intelligence is exactly what Ding Moruo is willing to see!

Then, the sword-blade streamer transformed by Oke rushed straight to the inescapable net released by Ding Moluo!

However, just before Oke was about to take the initiative to take the risk, the blood-red python who originally chased and killed Ding Moruo suddenly bypassed Ding Moruo, and rushed into the "Doomsday" without the slightest hesitation. The ropes of "Ku" surrounded the net, and then took a step to block Ou Ke!


Facing such a sudden situation, Ou Ke's expression suddenly froze, but his body still immediately withdrew the momentum and sword glow.

pēng pēng pēng pēng bang!

Then, the rugged scale armor of the blood-red python ushered in a full range of disintegration and collapse under the entanglement of the massive thread.

A miniature version of "Swallowing the Lord Drawing Python" broke out of the shell, and then moved towards Ouke without stopping!

Looking at python's huge bloody mouth, Ou Ke understood it, and he didn't dodge or evade. The whole person just let python swallow himself in one mouthful.

Witnessing this scene, Ding Moruo, who was in the back, thought to himself in a cold voice:

(Ha! hero saving the beauty? How can there be such an easy thing to do? !)

I saw his arms drive the "Doom Apparatus" to rotate suddenly, so more hidden strings poured out like a tsunami, and in the blink of an eye it turned into countless tight cobwebs At the same time, all the escape routes of "Swallowing the Lord and Drawing Python" were blocked!

(It’s just right, let me solve the two of you together!)

Seeing this, the blood-red python didn’t hesitate at all, and rushed directly to the cobweb defense line below, Demonstrated a fierce "Blood Cannon of the King Python", intending to use brute force to forcibly break through the siege of Ding Moruo!

The majestic blood cannon erupted, blasting away the spider web underneath in one breath.

However, Ding Moruo had already anticipated this situation, and tightened the harnesses in other directions early, so that python had just reached the position of the gap, and the gap in front of him was more secretly raised. The line is blocked!

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