Aura Hunter

Chapter 882

Fente's Life Source Aura technique is to make the meridian network and muscle fibers of the limbs grow and proliferate in a short period of time, thereby greatly enhancing the movement ability and operation precision of the limbs.

At first glance, the effect of this ability is somewhat unremarkable.

After all, compared with other strong and fierce monsters, Homo sapiens, who are known for their wisdom and only have two hands and two legs, has no strong athletic ability, so the development potential of limbs alone will not be strong. Where to go, let alone, with a series of general Aura techniques such as "spiritual eyes", "spiritual ears", and "spiritual space", nightmare sensors with other abilities can also achieve similar effects.

So if this type of Life Source Aura is awakened in human beings, it will undoubtedly become a mediocre or even weak ability, thus greatly restricting the upper limit of awakened's strength.

However, when the awakened object becomes Fent, everything is different...

Because Fent's physical structure and Homo sapiens with only two hands and two legs is completely different.

She's a bug.

Fente and humans have similar body parts, only "above the chest" and "below the pelvis".

The waist and abdomen in the middle of Fente's body is a slender Insect Body with a total length of more than thirty meters, with hundreds of tiny complex feet like centipede growing on the left and right sides. .

Fente is normally used to curling this insect's body into a ball, which allows her to successfully create a bloated Old Lady image for herself, which will only reveal her true body when she is real.

The racial innate talent with hundreds of compound feet, combined with the muscle fibers and god meridian network derived from the Life Source Aura technique of Fente, is finally enough to make every one of her A tiny compound foot can be turned into a short, sturdy, flexible and precise arm.

In this way, Fente is equivalent to having hundreds of many limbs capable of wielding swords at the same time, possessing a terrifying frequency that is equal to a hundred rounds of action with one attack, and the ability benefits obtained from it are far greater. Not normal Homo sapiens can mention on equal terms.

Combined with her centipede's agile body that is generally suitable for swimming in the air, "Spiritual Space" and many other general-purpose Aura techniques to enhance maneuverability, Fente is able to use "attack speed", The two physical attributes of "movement speed" have been strengthened to an outrageous level that is beyond the reach of ordinary nightmare sensors.

And, these are just the hard conditions at the basic level.

In addition to the distinctive fleshy body, Fente herself has shown Peak's perception of sword technique since she was a child. Not only is her body suitable for swinging a sword, but her brain is also naturally suitable for learning. sword.

As a result, Fente, who integrates the two soft and hard conditions of "powerful body" and "extreme skill" in one body, has gradually developed her own "Hundred Swords Flow" tactics. .

After that, Fente went through a long period of cultivation and fighting, and started with "insect nest sword rain", a maze relic that perfectly matched her style, and finally reached the strength of her life all the way. The peak has become the top powerhouse at the level of the 5th layer nightmare realm.

The experienced Fente dare not say that she is the strongest in the same realm, but she dares to declare that she is the melee Number One Person among them.

And her confidence comes from the mountain of corpses of the same kind that have been piled up under her sword for a hundred years.

A small group of them are crazy clowns who piss her off, while most of the rest are the Aura hunters she hates.

The dead are piled up together in an innumerable number, and the blood pools in a river.

Overwhelming majority's death is dismembered and decapitated, like a rag doll cut open by scissors step by step.

In addition to the fact that Finte normally uses textiles as a leisure fun, over time, she has obtained the terrifying name of "The Tailor Clown" at the Pleasure Theater...

Time goes back to the present.

Facing the youngest daughter Momo who met again after many years, Fente was smiling, but she still showed her true body decisively. The small palm holds hundreds of sharp and hard worm-eye blades at the same time.

Because Oke's growth and transformation have greatly exceeded Fente's expectations.

She not only reached the same 5th layer nightmare realm as Fente at the age of 20, but also performed a swift and violent attack one after another, forcing Fente to be a little inattentive. It will suffer heavy losses, which naturally leads to the latter having to start taking it seriously.

As a result, Fente officially switched to the "Hundred Swords State" of galloping countless death battles. It looked like a terrifying centipede wearing a group of swords as armor. But the long hair and the lithe and graceful "seven swords" with the long hair and the ribbon wrapping the feet just constitute a very sharp contrast between the old and the ugly.

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