Aura Hunter

Chapter 877

Watching Fente suddenly turn into an old tearful, ecstatic look of excitement, at this moment, even Saiin Saiai, who has a calm personality, can't help but startled, feeling deeply unfathomable mystery. So that there are some hairs on the back.

"Momo? Your youngest daughter? Fente, what are you talking about?"

Fente raised her hand to wipe the tears from her cheeks, and then In a trembling voice, he briefly explained to Saiyen:

"Twenty years ago, a vile hunter came to my house and kidnapped one of my daughters."

"I thought she'd already died in the labyrinth...but...but..."

"She has reappeared now In front of my eyes————!"

"Momo is still alive————!"

"Back then, she was brought to holy by that beast Light Pure Land, and then grew up there, and finally became one of the hunters who came to hunt us down today————!"

Sayin Saiai heard this, and suddenly recalled it in his mind. , Fente did talk about this incident a lot at the Pleasure Theater before.

And the reason why Fente hated the Aura hunter so much to the extreme, 90% of the reasons have to be attributed to this abducted girl.

So, after thoroughly understanding the unexpected situation Fente is facing now, the surprise that filled Saiin Saiai's heart instantly rose to a whole new level.

"What? The hunter who appears now is the child you used to talk about? Isn't this too coincidental?"

Fente looked ecstatic Dikka said with a smile:

"A coincidence?"


"Dear Saiin Saiai, this is not a coincidence, and It's fate!"

"Sure enough, a trifling bastard has the ability to cut off the blood ties between child and mother!"

"No matter how tortuous the process is , after so many years, we mother and daughter will be able to meet again soon! This is the fate of our destiny! Hahahahaha!"

Saiin Saiai questioned in a surprised tone:

"But, based on appearance alone, can you really be sure that it's her?"

Fente's tone couldn't wait to replied:

"hmph! Understood. If a person can't even recognize her own child's appearance, then she simply doesn't have the qualification to call herself mother!"

"Anyway, I'll go find her now!"

"Sainsai, you stay here and guard Dunker well!"

Sainsai hesitated for a while, then quickly reminded:

"Wait! Fente! Even if she's really your daughter, she's still wearing a hunter's uniform now!"

"Since she's appeared on this occasion, you How can you be sure that she won't kill you?"

"Is it possible that she has already experienced the brainwashing of the hunting group and has completely forgotten your existence!"

However, Fente responded indifferently to this in a cold voice:

"hmph, I can solve all these problems by myself. It's not your turn to worry about it here. Just wait here!"

When the voice fell, Fente immediately stepped on the ground and rose into the air, the whole person turned into a dark blue streamer, moved towards the distant sky and ran fast.


Watching Fente's back leaving, Saiin Saiai worried about what would happen next, and involuntarily sighed softly, Immediately, he stayed silently beside Dunke and continued his guarding work.


Experienced the slaughter with Betasha, Foyle, Parry Hame and other old friends, after that, Oke followed his intuition and traveled through it one after another. Five different Rubik's Cube worlds, the result on the way can be said to be nothing, and half of the shadows of friends and enemies are not seen.

However, just after Oke continued to shuttle through the edge of the fifth world, and arrived at this brand-new and unfamiliar plateau area, she soon realized that she had finally found the right one this time. place.

I saw that the sky of the plateau was completely eroded and occupied by a strange purple light.

At the same time, thousands of shattered huge cracks spread across the entire space like fixed lightning.

Oke once learned about Dunke's "Reflection Box" relic information from Kadaisy, so naturally he immediately understood these purple lights and cracks, which was Dunke's ability to activate the relic. best show.

So she immediately flew over the rushing river, up the steep cliff, into the flat plateau, and then turned to look around the scenery in all directions.

Then, Ou Ke was in the center of the distant plateau without any difficulty, and saw a purple beam of light rising into the sky, like the waist of a giant tree, now entrenched in this world. It grows and thrives all the way.

Obviously, this is the source of energy that causes the entire space to move.

(Dunke is likely to be there!)

After realizing this, Ou Ke immediately leaned down and flew to the low altitude, and then he mustered his strength to break through the layers. The sound barrier, moved towards the source of the purple light, dashed all the way.

"It's still ten minutes... Do you know how much we can't wait now?"

After hearing Dunke's answer, Fente's face suddenly changed. Appearing even more manic, the pestle gnashing teeth in place for a while, and then even sent a fiercely threat to the other party.

"Okay, then I'll give you another ten minutes... After ten minutes, if you don't get this damn cube, then let me get you done myself!"


Dunk didn't say a word, kept silent, and continued to focus on the erosion work at hand.

Fente then walked back and forth anxiously.

After all, the longer it drags on, the more likely it is that something will happen to her five daughters.

Thinking of this, Fente suddenly rubbed her yellowish old teeth into clucking noises. It was like a humanoid bomb with a fuse ignited. It seemed that it would explode out of control anytime, anywhere. possible.

As for Saiin Saiai's appearance, it's completely different from Fente. He just held a white cloth and lowered his head to wipe his rusty soldering iron silently, calm and composed like an outsider.

"Ahhh...what if my daughters continue to decline..."

"They are all my hard work over the years. My baby...I only have the last five left..."

"If anything happens to them, I am a lonely old woman, my future How are you going to live your life?"

Fente walked faster and faster, thinking more and more anxiously, like a lunatic who was about to be crushed by pressure, and it didn't take long before he fell into talking to himself in panic.

"Fente, calm down."

Sainsai wiped the soldering iron in his hand and warned Fenty repeatedly at a moderate pace:

"We need you to scout the surroundings now. If your attention continues to be so distracted, if a fish that escaped the net gets in later, then we will be in big trouble."

Fente raised her head in anger and said:

"My attention has always been very concentrated! Just shut up and wait there honestly! When I hear your nonsense, let me I'm even more upset..."

However, before Fente's grumbling was finished, her tone suddenly stopped, as if she had been struck by lightning, The irritability that filled the old faces first turned into sudden surprise, and then into intense vigilance.

"Someone came from Formation in the south!"

Facing this sudden situation, Saiin Saiai immediately put down the white cloth in his hand.

"How many people? Which side?"

Fente closed his old wrinkled eyes, sharing his vision with the eyes of the sword-blade worm lurking in the distance. Explain the situation to Saiin Saiai in one sentence:

"There is only one person at the moment!"

"That black trench coat... There is no doubt that the other party is a hunter Over there."

"Also, it looks like it's still a huntress?"

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