Aura Hunter

Chapter 875

The former Aura hunter, now the crazy clown, Dunke, is sitting cross-legged on the ground at this time, closing his eyes and turning his palms up, ignoring the conversation between Fente and Saiin Saiai.

At the same time, a Rubik's Cube printed with curved lines was stably suspended in front of Dun Ke, slowly turning, and continued to bloom with a deep purple light.

I saw thousands of filaments of light flying out from the different squares of the Rubik's Cube, and then quietly moving towards the sky above Dun Ke's head.

The real body of this Rubik's Cube is the fifth-order labyrinth relic held by Dunke - the "Reflection Box".

As early as half an hour ago, it had been copied by Dunke into the form of the "Magic Cube", thus temporarily obtaining the ability of the labyrinth relic held by Kadace.

With such a unique and unique technique, even in such a magic cube cage, Dunke still has the ability to erode the world in front of him, so he has a discussion with Kadace behind the scenes about "The Magic Cube". battle for control.

And if Dunke hadn't made a shot, the clowns who fell into the cube would have been separated and dispersed by Kadaixi one after another, and then by the rest of the hunters one by one in the single state. Encirclement and suppression obliterated.

For today's clown side, Dunke plays a pivotal role, and his life is now worth more than anyone else.

Therefore, if Fante and Sainzai want to leave here alive, they must do their best to ensure Dunke's personal safety.

Agreeing on this matter, Fente immediately waved his arms and summoned hundreds of rapiers in one breath.

I saw that these rapiers were all covered with lacquer black light. The surface of the swords was engraved with countless twisted patterns like insect feet. The huge compound eyes are inlaid in the center, blinking in the blink of an eye, and it looks like a living weapon transformed by Insect.

And this entire group of blades constructed from insect-eye rapiers is the fifth-order attack-type labyrinth relic held by Fente, and its name is "insect nest sword rain".

Its core relic effect is to endow the contractor with a powerful, huge, attackable, retreatable, bladed army that can be freely manipulated and mobilized, and each worm-eye sword The blade also has extremely special regeneration and reproduction characteristics.

Even if Fente damaged 99% of the worm-eye rapier in a battle, the remaining 1% of the worm-eye rapier can gradually increase the number of relics over time. Completion, just for the "insect nest" title it has.

And this labyrinth relic, which focuses on "attack" and "sustainability", is a perfect fit for Fente, who is born specializing in hand-to-hand combat, and then helps her develop a set of extremely terrifying melee capabilities. system.

However, in addition to these characteristics, "insect nest sword rain" also has another special function, that is, the insect eye attached to each blade can share the field of vision with Fente, which is It is said that in the case of Fente's need, the insert nest blade can also act as a sentinel group to carry out auxiliary work such as reconnaissance and alert for Fente, and the detection range can reach up to ten kilometers.

As for the part of the "insect nest sword rain" that has been released by Fente Summon, then under Fente's spiritual instruction, they flew to the periphery zone of the plateau world in batches to sneak in secret.

In this way, Fente can monitor the situation of the whole area at all times through the insect eyes of the sword group, so that she can immediately detect any movement from other Rubik's cube areas. .

After this warning deployment, Fente and Saiin Saiai stayed in place, guarding Dunke, silently watching him work in an orderly manner until the entire Rubik's Cube world was completely breached. ......

Twenty minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

Compared to before, the momentum created by Dunke's "Reflection Box" has now expanded countless times.

The brilliance of deep purple has completely captured the vast sky, and the densely packed space crack continues to extend from it, like a fixed gray electricity tearing the sky one after another, continuously pouring into Fente and Sainzai Ai's eyes.

However, even so, Fente was extremely dissatisfied with this kind of work efficiency, and immediately questioned Dunke in an anxious tone:

"Dunke, you just now. Didn't it take only ten minutes to solve all this? But now it's almost twenty minutes, why are we still trapped here?"

Dunk sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, his voice hoarse Replied:

"The reason why I said that just now is because the owner of this Rubik's Cube world is seriously injured, so I conclude that her body and mind won't last long..."

"However, not long ago, her spirit strength gradually became stronger..."

"I guess someone from outside is constantly treating her, so she It makes this Rubik's Cube world even more difficult to break."

Sainsai's eyes sank instantly after hearing this.

"This means that there are other hunters in the outside world to support and control the ability of the healing system..."

Fente was originally worried The safety of the daughters, and now hearing Dunke's reply, his demeanor immediately became extremely irritable.

"Then how long will it take you to solve all this damn thing!?"

Dunk continued to close his eyes and replied:

"Ten minutes, come again at most In ten minutes, I will have complete control of this world."

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