Aura Hunter

Chapter 872

Although Ding Moruo tried his best to lean back, the front of his torso still couldn't escape the slashing of Ye Chen's blood sickle, so his chest, waist and abdomen were slashed by the sharp sickle on the spot. A huge tear was torn out.

However, such a very ruthless raid seemed to have perfectly hit Ding Moruo's heart and lungs, but when Ye Chen's eyes swept towards Ding Moruo along the bloody scythe After the wound, he did not see the broken organ he expected in it.

At this moment, the chest and abdomen wound in Ye Chen's eyes is empty!

Ye Chen could only see a layer of red and black flesh in it, and even the outline of Ding Moruo's spine could not be found!

Seeing such a strange situation, Ye Chen's eyes changed, and he immediately swept his eyes to the inner ends of Ding Moruo's wound.

Immediately, he vaguely saw two piles of sticky cubes, now crowded at the ends of Ding Moruo's torso, as if they were evacuated neatly to avoid Ye Chen's fatal slash. The team that came was average.

I saw that they were red or white in color, and some had blood vessels all over their surfaces, and some had joint textures all over their surfaces.

And these are the real organs and skeletons of Ding Moruo!

It turned out that before suffering Ye Chen's fatal attack, Ding Moruo had already launched the ability of "building block mutation" on himself, thus instantly compressing the volume of his organs and skeleton, and Also changed their positions at the same time!

Through such a flexible means of survival, Ding Moruo took the initiative to control the vital points of his torso to dodge at the moment of the attack, thus narrowly avoiding the blood sickle whistling from Ye Chen, So that the latter only split the surface skin of his chest and abdomen!

And when Ye Chen's pure blood sickle completely scratched Ding Moruo's skin and flesh, a square pattern emerged on the surface of Ding Moruo's chest and abdomen, and then it was like a zipper. Luo's epidermal tear was instantly sutured back!

Witnessing this scene, Ye Chen's eyes immediately sank.

(Sure enough! The clown's Aura technique can also work on himself! It's not so easy to solve him!)

Next, Ye Chen is holding the blood The sickle, retreating violently, seems to be worried that his body is temporarily lacking the protection of the air cushion and blood armor, so he did not launch a pursuit at Ding Mo Luo, but re-opened the distance with Ding Mo Luo.

At the same time, Ding Moruo's gray face was immediately filled with fury after the thrill.

Although he had given up the nerve pain many years ago, and now he has successfully survived Ye Chen's very ruthless attack through his own unique method, in fact, it is not an encounter at all. What's the trouble...

However, even so, Ding Moruo never expected that Ye Chen would be forced to be so embarrassed that the whole person's emotions suddenly changed Become fly into a rage out of humiliation.

(You damned stinky bastard!)

So, it was Ding Moruo’s turn to chase after Ye Chen. .

He was fully aware of the threat Ye Chen had, so he naturally gave Ye Chen a chance to retreat and rectify.

The next moment, the older clown used the skills of "Ling Kong" to the limit, instantly shortening the distance between the two sides, and immediately planned to kill the young hunter on the spot!

However, before Ding Moruo could once again activate his pair of ready-to-go 'doom devices', another silhouette suddenly stopped in front of Ding Moruo.

And it is the "Swallowing the Lord Painted Python" that was thrown away by Ding Moruo earlier!

At the moment when he grabbed the attention of the mortal enemy and was attracted by the master's close confrontation, the little python succeeded in narrowing the distance between himself and his prey, and even with the bloody python that had already opened up wildly The mouth, with the extremely concentrated "pure blood" in the throat, flashed to Ding Moruo's short one meter in one breath!

Ye Chen's offensive isn't over yet!

I am the first to attack, the relics to attack later, the division of labor and cooperation, and the joint fight against the enemy!

This is the full picture of the bloodsmith hunter's attack!


Facing such a terrifying scene, Ding Moruo's expression changed dramatically, and the ruthless expression in his eyes once again turned into tension color.

The two sides only made eye contact for a brief moment, and Ding Moruo was able to feel an incomparable and extreme threat from the red blood light accumulated in the mouth of python. Horror oppression force.

As a result, Ding Moruo had to immediately choose to switch from attack to defense, and urgently recalled the thousands of hidden wires that were originally intended to attack Ye Chen, thus wrapping his silhouette in turn. It has become a line cocoon with no dead ends in all directions.

The next second, python's roar pierced through the sky, shaking the earth, sweeping the entire forest world like a sign of the end of the world.

"Roar ——————!"

At the same time, the owner of python also gave an order decisively in his heart.

"Blood Cannon of King Python"...

Output 500% ——————!

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