Aura Hunter

Chapter 869

I saw that the hidden string of the "Doom Apparatus" quickly wrapped around the huge body of the "Master Swallowing Python", and then was cut off by the latter's spiky scales.

However, while getting rid of these deadly entanglements, the surface of the red python's scales also appeared with hundreds of square lines.

That's a symbol of Timorro's successful activation of his Aura.

"Turn into countless building blocks and disintegrate---------!"

Ding Moruo said with a big smile in a frenzy.

The next second, the rugged shell of "Swallowing the Lord Painted Python" was just as Ding Moruo had expected, and it turned into countless blood-colored blocks in front of his eyes, and then went from scratch to The tail ushered in an all-round brutal explosion.

Boom ——————!

Ding Moruo watched the scene of "Swallowing the Lord and Drawing Python" disintegrating, his face was full of relief, and then he swept his gaze to the blood mist behind him.

(This kid will definitely not be stupid enough to risk diving into this giant snake, but hide in the blood mist behind to observe the situation secretly...Come on, let me do it Let's see what kind of cleverness you will make next!)

Thinking of this, Ding Moruo's eyes suddenly jumped with anticipation.

He knows that Ye Chen can solve Ruilin, Nicola, and Taitino one after another with one person's strength. Naturally, it is impossible to be a reckless and mindless stunner, so of course it is impossible to be like this. die easily.

However, for this question, Ding Moruo was only half right.

Ye Chen is indeed impossible to die recklessly.

However, this is completely different from whether he exists in the body of "Swallowing the Lord Painted Python".

Just when Ding Moruo arbitrarily identified the blood mist that Ye Chen himself was lurking behind, and turned his eyes and attention there...

Among the fragments of the giant snake that exploded in Ding Moruo's eyes, another red silhouette suddenly appeared.


Feeling the strange situation from the edge of the corner of the eye, Ding Moruo's expression suddenly condensed, so he turned his head like lightning and looked back at the original blood python's disintegration. Location.

Then, the clown was stunned to find that, in the distance between the piles of python skin blood clots that exploded in the distance, another "Swallowing the Lord Painted Python" actually jumped out!

Compared with the blood-red python just now, it has shrunk in size and size, as if it has removed a layer of armor on the surface, so it moved in an imposing manner. towards Ding Moruo continued to gallop.

Faced with such an unexpected situation, Ding Moruo's heart suddenly fell into shock.


(What's going on!?)

(My 'Doom Tool' only needs to touch its thread The scales on the body surface, then the effect of "block decomposition" will inevitably spread all the way to the limbs and bones in its body!?)

(However, why is this giant snake not completely destroyed, it can still be like Is it shedding its skin and drilling out a brand new individual!?)

(How did it do it!?)

Ding Moruo was secretly shocked in disbelief, and then hurriedly Rotating the "Doom Apparatus" in front of him, countless invisible strings came out of the nest again, including all directions of "Swallowing the Lord Drawing Python", and then used the same method as before to kill it from beginning to end. Death is entwined.

Therefore, the scene that had happened before was repeated in front of Din Moro's eyes.

"Doom Apparatus" entangled "Swallowing the Master Drawing Python".

The scales of "Swallowing the Master Painted Python" broke the "Doom Equipment".

Ding Moruo's "Block Breakdown" technique was successfully injected into the rugged body surface of "Swallowing the Lord and Drawing Python".

There are hundreds of square lines on the surface of the scales of "Swallowing the Lord Painted Python".

pēng pēng pēng pēng bang!

Accompanied by a series of armor shattering sounds resounding through the sky, the entire body of the blood python exploded again in front of Ding Moruo's eyes.

However, at the same time, between the dry and cracked blood clots that were densely packed, another smaller "Swallowing the Lord Painted Python" appeared again!

I saw a dazzling red light erupting all over its body, and with a majestic energy stance, the building blocks of the surrounding mutation were sent flying away, preventing them from touching the effect of its own spreading Dimolo's ability. With such a monstrous killing intent, moved towards Ding Moruo all the way!

So far, Ding Ye Chen's face was completely stunned.

The ability spell of "Building Block Breakdown" and the relic effect of "Doom Equipment", the combination of the two gave birth to a deadly ultimate move, allowing countless powerhouses in the past to be in the hands of Ding Moluo Died inexplicably.

However, what Ding Moruo absolutely could not have imagined was...

At this moment, his unique means of fighting the battlefield for many years, is now being Ye Chen cracked it in a weird way!

(What trick did this kid play————!?)

Looking at the thick blood mist of grandiose in front of him, Ding Mo Luo's expression was slightly surprised Sighing loudly:

"Oh! so that's how it is! It's a smart choice to play with me with a smoke bomb?"

For Ye Chen His behavior issued a compliment full of jokes, and saw Ding Moruo's "Doom Equipment" spinning several times in front of him again, when about a hundred hidden wires were moved towards the red blood mist swept in front of him. Sweep away.

After the front end of the whole piece of blood mist comes into contact with the blood mist, the front end of the whole piece of blood mist has a tendency to solidify and agglomerate.

ka ka ka ka ka!

With the rapid spread of thousands of square lines, most of the blood mists are mutated into countless blood-red building blocks. They all ushered in the end of cracking and disintegration, completely unable to reach Ding Mo Luo's close body.

However, just as the mighty blood mist agglomerated and decomposed, a huge silhouette dived and swept out from the end of the blood mist, and continued to swept towards Dimolo.

Ding Moruo looked closely and found that the true body of this silhouette was another blood-red python.

It's just that compared to the "Swallowing the Lord and Drawing Python" that Ding Moruo first saw, the appearance of this blood-red python seems to have undergone some kind of transformation, not only the length of the body has changed from the original one. The 100-meter scale has skyrocketed to 300 meters, and even the width of the body has doubled from the original five-meter diameter to ten meters.

apart from this, the dark red scales all over its body surface, and thousands of sharp and pointed barbs are raised upwards, obviously to deal with the "bad luck equipment." ”, the defensive measures laid out in advance to wrap up the offensive.

However, seeing the grown-up blood-red python approaching with monstrous killing intent, Ding Moruo raised the corner of his mouth indifferently.

Although the hunter's counterattack seems to be very scary, all this is suicidal in the eyes of the clown.

Because, in front of Ding Moluo's ability, no matter how huge the body is, or how arrogant the power is, all of them are meaningless. There is disintegration and disintegration.

As for the barbed scale armor that Ye Chen specially arranged, it is also useless in Ding Moruo's view.

After all, in order to spread the effects of Din Moro's spell, the "Doom Apparatus" only needs to make a single contact with the "Swallowing the Master Painted Python".

So, even if the barbs of the scale armor can tear the flying thread, it can only happen after the contact between the two parties, so Ye Chen's "Swallowing the Lord and Drawing Python" naturally escapes. Do not open the fate of collapse and disintegration.

Ding Moruo was still able to resolve Ye Chen's very ruthless counterattack with no difficulty!

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