Aura Hunter

Chapter 864

After listening to Ding Moruo's death declaration full of madness and bloodthirsty, Ye Chen stood still, his eyes were calm as water and he said slowly:

"Sure... ."

"No matter what you have experienced in the past, no matter what status you have been..."

"You are just an unreasonable lunatic after all. That's it."

Ding Moruo heard this, and the smile on his face became more rampant.

"Hey, I've never been in contact with the 'real' hairless brat, but it sounds tough! Just because I know more than you, so I'm a lunatic? Stop laughing!"

Ye Chen responded indifferently:

"No, I don't care what the 'real' you are talking about, but you are now on the side as a victim and chattering, blame the gods and accuse others, while constantly taking pleasure in torture and killing, and treating the sinful body as a mission-like perpetrator, it really makes me feel sick from the bottom of my heart."

"Ding Moruo ...I have to admit that your past and background were beyond my imagination at one time, and compared to other clowns, you are really different."

"But, with this At the same time, you are far more filthy, more disgusting, and more deserving of being chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades than their bastards."

Din Moruo looked arrogant. Laugh wildly.

"Hahaha! You really know how to talk, boy! In that case, what are you going to do?"

Ye Chen no longer restrained his breath, and let the feeling in his own The monstrous killing intent that had been suppressed for a long time swept out towards the outside world, and the whole person instantly burst into a dazzling red light, like a messenger who came from hell in blood and came to ask the wicked for his life.

"The victims today and in the past..."

"I'll give you all the taste they felt before they died."

" p>

"You will never die happily."

Ding Moruo's eyes were blood red, the corners of his mouth were raised, and his tone was sneered with excitement:

"hehe, a continuous The kid who is not familiar with "Spirit World" has the courage to say this to me, it seems that you are dying and you are unconscious~"

Ye Chen gave a resolute expression. Reply:

"Who is dying, we will see the result soon."

The voice fell, and the blood light was shot from the front feet of the bloodsmith hunter. Then he slammed on the stone ground under him.

Boom ——————!

Withstanding such a terrifying trampling act by Ye Chen, the entire 100-meter cliff, which was the place of conversation between the two sides, ushered in a full-scale explosion and collapse in such an instant.

Boom ——————!

Faced with the sudden shock, Ding Moruo jumped on tiptoe with a calm expression, and the whole person immediately used the "spiritual sky" technique to soar high into the sky.

However, then, the power of Aura that poured into the surface from the sole of Ye Chen's shoes was transformed into countless jets of bright red lava, and the countless rock blocks were moved towards the foam like foam. The silhouette of Din Moro ejected.

Seeing this, Ding Moruo shook the space bracelet on his wrist while stepping in the air to dodge.


A pair of black and white things flashed on both sides of Ding Moruo's body along with the dark tide of light flashing from it.

These are two odd pieces of equipment made of overlapping different crosses, the size of which is the same size as the human body. It is a kind of object with large and small scale-like skull skulls inlaid on its surface, as if to record various sins committed by its owner in the past.

It is the relic of the labyrinth held by Dimolo - the "Doom Gear".

And at the same time when the building block clown summons out the maze relics,

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