Aura Hunter

Chapter 860

Ding Moruo looked at Ye Chen's astonished expression, and then tilted his head and laughed while sighing:

"he he he, look at your silly appearance, it really is This is the first time I have come into contact with the inside story of this level, don't worry, there are still many things that the hunting group is hiding from you, what I just said is just the tip of the iceberg."

Ye Chen was silent. After a while, he asked in a low tone:

"Why did your dean betray the hunting group? Is this also related to the 'previous life' you mentioned just now?"

Ding Moruo hugged his chest and said with a smile:

"Hey, look, don't you immediately become interested in this? I said I won't lie to you!"

"However, as for the answer to your question, I don't know that, because that person's brain circuit is far more insane than our clowns, and he has basically never dealt with us."

"But the truth and what you guessed should be pretty close."

Then, before Ye Chen could continue to speak, Ding Moruo urged:

"I know what you want to say, this question doesn't count, right, okay, then you can change another one."

Seeing Ding Moruo walking around in such a leisurely manner, Ye Chen His eyes flickered a few times.

After all, a deadly battle is inevitable, so Ye Chen should care about these clowns now, not the dean of aloof and remote.

So, Ye Chen put down all doubts about "Dean" in his mind for the time being, turned back to his original thoughts, and asked further in a calm tone:

"Besides you, which other clowns have mastered the "Spirit World"?"

Dimolo replied in a leisurely tone.

"In addition to me, Fente and Saiin will also be there...Although you may not know them, as long as you know this number is enough."

Ye Chen listened, his expression was startled at first, and then became extremely gloomy.

He knew Fant, but he didn't know Saiin Saiai.

However, combined with the previously collected information, these two people could only be the other two hardcore members of the theater who were in the same position as Ding Moro.

(There are three people on the clown's side who control the "Spirit World"...)

Thinking of this, the bloodsmith hunter's eyebrows suddenly tightened.

Ye Chen had previously killed three Peak clowns by himself, plus the smoke squash replaced four Peak clowns, originally thought the situation seemed to have gradually become clear, and then as long as he could kill Ding Moruo this However,

immediately asked Timoro:

"If this is the case, why did you use it alone when you were fighting other Master hunters in the outside world before? What about "Spirit World"?"

Ding Moruo chuckled and replied:

" have to be the second question, okay, I Just let you ask questions in a row... Of course, I will do the same on my side later."

Ye Chen acquiesced.

"The 'Spirit World' is not something you can use if you least for our 5th layer nightmare sensor."

Din Moro Xu Xu explained.

“This kind of ranged move, when multiple people are mixed together to launch it at the same time, not only is it difficult to achieve the benefits of cooperation, but may cause conflicts between the effects of each other.”

“『』 "Spirit World" is like a huge bomb. It is good to have one to control the direction and range of the bombing, but once the number increases, it is easy to harm one's own head."

" So in the melee, we often only choose one of them to launch, so you should understand, right?"

Ye Chen listened and continued to remain silent.

He really knows very little about the concept of "Spirit World", so he can only choose to believe these few words of Ding Moruo for the time being.

Ding Moruo had no objection when he saw Ye Chen, then he slapped his hands on his chest vigorously, and then declared in a loud voice:

"Okay! Your continuous The question-and-answer session is over! Now it's my turn!"

"I told you just now about the dean's past status, and it made you very stupefied, didn't you?"

"Then, let me ask you to guess now, what kind of background did I, Ding Moruo, come from in the past?"

After listening to Ding Moruo's question, Ye Chen's expression changed drastically, as if listening to Ding Moruo's question. What went wrong with unspoken implication.


"is it possible that..."

"You are the same as the Dean From the hunting group!?"

Ding Moruo hugged his chest with one hand, waved his fingers with the other, and responded with a sneer:

"hehe, wrong answer~"

"Can you stop putting everything on your hunters, is there only one kind of extraordinary existence in this world~"

"Let's guess~"

Ye Chen's face was stunned, and after a little thought, the feeling of horror suddenly climbed up his back.

"Not only hunters..."

"Could it be..."

"You came out of the church !?"

After Ye Chen's guess blurted out, Ding Moruo's hands were once again on his chest.


With the sound of a crisp slap, Ding Moruo immediately nodded and said:

"Ans. Answer. Correct. Correct ——————!"

When the voice fell, the man's deep eyes flashed a complex and obscure emotion, and then he gave Ye Chen a naked mockery without a smile.

"It's absurd, right?"

"It's ironic, right?"

"It's not just that the Happy Theatre was founded by a hunting group!"

"Even the chief clown of the Pleasure Theater is from the church!"

"Boy, tell me, is this a fact that you never dared to imagine before! ?"

"It's the same as the existence of this world!"

"Everything is abnormal, isn't it ——————!?"


Ye Chen's eyes twitched, and he immediately asked in a cold voice:

"How did you do it?"

"Inside the church, whether it is Knight or priest , experienced the baptism of Holy Light Power, its body and mind should be impossible to betray holy light..."

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's shocked face was immediately puzzled. Covered, a brand new question emerged in my mind.

(Even if the dean deliberately concealed his identity, but after all, the two sides have been fighting for hundreds of years, this dean must have shown himself Life Source Aura in front of the hunting group. The characteristics of the technique...)

(Then the hunting group impossible didn't realize his identity...)

(This kind of important information should obviously be Immediately make it public...)

(But why didn't the hunting regiment mention this to us until the war started?)

(Could it be concerned about the church's side?)

(After all, the existence of a butcher hunter in the past once caused tension between the hunting group and the church, So if the church finds out that even the boss of the Joyous Theatre is from the hunting group, then it is difficult to guarantee what kind of freezing point the relationship between the hunting group and the church will come to...)

(Mr. Kuize, is it because you are worried about this issue, so you decide to hide the matter, so that we are not willing to put our active hunters in the circle?)

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