Aura Hunter

Chapter 856

In order to collect useful information as much as possible, Ye Chen continued to ask Ding Moruo:

"You just said that the condition for opening "Spirit World" is to remember previous life memory ..... .tentatively assuming this is true, how can this memory be recalled? If I want to control it, is it possible that I have to wait until the memory comes back on its own?"

Ding Moruo responded slowly while rubbing his chin:

"Well, usually, everyone has to wait obediently and honestly. People, waiting for "Spirit World" will only be a matter of time, which is commonly known as where water flows, a canal is formed. However, those who are weak and have no qualifications to recall their previous lives will be useless in their entire lives. ."

"I don't know what's going on with the extreme hunters on your side, but those guys in the master hunter, like the red-haired woman before, must be slowly holding the "Spirit World" in their hands. Wait."

"Who told her to look 'normal'."

Ye Chen's expression changed slightly.

"Usually? Normal? Could there be any abnormal shortcuts to take?"

It seems that Ye Chen would have this reaction, Ding Moruo's The corners of his mouth rose suddenly, revealing a bit of a strong mockery.

"Of course there is~"

"As long as a sufficiently strong Frightening-Soul Sting stimulus can be obtained, the waiting process can be greatly accelerated."

"Whether it's a genius or a mediocre talent, under this stimulation, any results can be revealed immediately~"

After listening to Ding Moruo's answer, Ye Chen's eyes were startled, and he instantly thought of it. to something that matches each other.

At the same time, Ding Moruo flicked his arm and took out a curved dagger from the space bracelet on his wrist.

Its blade looks sharp and angular, but it is made of a large piece of crystal. The ultra-high concentration of labyrinth madness caused a slight discomfort in Ye Chen's heart.

If the ordinary person sees such a terrifying thing with his own eyes, let alone kneeling and vomiting, it is very possible to faint and die on the spot.

And this is the symbolic prop that the crazy clown almost always carries in his hand - the dirty crystal dagger.

Seeing that Ding Moruo suddenly pulled it out, Ye Chen's eyebrows tightened slightly, and then he asked in a cold voice:

"Do you mean... ...."

"Use 'dirty crystals' as a medium for stimulation?"

"Pleasure Theater is used to brainwash the victims, destroy the minds of the victims, and destroy them A tool of the victim's tell me now, it's the shortcut to 'Spirit World'?"

Din Moruo smiled and nodded.


"Have you hunters always thought that dirty crystals are just a disaster that happened to appear in this world? It's just the radiation that has filled the labyrinth with madness for thousands of years. The source? It's just a brainwashing method used by us clowns to expand human power? It must be bad, twisted, dirty?"

"Now, I, Ding Moro, can tell you clearly, These opinions and prejudices just represent the narrow-mindedness and ignorance of the holy light pure land."

"In fact, 'dirty crystal' is just a name on your side..."

"And on our side...its name...the 'Stone of Truth'!"

Ye Chen's eyes changed again Flashing, while lips subconsciously repeating softly:

"The Dirty Crystal...Stone of Truth..."

Din Moro's voice followed It adds several decibels.

"That's right!"

"What this thing represents..."

"It's not filthy!"

"It's real!"

"Do you know why it has a mental and physical devastation effect that makes you panic?"

"Because, the stone of truth does not belong to the original This distorted age! It is a product from the past! It is contrary to the common sense of this world!"

"Because of this, anyone who comes into contact with the Stone of Truth will see himself Scenes and things that shouldn't be seen!"

"These are on your side, used as evil weapons to destroy people's hearts..."

"But in our place It's the right door to 'reality'!"

Ye Chen's expression solidified, and he was silent for a long time, and then slowly said:

"So, what you said This 'reality' is the 'memory' you mentioned just now, isn't it?"

Ding Moruo turned the dirty crystal dagger with his slender fingers, nodded with a smile and affirmed.

"That's right, for those who have previous lives, the corresponding memories are real."

"If you really want to open Spirit World as soon as possible.... .."

"If you really want to get closer to the truth..."

"I can lend you this stone of truth right now. Use it?"

Ding Moruo said as he picked up the edge of the foul crystal dagger and aimed its hilt at Ye Chen.

"Just stab it into your own skin, well, not too hard, just lightly stab..."

"The power of truth is Instantly pours into your body, your brain, your spirit."

"You will see countless truths in it."

"In the end, these truths give you It may bring about the destruction of consciousness or the power of the past."

"And Spirit World is one of the products of the latter!"

"How about it? Don't you want to try it? The feeling of getting the answer right away without having to wait for a long time! As someone who has been here, I can assure you that it is very happy! Very happy!"

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