Aura Hunter

Chapter 851

He stretched out his hand and gently closed his eyelids for the dead Dussalien, Ye Chen's expression returned to calm from regret, and then looked around all around, while quickly running his brain according to the current situation.

The entire death time of the Squad Squad was at least ten minutes.

However, the murderer who killed the six Dusalien did not choose to leave this forest world immediately.

If it was because Dussalien and the others left a lot of wounds on the other party before they died, the murderer had to stay here temporarily to recuperate himself, but the other party would There is no hidden atmosphere, but instead let his powerful coercion permeate between Heaven and Earth, as if he is deliberately telling all the latecomers that he is here now...

This kind of logic before and after is obviously unreasonable.

(The reason why the other party chooses to stay in place so high-profile is because he is seriously injured and deliberately chooses to bluff, or sets traps and deliberately lures the enemy to go deeper, or is it just out of arrogance that he dares to be so casual. Why?)

The above conjectures are all possible in Ye Chen's view. After all, the members of the Joyous Theatre always do as one pleases, temperamental, and it is not too much to speculate on the motives of this group of lunatics. big meaning.

(Perhaps his own existence has already been detected, but the other party has not chosen to take action for the time being.)

Glancing at the quiet and depressing scene in all directions, Ye Chen was silent for a few seconds, then immediately He looked down at Dussalien's pale face again.

Then, the blue eyes of the bloodsmith hunter showed a firm and bright luster.

"Mr. Dussalien..."

Ye Chen looked at Dussalien's corpse and made such an oath.

"I will not let your sacrifices be in vain."

The voice fell, and the bloodsmith hunter stood up, straightening his young and strong back.

Up to now, no matter what the truth is, what he will do next is completely clear.

No matter how powerful or terrifying the enemy is, Ye Chen will not be afraid or flinch.

From the moment the youth decided to take part in this feud...

until now I have witnessed the tragic sacrifice of the seniors...

His goals have not changed from start to finish.

Ye Chen wants to grasp the last period of his own consciousness, and strive to slaughter and slaughter all the ugly prey in front of him, so as to squeeze all the remaining value of his life!

For the many deceased present and in the past, for the peace and prosperity of the holy light pure land, for the bright future of the entire human race, for my original intention and belief...

Ye Chen will do his best to let himself die without regrets!

With this in mind, the bloodsmith hunter immediately vacated in one step, turned into a swift afterimage, and ran towards the source of the coercion.

Ye Chen flew over the top of the mountain, flew down the mountain, and landed silently on a nearby cliff waterfall.

hua hua hua!

The waves are rushing, the sound of the water is rolling, and the water is flying down.

Ye Chen walked quietly to the edge of the cliff, following the trend of the waterfall, looking down 100 meters below the cliff.

There is a quiet stream there.

There is a towering boulder in the center of the stream.

A tall silhouette sits on top of the boulder.

I saw him with his back to the waterfall, shirtless on the upper body, pale skin, black pants on the lower body, slightly ripped, thick black and white hair fluttering in the wind, and a strong back covered with lumpy muscles, There were faint bloodstains on the surface of the skin.

This silhouette, which exists on the top of the giant rock, bends down, sits cross-legged, and seems to be dozing off.

However, his posture looks like still water on the surface, but his body exudes an extremely powerful invisible pressure, so that the waves of water falling from the waterfall, As soon as it landed on a level equal to his, it instantly stopped, and the entire stream connected to the waterfall did not have any ripples for a while, and it looked like a strange area separated by time alone.

Through such a calm observation, Ye Chen immediately realized a fact.

That is, Dussalien died instantly.

He was attacked by a certain ability.

Then, Dussalien didn't get the slightest chance to react, and his whole body was divided into left and right halves from head to toe, and he ushered in a tragic end of on-the-spot brain death.

Ye Chen quickly inspected Dussalien's corpse, then took off his hunter's black ring, and carefully put away the steel nameplate symbolizing the Avatar hunter and the nameplates of the other deceased.

After doing all this, Ye Chen extended the hand again and gently closed Dussalien's dull eyes.

Dusalien himself ranks ninth in the overall career contribution list of active Master hunters.

At the same time, the Gunpowder Squad, led by Dussalien, also ranked ninth in the overall evaluation list of the hunter team.

Although the rankings of these lists do not necessarily represent the strength of individuals and teams, since they can climb to such a high position, it is still enough to show that Dussalien and his gunpowder squad are by no means easy. generation.

Dussalion is very strong.

And the teammates who have worked with him all year round are also very strong.

Even if you look at the inside of the hunting group, which is full of talents, all the members of the Squad Squad are really the elite among the elites.

Ye Chen, who has worked with the six people present, is naturally well aware of this fact.

Ye Chen firmly believes that even if he encounters Ruilin, Nicola, and Taitino who he had met before, the veteran hunting group headed by Dussalien is fully capable of controlling the overall situation, so To obliterate this level of crazy clowns one after another, just like the four clown corpses Ye Chen saw on the battlefield just now.

However, even so, the gunpowder squid was finally extinguished.

The six deceased were all carrying the same style of strange wounds, thus proving that the shooter was the same person.

He killed the entire Squad by the strength of oneself alone.

According to Ye Chen's current intelligence, it is inferred that the clowns on the enemy side who are qualified to achieve all this may only come from three hardcore theater veterans.

As for the candidate with the greatest probability, it is the head of the backbone who is the second only to the dean in the Joyous Theatre. At the same time, it is also confirmed by Kadaixi that she has the same "Spirit World" as herself. A stunt alien powerhouse...

Block Clown Ding Moro!

Ye Chen still doesn't know Ding Moruo's title and name, but he has fully understood the terrorist threat he has.

This mysterious lunatic who alone killed the six people in the gun-smoke square is probably the most dangerous existence in the "Exotic Rubik's Cube" at the moment!

Apart from this, Ye Chen can still clearly feel the outrageous coercion that permeates the entire forest world!

This also means that the culprit who caused the tragic situation in front of Ye Chen's eyes, the powerful and backbone clown, is now near this mountain!

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