Aura Hunter

Chapter 847

Surrounded by a group of volcanoes and surrounded by the central valley flat, Weimon was still lying on his back in the shattered stone pit that had been smashed by his own fall.


Listening to the thunder of the sky and the shaking of the earth, the rat hunter's blood-stained eyebrows suddenly became more soothing. .

Waemon trusted his teammates from the bottom of his heart, so he naturally believed unconditionally that the silence that passed into his ears was undoubtedly the symbol of victory for Ferona and Errigat.

At this point, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and then silently sighed in his mind.

(hahaha...the remaining two clowns...must die horribly.)

(After all, I'm the best in our team The weak one.)

(Hey...if at first is a three-on-three situation...why do we need to toss to this point?)

(From a certain point of view, you beasts are not bad luck, at least you have survived for dozens of minutes.)

(So, the three of you will be grateful and obediently go down Go to hell.)

Waemon sneered at the clowns who died violently.

It didn't take long for a silver fortress to land nearby.

With the automatic suspension separation of the six silver steel plates, Weimon's teammate Ferona was the first to appear.

Although Firona has killed the reflex clown Noblek and the finger clown Lu Zhi neatly, the suffocation and neck injuries suffered at first, and the "Vacuum Bullet" that one after another launched. Looking at the mental exhaustion, Firona's state still looks haggard and weak.

She put the surrounding "Hidden Killing Barriers" into the black ring with a tired look, and then rushed to Wei Meng's side with the strenuous steps on the verge of collapse, and lowered her head to check Wei Meng. Meng had bloody burn marks all over his body, and finally focused his attention on Wei Meng's right arm with a broken palm.

Wei Meng slowly opened his eyes, smiled at the companion in front of him, opened the mouth and said:

"Yo, Ferona, long time no The shot just now came really in time, thanks to you, I'm saved."

Firona didn't have the slightest joking mood, and instead asked Weimon in a hoarse voice:

"How do you feel about yourself now?"

Weamon replied calmly:

"Not too bad."

"I can't move now because I was previously controlled by one of the clowns. But that guy is dead, so I should be able to move soon."

"In addition , these burns on my body look scary, but they are all insignificant superficial wounds, so the only thing to worry about is the arm I just cut off, but Shia has also stopped the bleeding, So I'm totally fine right now."

Waemon said, shaking his severed arm at Ferona.

The cross-section of the wound on his broken arm is now covered by a piece of jade green brilliance, which makes Deweimon completely free from the risk of blood loss for the time being.

Seeing this, Filona thought for a while, and then asked in a low voice:

"But where is your right hand that flew out? We must now You have to find it before you can get it back for you."

Weamon responded with a calm expression:

"Don't worry, it has my mouse. Take care of the transportation, and will be returned to me soon."

Weamon's voice fell, and another burly silhouette descended from the sky, landing steadily on Weimon and Ferona's at a gentle speed. In front of him, it was Errigat, the second teammate who came to rescue Waymon.

At this moment, Errigat was brow beaded with sweat, breathing quickly, and even his strong back could not be kept straight for a while.

Even though he previously combined the power of "Iron Giant Statue" and "Unyielding Steel Heart" into one, the petrified clown Jupez and the rhino clown Ferusa were two hard stubble one. After the other, it was crushed into slag, but the internal injuries initially left in the internal organs, and the successive brute force fights, still caused great wear and tear to Errigat's body and spirit, so much that he just landed, The whole person fell to the ground with a thud.


Erigat lowered his head and took a few breaths, and then Lifting the flushed face moved towards Wei Meng looked.

" you okay?"

Seeing Errigat's appearance so embarrassed, Weimon immediately endured He kept showing a wry smile.

"he he he...well...I'm fine...than you who suffocated and had to cut your throat, and your internal organs were basically injured Over and over, I just broke a palm on my side, and I did it myself, it can be said to be very good."

Erigat reached out and wiped his forehead. He sweated heavily, and then scolded Wei Meng with a serious expression:

"Stop talking about these meaningless nonsense on this occasion, and quickly concentrate one's mind to make your body move. ”

Watching the giant war chariot below galloping vertically upwards at a high speed, in a violent imposing manner that almost crushes everything, he moved towards his side crazily. Weimon, who is unable to move, can only be inwardly Silently sighed:

( body can't move at all...)

(It seems that I too That's it...)

('s okay...)

(At least, as A player who was not the main player in the fight, I ended up changing the opponent one in a one-to-three situation.)

(It's still a big profit after all, isn't it?)

Waymon's face was full of sweat and blood, full of exhaustion and weakness, and then there was a happy wry smile.


(My turn is over...)

(Next, it's turn It's time for the two of you to perform.)

With this in mind, Wei Meng closed his bleeding eyes with a reassuring expression.

At the same time, the "War Chariot", transformed by Ferusa, rushed to the 30 meters below Weimon.

Afterwards, with the roar of Ferusa's broken sound, the sharp and slender horns of the giant rhinoceros were about to completely pierce Wei Meng's whole person, crushing him together with his life. do.

"Go to hell, disgusting rat!"

However, in the next instant, there were several obscure and sharp energy vibrations, but there was no warning. The air suddenly came from the side of Ferusa.


Felusa, who quickly noticed all these strangenesses, his roar stopped suddenly, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately turned his head around, but he looked away, but he couldn't see it The trace of the hidden weapon that I expected.

(What love—)

And just the next second when Ferusa's heart was confused about this, the side armor of "War Chariot" was Impressively suffered a series of violent energy bombardment.

dong dong dong dong dong ——————!

Feeling the heavy blow from the side body, Ferusa's beastly face suddenly turned pale in fright.

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