Aura Hunter

Chapter 840

Wei Meng used the space slash power of the "Slashing Formation Talisman" to instantly cut off his right arm, which was penetrated by Lu Zhi's fingers, thereby instantly severing the flesh and bones of his arm, including bullet holes.

If he completes this action a millisecond slower, then the tiny bullet hole with a diameter of one centimeter left by Lu Zhi on the surface of Wei Meng's right arm will be in the "diffusion finger tiger". Under the effect of the relic, it quickly expanded and spread, and then completely disintegrated and destroyed Weimon's entire body in one fell swoop.

So, immediately after being shot, Weimon chose to cut his arm to protect himself without the slightest hesitation.

And the bloody right hand that was cut off by him was following the inertia of Wei Meng's forward swing just now, clenching the swirl cannonball and passing Gomodole's figure, Immediately moved towards the front and flew sharply.

Comodore did not pay much attention to Weimon's behavior of breaking his arm.

His blood-red eyes were only locked on the torso of Wei Meng's body that was close at hand, and a ecstatic smile of successfully accomplished suddenly appeared on his gray face.

Then, Gomodole's body, from head to toe, including all the clothes and equipment, was completely separated into two front and back by the inclined triangular light array generated by Weimon's flickering. piece.

However, before the fleshy body was tragically divided into two by the "face-cutting talisman", the right hand that swung out from Comodore also accumulated in the red red in the palm of his hand. The light regiment was aimed at Weimon at a very close distance and splashed out directly.

It was not until this moment that Wei Meng was able to see the essence of this red light regiment.

It is a mass of semi-liquid gel-like substance.

It is a surgical product created by the fusion and concentration of the sweat medium of Gomodore and the power of Aura.

Although it doesn't have a mighty momentum or a huge scale, in Weimon's view, this pile of substances is undoubtedly the one that Gomodole has the confidence to solve his own fatality in one go. killing move.

So facing the red gel of asserts the senses, Wei Meng's body immediately dodged subconsciously sideways.

However, the distance between the rat hunter and the demolition clown is too close.

Limited by the extremely short reaction time and the extremely narrow space for movement, Wei Meng avoided most of the red gel swayed in front of him, but after all, he couldn't completely retreat, so let the rest The next fish that escaped the net covered the surface of Weimon's chest in one fell swoop.

Although Weimon did not forget to condense the power of Aura on the body surface to create an energy film while dodging, the crimson gel covered by lightning penetrated Weimon's body surface like lightning The energy film infiltrated into Wei Meng's body in a strange form, and then his entire chest began to burst with red light.

Wei Meng's expression changed drastically, his breathing stopped suddenly, and then he felt that his body was out of control, unable to move, as if the physiological environment in the body had already produced some kind of terror under the invasion of the red gel The mutation robbed him of his mobility on the spot.

At the same time, behind Wei Meng, Lu Zhi, who had just completed a round of finger penetration offensive, saw that Comodore had spilled the red gel into Wei Meng's body as he wished, and the corners of his mouth immediately rose. a satisfactory arc.

(The plan was successful.)

Thinking of this, Lu Zhi immediately backed away, keeping a distance from Wei Meng at full speed.

Gomodore, who was cut into two halves by the "Cut Face Formation Talisman", was wearing a "repentance belt" on his waist, and even a large dazzling purple red light erupted. tide.

"Repentance Belt" was divided into two together with Gomodole just now.

However, this does not prevent it from automatically displaying the time-related relic ability for Gomodole.

Wow ——————!

Under Wei Meng's astonished gaze, the "Repentance Belt" and Gomodole's body, which had been split in two, immediately entered a time-return state together.

I saw Gomodole quickly backing up and returning to its original state, and then moved to the initial position fifty meters away from Weimon. The body and spirit immediately became intact, and the entire resurrection process was full of It took a short time of less than three seconds.

Then, Gomodole, who was perfectly resurrected by the "repentance belt", watched Weimon's body that was unable to move, and felt Weimon's powerless gaze, and the gray face with thief eyebrows was finally revealed. There was a bright smile of a winner.

(I finally caught your damn mouse.)

At this moment, Comodore's face was rampant, the corners of his mouth were raised, and at the same time he couldn't help congratulating in his heart:

(The sweat product infiltrating your body now is Lao Tzu's strongest ultimate move - "Sweat Lead".)

(It can't be blocked by conventional forces, once it interacts with If there is direct contact with your physical body, then you are destined to only be penetrated by it, and temporarily lose the ability of your body to move under its influence.)

(Then, the strongest point of the "sweat thread", It is to be able to further transform your body and directly turn your whole body into a human bomb.)

(And at the moment when I gave the instruction...)

(Your body will explode directly into a pool of blood mist————!)

Gomodol sneered proudly and raised his palm to Weimon.

(You annoying rat who likes to roam around, we have to waste so much time and energy on you...)

(If we can , I really want to torture you as much as I want, instead of killing you so neatly...)

(Unfortunately, everyone has difficulties with each other, which is really annoying Sorry.)

Gomodore completed these mental activities in less than a second, then crossed his middle finger and thumb, and made a snapping finger in front of Weimon. Premonitory gesture.

(So... nasty rat...)

(In the hands of my brother Mordol... .)

(Just explode with gratitude ——————————————————!)

Thinking of this, Comoros Dole's fingers finally made a bang.


Accompanied by the detonation instruction, Wei Meng's body immediately burst into red light, and then it burst like this, completely reduced to a large blood-red mist in the eyes of Gomodore.

So, after nearly half an hour of chasing and fleeing, the rat hunter finally fell into the hands of this group of seasoned and skilled murderers.

Watching Weimon's granular corpses scattered in the sky, Comodore couldn't help laughing wildly.


"Hey, Lu pheasant, Ferusa, did you two see it?"

"Just now before this guy died His expression of despair!"

"Ah! Cool! Really cool!"

"Although I couldn't torture this mouse well, I was able to watch him shatter to pieces with my own eyes. This kind of taste is still very exciting!"

"Then, where should we go to kill more hunters?"

"I'm about to Can't wait!"

"Hee hahahaha ——————!"

It's just that neither Lu Pheasant nor Ferusa did not treat Comodolle I can't make any response to this speech...

Because, all of the above are all Comodolle's pre-death fantasies.

Gomodole thought that he had successfully snapped his fingers, and then through the ultimate trick of "Sweat Lead", he directly blew the unable to move Weimon until his skeleton doesn't exist.

However, the real reality is quite the opposite.

Comodore didn't snap his fingers.

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