Aura Hunter

Chapter 821


Firona reached out and kneaded the hard and cold petrified nose bridge, her face was covered with sweat, and she was gasping for breath.

(How could this happen...)

(The ability of this clown can actually petrify others directly through the "line of sight" of others... I don't even need to be aware of the existence of the other party...)

(Unheard of... There is such a perverted ability in this world.... ..I simply haven't heard of any similar examples in the past!)

Afterwards, she felt that not only her nose but also her lips began to fall into petrification step by step. It was only now that I saw through the nature of Jupez's ability and felt extremely helpless and regretful.

If she could recognize all of this earlier, then Firona could use her voice to defend her position, and she could have a long "blind" battle with Jupez, and finally the one to emerge victorious Not yet known.

However, the lip gun hunter found it too late.

At this moment, Ferona's mouth, nose, and even Ferona's entire facial features will soon be completely infected and occupied by the power of petrification...

This means that she is about to enter a state of suffocation where she can't breathe, and it also means that Ferona is not destined to last too long.

In the current state, there will be a battle of attrition with Jupez, and the final result will undoubtedly be an inevitable defeat for Ferona.

Then, on the other side of the beach, footsteps came with a brisk rhythm.

Ferrona knew it was a signal for Jupetz to get closer.

So without hesitation, she ordered the "Silent Killing Barrier" to fire immediately, and an invisible rain of bullets erupted from the silver-white steel plates on which the six sides were loaded with the queen bee's sniper. There was a burst of fire.

There was only a sound of sou sou in the air, and there was a violent explosion of explosive energy from Ferona's bullets. The hit sound of the attack.

Obviously, in the face of Ferona's sightless shooting attack, Jupez wanted to sideways to avoid completely with no difficulty, and there was simply no need to summon the "Guardian Conch" to take damage from the front. .

As a seasoned hunter, it's not that Ferona has worked hard to practice the skills of listening to voices, but these are not her expertise after all.

It's good to say that people who are used to deal with the general level of the 5th layer nightmare realm, but in front of Jupeitz, the Peak clown of the Joy Theater, it is completely impossible to get on the stage.... ..

Felona, who was hiding in the "Hidden Killing Barrier", reached out and touched her hard lips that were half petrified.

(Damn...what to do...closed-eye attack simply can't hit her...)

(Even if I pick up Come down and try to do it quickly, and I can't "look" at the clown again, otherwise who knows if her next petrified part will directly become my brain, if I really want that, I will be instantly killed.. ....)

(This clown's spell is so rogue... It's the worst natural enemy for my ability to "control the attack trajectory through vision".. ....)

(I...Is it really driven to a dead end...Is there really no way to make a comeback... )

And at the same time as Ferona was deeply despairing about the situation, Jupez's voice full of jokes and mockery came from above the "Silent Killing Barrier".

“hmph hmph hmph, I thought it was the Old Fox from the cunning group that could push me to this point, but didn’t expect the sneak attack in secret to be such a young and beautiful man. Blonde little girl~"

Jupez said with a smile, took out a handkerchief with a multicolored pattern, and then used it to gently wipe the blood on his face, but there was no trace at all. The idea of rushing to attack Ferona.

"The formidable power of your bullets is really exaggerated...the trick that caused a vacuum and then an explosion just now...if you hit two or three head-on Go back, my "Master Conch" is about to be completely shattered..."

Jupez put the azure giant conch summon by his side, and reached out to stroke its surface. There were dozens of cracks in the labyrinth, and then continued to sigh to Ferona on the ground:

"In the many years since I started the labyrinth relic of the 'Guardian Conch', all I have encountered have the ability to destroy it head-on. It's unbelievable that there are no more than five people on defense, and now that this list officially includes a young kid like you~"

"But then again, you Why didn't you stick your head out and look at me when you attacked just now?"

"It's such an aimless hit, but it's impossible to hit me~"

Jupei Z's tone slyly tried, but Ferona didn't respond, neither opened the "Hidden Kill Barrier" to cast her eyes on the Joker again, nor was she in a hurry to launch another round of firepower on the Joker.

"Hey, so it looks like you've figured out the essence of my Aura technique. Not only are people cute, but they're also very smart, aren't they?"

Jupeitz began to circle slowly over Filona.

"My petrification ability can only activate effects on a specific part of the target at a very close distance."

"And the one that was just on our face just now In an instant, I petrified your face, so in another two minutes, you won't be able to breathe."

"Little girl, this is the end, your failure is over. It's a foregone conclusion."

"But, you know what? elder sister. I like a cute girl like you the most in my life, so for the sake of your looks, I, Jupeitz, You can be magnanimous and let go of the fact that you hurt me~”

“As long as you disarm your defenses now and throw away all your weapons, then I promise to save your life after the incident, how about that?”

On the surface, Jupez described himself as tolerant and generous and special in his hobbies, but in reality he was carrying a very vicious conspiracy.

After all, a dead hunter is useless once he dies, but a living hunter can cut off his hands and feet and take them as hostages.

In this way, even if Jupez encounters another hunter in the future, he will be able to have more insurance cards like hostages in his hand, so naturally he doesn't want Ferona to give herself to him like this. Live to death.

Such a vicious and vicious heart is a perfect match for her "Banshee" nickname in the Pleasure Theater.

However, Firona was naturally well aware of the cunning nature of the enemy, so she still did not respond.

She knelt down inside her sturdy "Silent Killing Barrier", her eyes dimmed and her expression weak.

Now Ferona's lips and cheeks are completely alienated and blocked by stone, and the solid effect of its petrification cannot even be pierced by a sword, and even a larger attack can hopefully destroy them. , Ferona may also directly smash her entire skull in one fell swoop...

At this moment, unable to breathe and dizzy, Ferona feels that she has really reached a dead end, it's really hard to recover, the only way to go is to cut yourself off...

Until the bottom steel plate on which she fell on her knees, it didn't take long for it to suddenly come out of the ground. There was a slight knocking sound.

dong dong dong!

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