Aura Hunter

Chapter 819

This work testimonial is about the author's thoughts so far, and the update schedule for next month.

This book is my first work, and I have been writing it for 400 days from the opening of the book to the current 170W words.

However, just like the problems that new writers have to face, I made many writing mistakes and mistakes during the creation of this book, resulting in very poor follow-up results of this book. ideal.

Because of my limited skills, I was completely unaware of my own shortcomings.

However, with the accumulation of writing words and the continuous reading and learning of various works of the industry leaders, I finally fully realized the many reasons for failure recently.

I have too little experience in the field of online text, not only a rookie writer, but also a rookie reader, with insufficient knowledge reserve, too much plot conception, etc. . . . . .

I still have so much to learn.

At the same time, I feel more and more powerless about the creation of this book.

According to my original plot and ending, if this book is to be completed properly, it will most likely have to be delayed until next year.

Of course, if I just write an account for all the stories, I only need to list out a list of outlines of a bunch of storylines, and within a few days, I can put all the subsequent stories in the form of skeletons. Finish.

Obviously, the time and energy costs required by the two options are not of the same order of magnitude.

I have consulted many seniors in the circle about this situation.

Then, all the suggestions from these people are:

"Hurry up and finish this book and concentrate on preparing the next book. The best word count for newcomers is usually 100W words. , the 170W word has completely exceeded the standard, and it is not effective to continue to fight, and it is not worth it at all."

For their similar views, I personally think it is very reasonable.

It's certainly a wise idea to invest time and energy into bigger opportunities after all.

Anyway, Court Eunuch and unfinished ends in the online literature world have long since become the norm, haven't they?

I don't know how many times more powerful bosses and gods have a lot of words to cut, so why do I, as a rookie, make myself feel mentally and physically in this book Continue to struggle on exhausted novice works, and continue to spend more than half a year of time and energy?

There are two main reasons.

First, I have written feelings about it.

I don't want to mess up.

Even if I'm good at it, the characters, settings, and stories in my writing have cost me countless efforts.

Let it all end in a cluttered way. In my opinion, this work is really pitiful.

Second, I feel that my vision and aesthetics still need to be improved.

During this period of time, I watched and learned about the writing teaching and progress of newcomers. I used to be dismissive of this kind of video, but after I really understood it, I realized that the past I am a frog in well myself.

However, just like the big guys said, watching their video teaching is not enough, I also need to read the works of other big guys and study their writing, setting, writing style, rhythm Wait...the past few days I did exactly that, and the gains were really noticeable.

But the problem comes again. When I read online articles with a learning mentality, the reading speed is very slow. I can't read dozens of chapters in a day, let alone read one in a month. works.

And even if I was asked to open a new book directly, I had absolutely no confidence to succeed because I still needed to gain experience.

Perhaps the experience in writing is not much tired, but there is still a lot of experience in reading waiting for me to make up for it.

So, to sum up the above, I decided to continue writing this book, one is to make myself feel at ease with my own works, and the other is to allow myself to study other people's works in meditation.

Then next month's writing schedule.

Because I am now aware of the various mistakes I made in the past, especially the storyline from chapter 48 to chapter 104 in the early stage, I didn't think there was any problem at the time, but in my opinion today , but it was almost poisoned to death! And some of the settings are even conflicting with my follow-up plot...

Therefore, I decided to overturn and rewrite them all. The tentative goals are as follows:

1 , rewrite the plot, speed up the pace.

2. Increase the daily proportion and reduce the proportion of fighting.

3. Improve the character of the protagonist in the early stage, and dilute the second sense of the character.

4. Improve the setting of holy light pure land, introduce the system of holy light church, and reshape the image of holy light Knight.

apart from this, the remaining chapters before and after, especially the battle part of the large copy, I will also simplify accordingly, retain the essence of the reversal, and minimize the description of trivial action details, and In the future, I will also find time to fill in the lack of daily episodes in the protagonist's Academy period and early hunter career, as well as interactive stories with other characters.

This rewriting task is a lot of work, so about the latest chapter update next month, I decided to update it every week, at least not to let the book friends who have invested in it because the author interrupted the update for seven consecutive days. Show investment failed.

I will give priority to creating new plots from chapters 48 to 104. When all are written, I will release them all at once at the end of the month.

Relax, the chapters that have already been paid will not be charged twice. Of course, these overturned and rewritten plots will only be updated in real time on genuine platforms such as the starting point, QQ, WeChat, etc. After all, the pirated version will not pay attention to the already uploaded Go through the old chapters.

To tell the truth, now let me look at this book from a reader's point of view, and I can't stand it myself!

As a result, there are still a group of readers who have been chasing updates, which really moved me, and it can be said to be the third important reason why I choose to persist.

It's really sorry to say so much, and finally, as a newcomer, the author would like to thank all genuine book friends until now for your reading and support!

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