Aura Hunter

Chapter 817

Fifth Layer nightmare realm gave Firona new power and means, and the biggest impact on her was that Firona successfully developed a deadly killing move with unprecedented formidable power.

The condition for the activation of this advanced ability requires Ferona to condense the power of Aura all over her body to a single lip-printed bullet inside the gun chamber when she raises the gun to shoot, thus giving it a second shot. ability to attack.

After this, even if the lip-print bullet fails to hit the target's body, the lip-print attached to its surface will activate the effect of Ferona's spell again.

At that time, the object of its psychic force will become everything around it, temporarily creating a spherical vacuum zone with a diameter of ten meters, which greatly expands the attack range of Firona's bullets, causing deep depression. The enemy in it will be subjected to violent and sudden changes in internal and external pressure on the physical level.

Once you suddenly fall into this vacuum environment, the mortal body will explode instantly.

Although the tenacious fleshy body of the 5th layer nightmare sensor will not be destroyed on the spot, the internal organs in the torso will also usher in a fatal damage blow.

apart from this, after creating a vacuum zone, these lip print bullets can also self-destruct with devastating energy in accordance with Ferona's mind, thus launching a third round of deadly attacks on the target.

Not to mention, Firona can also add a layer of ballistic enhancement and the additional effect of invisibility through the relic ability of the "Invisible Killing Barrier"...

The product of such a powerful technique is the Peak ultimate move created by Ferona as a sniper for a single target, named "Vacuum Bullet".

(This big conch is really solid...)

(Although my abilities all hit zero distance, it still maintains its shape, This shows that the clown inside is still alive...)

(But even so, the opponent's side is definitely not badly injured. As long as I repeat this attack for a few more rounds, the victory still belongs to me!)

Thinking at this point, Filona's face was filled with a firm color again.

As early as immediately when she pulled the trigger to fire, she had gathered strength for the second bullet in the chamber in advance.

From the time Jupez and the conch relic were blasted to the sky, Ferona's second "vacuum bullet" was ready in just three seconds.

(Come on, disgusting beast, let's continue!)

As the scenes of the tragic deaths of those colleagues in the past appeared in her mind, Ferona's eyes suddenly flashed thousands of killing wisps intent, the brain sends the action command of "pull the trigger" to the right hand index finger.

But it didn't respond.

Knowing that this moment came, Ferona suddenly realized that she could not feel the existence of her fingers.


She lowered her head with a condensed expression, and immediately found her right hand on the trigger... The palms, gloves, forearms, and sleeves all showed a black and gray color.

They are no longer light, they become heavy, all joined together, unable to move half a point... as if they were petrified!

Facing this sudden body mutation, Ferona froze for a moment, and the feeling of having one's hair stand on end immediately stimulated every nerve in her body like an electric current.

(This, this is ——————!?)

(Why did my body suddenly become like this ——————!?)


(Could there be other clowns lurking around, have I missed it before————!?)

Firona turned her head sharply, and her horrified eyes quickly swept away Passed all around silently, but did not find any other silhouettes.

(No, not right!)

(If there is a third party, then when I was focusing on aiming at the sea, the other party must have already attacked!)

(In other words, the reason why my body turned into petrification could only be due to the ability of the clown at sea?)

Firona's face was full of horror and puzzlement.

("Petrified human body"...Is this the effect of the opposite Life Source Aura spell?)

(But she didn't notice me before I shot The existence of her!)

(Even if the attack just now alerted her, the distance between us was a full kilometer...and my location was extremely hidden... ...she's impossible to lock on me in such a blink of an eye, and launch an Aura attack on me!)

(casting medium...any Aura effect needs to be related The medium of casting...)


(The clown just didn't do anything other than "defense and then hit" just now Any action!)

Firona opened her eyes to observe all around as she tried her best to think, but even pushing her visual perception to the limit, she didn't find any invisible medium between the air.

(How on earth did she do it...)

(I clearly didn't come across anything like a spellcasting medium, I didn't even see it ...)

(And this clown didn't know my exact location before...)

(How on earth is she separated by a kilometer The distance, in just a few seconds, directly petrified my right hand————!?)

The sudden change in the situation made Firona's eyes full of horror and cold sweat. take.

With a brain full of shock and confusion, she looked up at the sea in the distance again, and immediately found that Jupez, who had been blasted to the sky by fiercely, is now regrouping and even riding the wind and waves all the way. , moved towards The land forest where Ferona is rushing towards!

After the sniper attack just now, Jupetz, with messy long hair, bloody cheeks, and torn clothes, looked battered and exhausted from his laid-back and self-satisfied image.

However, even so, the appearance of these wounds not only failed to make Jupetz feel the slightest timid, but made her angry and murderous, and her whole face was covered with countless maggot-like tiny pieces. Blue veins, like a rage and revenge ghost, can't wait to pull out the hidden Ferona and eat it alive!

Looking at Jupez's furious face from a distance, Firona's chest suddenly felt a strange, uncomfortable and stuffy feeling, as if something had quietly made a hole in her heart, and then He slipped in in a hurry.

However, before that, the other party moved towards the woods without hesitation, and he was still staring straight at his side, and told Ferona a more Serious Fact:

She's clearly locked onto her hiding spot.

So Ferona felt bad at once.

(No, she really found me now!)

(As of now, even if I can't figure out the essence of the other party's ability, I have no way out! )

(Only go!)

Although the right hand was incapacitated by the strange petrification, Ferona quickly calmed her mind.

(Since the second "Vacuum Bullet" is ready to be fired, then in any case, I have to give you another onslaught!)

With this With a resolute thought, Ferona immediately pushed back with her still movable big arm, forcibly dragging her petrified finger to make it pull the trigger.


Under the combined effect of the silencer and the "Silent Killing Barrier", the second "vacuum bullet" shot out from the muzzle of the queen bee's sniper.

It was still a slight noise.

Still still invisible ballistics.

The vibration from the air made Jupetz's expression change again.

This time, she still couldn't see Ferona's attack, so she could only summon the giant conch out again to protect her body in all directions.

Then, the "Vacuum Bullet" is exactly the same as before, once again fiercely hit the surface of the conch's carapace, once again creating a ten-meter vacuum space, and once again through the skyrocketing difference between the inner and outer air pressure. Supporting the size of the conch, finally triggered a huge explosion of firepower again...

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