Aura Hunter

Chapter 812


Weamon swooped up and flew right-wing rat waves immediately when his opponent made a move, thus narrowly avoiding the blasting attack of Comodore.

However, Gomodole himself also chased after the victory, leaving the left-wing rat wave behind, and shortened the distance between himself and Weimon to a short three meters in one breath.

(Break one of your legs first!)

With this bloodthirsty thought in mind, Gomodore stretched out his hand again to condense a cloud of red lava sweat, and immediately Going to give Waymon a close-range explosive treat.

However, in the face of the mad clown's imminent and deadly threat, the Rat Lord Hunter put the swirl shotgun into the black ring on the spot, and then moved his left and right arms towards the sides quickly.

At this moment, Weimon's two palms each have a piece of dark green jade attached to each other, and the left-wing rat wave left behind by Gomodole, the rat group at the end of the two sides are also different. Surrounded by a dark green jade piece.

Wow hua hua hua!

The bright green light burst out from the surface of the four jade pieces.

With four jade talismans as the four endpoints, a simple geometric quadrilateral was born from it, and then filled with the emerging dark green brilliance into a light film-like array.

The silhouette of Comodore is shrouded in this array, and its chest just passes through the space plane drawn by the array.

This is the real ultimate weapon of the Rat Lord Hunter...

At the same time, it is also the only biggest trump card he can use to fight these Peak clowns in a life-and-death game.. ....

The relic of the labyrinth, the "Slicing Face Formation Talisman"!

Faced with the sudden occurrence of this scene, Comodore's frantic expression froze on the spot.

(What is this?)

He looked down at his body, which was submerged in the array, and his brain instantly regained consciousness, so he felt bad.

(Not good!)

Under the dual stimulation of survival instinct and combat experience, Comodore immediately stopped attacking Weimon, trying to get away from this place in front of him. Bounding of an array of slice quads.

However, just as Comodore's body began to flee upwards, Weimon's heart had already completed the chant.

("Face-cutting Array Talisman". Four Charms for a while!)

At the command of the Rat Lord Hunter, the light film in the plane array was instantly transformed from the original softness Solid and fiery, it immediately turned into an invisible guillotine, moving towards the waist and abdomen that Comodore had no time to break away from.


With the crisp sound of flesh and blood cutting into the ears, Gomodole, who had a stunned expression, ushered in the bloody end of being cut in half on the spot.


His upper body and lower body spurted blood and separated, and the broken organs and fractured spine reflected in Wei Meng's pupils.


Looking at the stunned expression of Gomodole and the cross-section of his body, Wei Meng's eyes flashed with joy, and his hands continued to move without stopping. Summoned a sharp and glowing round sun axe.

We saw that Wei Meng turned his arms vigorously and turned his axe sharply, aiming at Comodore's chest, and then he performed another deadly vertical split one after another.

So the arrogant's upper body was directly split into two halves by Wei Meng.

(solve one first!)

At this moment, Wei Meng said with satisfaction.

However, before he could take the axe blade he swung back to his side, Gomodole flew to the lower body on the other side, and a simple belt wrapped around his waist was suddenly released in the next instant. A circle of energy ripples in the crimson ze.


Under the influence of this strange energy, Gomodole's bloody lower body and the upper body that was divided into left and right halves, as if in response, also released a dazzling red. red light mans.

Seeing this, Wei Meng's face instantly showed a terrified look.


(What is this!?)

(I killed Avatar!? Or Phantom!? Or This is a precursor to his self-destruct!?)

Waemon scurried away from the glowing corpse of Comodore while simulating various probabilities in his brain.

As a result, the other party neither exploded nor chased Wei Meng, but under Wei Meng's shocked gaze, he reassembled the Comodo with lightning-like efficiency. Le's fleshy body.

And then, Gomodole, who was covered in red light, went all the way back to the spatial position where he first appeared, as if time was being pushed backwards, and the distance from Weimon suddenly widened. Thirty meters away.

It was not until he returned to his original position that all the red lights on Gomodole were scattered, and Gomodole's face was revived.

Wei Meng, who witnessed the whole process of the clown's "resurrection", was stunned for a short while before he realized the essence of the situation.

(This guy took his time back a little!?)

(This is the relic ability that his belt holds!?)

(Even though I have completely beheaded the master, the clown can still be resurrected on the spot through this belt!?)

(It's like the retrospective owned by Ms. Jia Wennai Aura!?)

Wei Meng thought quickly with a look of horror on his face.

As early as the hunter preparation period before this battle, the hunters had already fully understood the abilities and characteristics of their colleagues, which naturally included the healing responsibility of Sunset Squad, backtracking to the hunter Jia Wennai.

Her technique is to achieve the purpose of healing by performing a small-span time rewind for the body of her teammates, which is somewhat similar to the time reversal in Gomodole today.

However, the biggest limitation of Jia Wennai's treatment is that once the treatment target dies, the retrospective effect applied to the opponent will become invalid.

On the contrary, Gomodole had clearly been split in half by Weimon's axe just now that his brain was connected to his body, but the strength of that belt was still enough to force him back to his original state!

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