Aura Hunter

Chapter 708

Although such tiny and shriveled eyeballs do not radiate any obvious energy to the outside world, and look like an ordinary pale bean, however, Alpedis, who possesses the power of Spirit Vision, is still At a glance, he could see the strange scene hidden inside it.

It was the endless darkness and the gloomy coldness without a lower limit.

A vague outline slowly emerged in the lightless world, swimming silently into Alpedis' pupils, turning into thousands of slippery and sticky tentacles, following his spirit. The meridian network poured all the way into his cerebral cortex, and then turned into thousands of Nether Soul howls in his skull, causing some of his brain cells to instantly collapse and disintegrate.

Alpedis' face turned ugly, and he immediately stretched out his hand to release a white light, trying to destroy the pale eyeball that was flying towards him.

As a result, the inexhaustible current of darkness surged out of this baby's eye first, and then swallowed Alpedis' power and himself inside.


With a soft sound, the dark tide and pale eyeballs disappeared under the clouds with the silhouette of the white hole hunter.

Mikun looked up at the place where Alpedis disappeared, then turned to look around the white hole cage in all directions, and found that its structure had not changed in the slightest because of the owner's departure. Shaking, still completely blocking and equally dividing this vast battlefield, like a dutiful fearless warrior.

Mikun rubbed the white beard on his chin with interest.

"Well...even if the sorcerer leaves suddenly, can this spell continue on its own..."

Located below Mikun In the vast battlefield, the thick gunpowder smoke has not yet completely dissipated, and a crazy clown covered with mud and dust walked out from the smoke staggering and embarrassed.

After experiencing the aftermath of the heaven shaking and earth shattering, this crazy clown was not only in a state of embarrassment, but also completely separated from his accomplices.

"What's the situation now...?"

He stretched out his hand to cover his dizzy head, turned his head to look at the smoke all around, his face full of tension Doubt so.

However, before the mad clown can figure out the status quo, the dazzling holy light trend has sprung up like mushrooms after a rain to various areas of the battlefield.

And one of the rays of light just bloomed violently in front of him.

Then, one after another silhouette wearing a jet-black trench coat jumped out of the embrace of this holy light, bringing a black trench coat and deadly weapons to this smoke billowing one after another. chaotic land.


The clown was so shaken that he couldn't open his eyes, so he could not help but exclaimed.


When vision was restored, one of the black clothed persons passed him by.


The clown turned his head to look at each other in astonishment, but just as his neck twisted, his head rolled down like a spinning top down.

The next second, red blood spurted out from the decapitation, and the abyss core that had just formed at the neck shattered in response.

So, before the situation was clear, the clown turned into a nameless corpse that collapsed on the ground.

The black clothed person headed by the team swivels the "Pure Blood Blade" made of the "Pure Blood Body", thus neatly throwing off the warm blood of the clown, and then It is to sweep the line of sight to the other side of the battlefield filled with gunpowder.

There, he could see a large blur of figures rising and falling one after another.

There are silhouettes in clown holsters, octopuses and beasts floating in the air, and giants of towering giants.

And as long as these shadows are still active, as long as there is still aura, then they are all his prey.

After quickly observing the surrounding environment, Ye Chen, as the Captain of the Dawn Squad, immediately gave competent instructions to his teammates in a calm tone.

"The mad clowns have probably been infected by the abyss, and they will be dealt with according to the principle of hunting and killing the abyss. Everyone fights according to the No. 1 rush formation, and always pays attention to the position of each other and his teammates. No enemy can Let it go."

Then, the dawn of the entire group rushed into the other side of the gunpowder, just like the colleagues in other battlefield areas did, making the hot air waves and dazzling The brilliance immediately swept through every corner of the shattered earth like a violent tsunami.

They are icy knives and scalding bullets that sound the death knell for their prey.

They are the lines of names inscribed between the monuments.

They are the escorts for the future of holy light and the kingdom of mankind.

At this point, five groups, 173 squads, and 1038 Master hunters have collectively emerged and officially opened the curtain of the feud with the Joy Theater!

Boom ————————————!

Mikun, the director of the Happy Theater, stood in the air, looking down at the chaotic battlefield where hunters, clowns, and abyss were fighting each other, listening to the explosions that spread through the air. , roaring, howling and other soaring sounds, admiring this magnificent picture woven by blade light and sword shadows and bullets, the wrinkled old face revealed a brighter smile.

"It's really a feast for the eyes and the eyes!"

Mi Kun said with a big smile, his face full of fanaticism, and his face full of madness.

However, while laughing, his palm calmly summons out another sixth rank labyrinth relic.

The next moment, in the void in all directions of Mikun, five bright white lights bloomed, thus sending out five silhouettes with glowing eyes and a strong breath.

The smiling ghost shadow hunter Sophie Lanie, the indifferent Butterfly Lord hunter Feng, the expressionless quiet hunter Evelyn, the bloodthirsty and excited Gathering Hunter Fanato, and the serious look The dragon body hunter He Sheng.

The four-to-eight seats of the active "Extreme Hunter" appeared out of thin air in a group, and then launched a simultaneous siege without hesitation at the center's relic hunter Mikun.

However, as the third seat of the first generation of "Extreme Hunting", Mikun held the pocket watch in his hand faster than everyone else, thus completing his own action round first.

sixth rank time-type labyrinth relic, "The Table of the Sluggish Needle", the effect of the relic is "reduces the Time Flow Speed within a narrow area, and the degree of slowdown depends on the realm of the slowing target".

As Mi Kun's mind fell, the pocket watch he held in his hand immediately released a circle of colorless ripples, and in a short while, he touched the five surrounding "Extreme Hunters", and immediately It caused their movement speed to suddenly slow down by several points.

Faced with Mi Kun's bizarre precautionary measures, He Sheng's expressions all changed, and they immediately changed their posture from offensive to defensive.

However, Mi Kun did not rush to take out another relic to counterattack the attacker. Instead, he raised the pale baby organ on the palm of his hand, and then gave each of the five tiny organs. He gave these five younger generations to his dear ones.

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