Aura Hunter

Chapter 693

No worries, mission and honor.

All this is enough for hunters.

Witnessing such a scene, Kui Ze looked calm, his eyes fell on the blood craftsman hunter in the crowd, and his deep single eye made waves.

Amentine silently watched Kuize's profile, still unable to guess what the other party was thinking.

Then, the four-pointed star formation, which had been accumulating brilliance and power at the top of the sky, finally took shape.

The endless white dawn emerges from the lines of the light array, like a gorgeous and pure white meteor shower, passing through the "Holy Light Blessing Field" below, and turning to bring With a soft and warm texture, it completely wraps the body of every hunter participating in the battle.

Ye Chen stretched out his hand and pressed the walkie-talkie on his ear, but immediately felt that something was wrong, so he looked down at his palm, which was covered by the light of the Holy Spirit, and found that it was in this brief The moment trembled slightly involuntarily, almost like an instinctive fear.

This should be completely impossible for the bloodsmith hunter.

Therefore, Ye Chen's eyes flickered secretly, trying to clench it into a fist and forcibly stop the trembling trend.

However, another white palm was suddenly stretched out, holding his palm lightly instead of Ye Chen himself.

Ye Chen turned his head and looked towards the person who reached out.

Ou Ke still had the same sweet smile as before, and then grabbed Ye Chen's palm and stretched out to the other four in the team.

Seeing her actions, Weimon, Shia, Ferona, and Errigat immediately understood, so they also overlapped each other's palms with Ye Chen and Ou Ke.

Then Oke made a serious announcement:

"Everyone can't forget the agreement just now, when this operation is over, we will go to the beach to have a good time together~ ”

Ferrona chuckled in high spirits.

"Haha, then when the time comes, Wei Meng will have to treat you."

Wei Meng's expression startled, and then he replied with a wry smile:

"Okay. , I'll try my best."

Sia pursed her lips slightly.

"I will treat you all the time, and I will never stop."

Erigart's eyes were firm and his words were short.

"Well, come on."

Feeling the temperature from his teammates, Ye Chen closed his eyes slightly, and there was a bit of struggle between his eyebrows.

The rest watched him silently.

Then, Ye Chen opened his eyes again, showing a faint smile from his heart.

"Everyone...have to live."

On the high marble platform.

Kui Ze lowered his head and stared at the warm holy light between the robotic arms, his face was still as calm as ever, and there was no wavering in his demeanor.

Yosewei reminded Quize in a calm tone:

"Quize, your side can officially start operations at any time."

Quize Nodding his head, but at this last moment, Amentine stopped him immediately.

"Number two."

The old hunter turned and looked towards Old Knight again.

"Anything else? Number three."

Amentine paused for a while, then said with a serious expression warned repeatedly:

"Don't just do it. I'm so dead outside."

Quize turned his head slowly, turned his back to Amentine, and gave a low voice:

"en. "

Then, the leader of the hunting group came to the front of the "Extreme Hunters", his eyes slowly swept across the crowd, and then turned to look at Alpedis.


Quize's expression became unusually serious, and then gave his order as the leader:

"Go, It's up to you to fire the first shot."

Alpedis bowed his head unmoved and agreed.


The voice fell, and his left hand immediately pressed the precious beam of rays of light tattoo on the right hand, thus offering peace to the Holy Spirit above the sky Greenoander conveys his inner thoughts.

The next moment, a dazzling pure white light emerged from Alpedis' tattoo on the back of his hand, then enveloped him and compressed it into a beam of pure white light. .

And then, the light that Alpedis turned into was brought into the sky by Divine Force in one fell swoop, and finally passed straight through the four-pointed star formation that entered the sky, and disappeared in the pure land of holy light. within the field.




The Hidden Domain , the columbarium castle, the high tower hall.

There are two silhouettes sitting between the spacious and cool halls.

The throne that should have belonged to the ashes clansman is now the leader of the Pleasure Theater, while the butcher hunter is sitting on the round table and high chair below, slowly sipping the drink in the glass.

The bronze mask worn on the face throughout the day prevented the dean from showing any emotional fluctuations, but Jettiskuki's face was full of exhaustion and exhaustion.

The reason is that three days ago, the butcher hunter had the most terrifying "visit" experience of his life.

Through the close cooperation of the two holders of "divine object" and the day and night of the crazy clowns, the dean and Jettiskuki finally explored the outer edge of the Aura labyrinth not long ago, and successfully I found the abyss purgatory, a demon territory that only existed in legends.

After a brief evaluation, the two felt that even if they sent other people in the theater, it would be worthless and worthless, so they finally decided to visit the eerie abyss in person. .

Then, Jettiskoky's three views were completely subverted.

That's a world that is completely different from any area of the Aura Labyrinth.

There are no basic environmental concepts such as sun and moon, firmament, earth, and air here.

Complete vacuum, absolute zero, no gravity, if you don't have the powerful body of nightmare baptism, the isolation protection of the power of Aura, and the blessing of the divide force given by the "divine object", then Jettisco Ki will die instantly the moment he steps into this world.

All his bodily fluids would boil and evaporate due to the extreme pressure, and all his senses would instantly lose all consciousness due to the extremely cold low temperature.

And even though immediately released the power of Aura from the palm of his hand as a light source, Jettiskuki could only see his body slowly floating forward in the darkness.

The Butcher Hunter is completely unable to understand the composition of this world, and can only follow the Dean's back, following his inner intuition and slowly drifting forward continuously.

It was clear that it was a vacuum, but his skin, mouth and nose continued to receive damp and salty feedback, and his ears and heart kept reverberating with sinister whispers, the soles of his shoes. With the limbs, there is a constant touch and stickiness that gently rubs against some invisible flesh and blood.

It was as if something was gradually eroding Jettiskok's body, and was gradually polluting his inner soul and replacing it with another existence.

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