Aura Hunter

Chapter 686

"Okay, anyway, it's best if the problem can be solved, so I'll go take a shower first."

Ye Chen finished his words, and immediately stood up from the bed.

However, Ou Ke immediately grabbed his hand.

Ye Chen looked back at Ou Ke with a puzzled expression.

"What's wrong?"

The smile on Ou Ke's face gradually subsided, and then he asked in a low tone:

"You heard the story just now. Don't you hate me?"

Ye Chen listened, his eyes suddenly filled with wonder.

"Why do you ask that?"

Ou Ke lowered his face and didn't dare to look directly at Ye Chen. He looked quite nervous for a while, and explained hesitantly:

"Because, I grew up in that distorted environment, so..."

Ye Chen's eyes changed, silent for a few seconds, and then reached out and rubbed hard rubbed her head.

"Don't be silly, it's them, not you."

Ye Chen responded with a wry smile.

"I may have hated you for a while, but it wasn't because of where you came from."

"Of course, both now and in the future, this matter It will never happen again."

"Besides...isn't this flower house where you really grew up?"

Listening to Ye Chen Calm and serious words, feeling the body temperature and strength coming from his palm, Ou Ke's originally dull fiery-red eyes, then a light beating brightly in them.

She turned her head dully and looked towards Ye Chen, her nose slightly sour and red.

Ye Chen then turned his eyes away, his face immediately became a little embarrassed, and it seemed that he didn't expect to say such disgusting remarks casually.

"Cough, cough!"

Coughing to clear his throat symbolically, Ye Chen wanted to end the topic.

"Okay, I'm going to take a bath, don't think about it."

After he finished speaking, he wanted to take Oke's palm away from him. Release on the arm.

As a result, Ou Ke immediately overwhelmed Ye Chen.

The two fell between the soft beds, and Ye Chen's ear immediately sounded such a whisper.

"I like you."

When the voice fell, his lips and tongue felt the touch and temperature that followed Ou Ke.


Ye Chen glanced at Ou Ke, did not speak, did not resist, just stretched out his arms and tightly hugged Ou Ke's trembling waist time, then glance at the pale-yellow ceiling wallpaper.

Young people know that times like this won't last long.

So, take care of her as much as you can now.


April 14, 2024 is the mourning festival of holy light pure land.

People will go to the cemetery today according to custom to remember their deceased ancestors and deceased relatives and friends, and the silhouettes of visitors to the middle-level hunter cemetery at Hunter's Peak are constantly coming and going. Incessantly.

Ye Chen, Ferona and Errigat stood in front of the same tombstone, holding pure white pure land flowers, with a line of names carved on it: Canggu.

When Ye Chen and the others were still rookies in their hunter career, they were saved by the owner of the tombstone at the cost of their own lives, so on this day every year, their three people would hold the pure land in their hands Hualai expresses condolences and thoughts to this venerable senior.

As in previous years, Ye Chen and the others presented pure white bouquets to Canggu's tombstone in turn, and then bowed their heads silently in condolences.

Next, Ye Chen turned his head to look at the other corner of the cemetery, and found that there were also many senior hunters gathered there, including the Sunset Squad where the dominant hunter Fanu was located.

And the tombstone surrounded by the crowd in the center is the recently constructed Tomb of Manfvor.

He used to be a top-level Master hunter and made countless achievements and achievements for the hunting group. Even if he died of persecution in the end, his corpse still served as a clue to help the hunting group track down. The mortal enemy has left a key contribution to the future survival of the holy light pure land, so naturally he has also harvested many bouquets that symbolize the respect of others.

At the end of the group of mourners, Ye Chen also saw the silhouettes of Weimon and Shia, it seems that the latter should have accompanied the former.

As early as the day Manfwo was buried, the Dawn Squad, like the overwhelming majority, offered flowers to the deceased, but Weimon came again today, enough to see that he was indeed I respect Manfwo, the senior.

When the mourning process came to an end, Ye Chen walked towards his partner on the other side of the cemetery.

She was half squatting in front of her real mother's tomb, and then gently offered her beautiful bouquets that she had meticulously cultivated.

This is the tombstone of Olin the Paper Hunter.

As if she was afraid that Ou Lin would feel lonely, Ou Ke took the time to visit her every month, and this time the visit was particularly long, and it seemed that she was making up her mind.

Then, a handful of white pure land flowers soon appeared in front of Ou Lin's tomb, which was put down by Ye Chen.

Ou Ke turned his head to look at Ye Chen, showing a moved smile.

"Thank you."

Ye Chen hesitated for a while, then asked Ou Ke calmly:

"If.... ..If you really met Fente's group on the battlefield... would you insist on killing them in order to avenge Olin?"

Ou Ke hearinging this was stunned, pondered for a moment, and then replied softly:

"Well... revenge... I can't say that."

"After all, mother was originally rescued by those people first, and in any case, I was raised by them step by step, so there is no special hatred in my heart."

"It's just that I just simply think...Sweet Home should not continue to exist in the they still have to die."

Ye Chen lightly sighed, and then explained with worrying eyes:

"I'm worried that when the time comes you will be carried away by hatred and won't listen to commands..."

But Ou Ke denied this without the slightest hesitation.

"You think too much. Only this will never happen, so don't worry." Just got rid of some.

He then turned his head to look at the cemetery scene in all directions. The tombstones of the hunter's cross were scattered all over the place, and it looked like a gray jungle.

And in the near future, there is no telling how many new tombstones will be added here.

There may be bloodsmith hunters among them...

Or simply not.


Ye Chen stopped silently, paused for a moment, looked down at the time on the round watch, and then reminded Ou Ke beside him:

"Today is the first day of our team's training, and it's getting late. Everyone else should be waiting at the door. Let's hurry up and meet them."

Ou Ke nodded lightly and replied:


Before leaving, her palm lightly stroked Ou Lin's tombstone, her eyes seemed calm and calm. firm.


In the next period of preparation for the battle, the active Master Hunter team of the hunting regiment started three preparations in accordance with the instructions of the high-level officials while concentrating on cultivation. Meeting.

With the help of the church led by holy light, the hunting group completely understood the structure of the central castle of the Joy Theater and the surrounding natural terrain, and used all this as the basis of information to provide information for each group and even each group. The support squad reasonably distributes their respective responsibilities and missions.

Strategy formulated the castle-centered battlefield as a quarter-ring, the first group of troops was responsible for the War Zone at the center of the ring, and the remaining four group troops were responsible for the ring The southeast, northeast, northwest, and southwest square fan-shaped War Zone.

The fifth group is assigned to the fan-shaped War Zone on the southeast side, and the Dawn Squad is responsible for controlling the border front here.

apart from this, the hunting group has provided a lot of financial support for the weapon procurement of the combatant group, so that every Master hunter who needs it can start with a price comparable to the cost. A wide variety of the latest weapons.

As a result, the workshop area of Hunter Town ushered in an unprecedented busy event.

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