Aura Hunter

Chapter 681

After being taken to the Sweet Home in the Hidden Domain of Lihu, as long as Fante doesn't dissection Olin's torso, it is impossible to find that her disability is actually a fake.

Accompanying it, even if Fente immediately seized everything on Olin and confiscated all the weapons and props in the hunter's black ring, she was completely unable to detect Olin's body, except for In addition to the fingernail-sized pieces of limb paper, there is also a powerful summon-type fifth-order labyrinth relic.

Even if Fente injected a large amount of Veritaserum into Olin during the interrogation, it would not have any effect on her, because the so-called sluggish state was entirely performed by Olin herself, and she had already done so. Secretly, the injection site of the medicine was treated with white paper, so as soon as the medicine entered the body, it would be tightly sealed by her in a flesh carton, and it could be secretly discharged after the interrogation.

So, From then on, Olin, who officially entered the Sweet Home, pretended to be absolutely obedient to Fente on the surface, but behind the scenes, she was secretly recovering from her injuries, and at the same time preparing her own plan step by step.

During the period, she never stopped the maintenance of the effect of Life Source Aura, because if she didn't do that, Olin's paper hands and feet would return to their original state, and she would be directly disemboweled from the body, thereby It would kill Olin on the spot, so she had to persevere day and night.

Only in this way can Olin leave this disgusting family, return to the land shrouded in holy light, and return to her dream home.

As for the poison, Olin also made a decision.

She is really as impossible as Fente said. In order to completely neutralize the toxicity, she directly stayed in the sweet home for 50 years. In that case, it would be better to kill her directly, even more how can not be guaranteed Finte wasn't lying about this.

So in view of the above two factors, the paper hunter's move lasted for a whole year, and finally decided to usher in the final ending in this rainstorm night.

With the on-the-spot death of Guardian Biebertum, the "Nail Formation" that originally surrounded Sweet Home all day, ushered in a complete disintegration.

Feeling the energy change spreading through the air, Fente and the rest of the eldest children, who were located in different rooms inside the building, suddenly woke up at the same time.

At the same time, Olin held the long-hidden fifth-order labyrinth relic summon in her hand. It was eight white rosary beads suspended in the air. The surface of each rosary bead was engraved with a different wild beast. The mark, and then Olin chanted its name softly.

""Illusory Beast Rosary"."

Ou Lin's voice fell, and three of the eight rosary beads flew to Ou Lin's front, and then expanded and transformed into three A rare beast with a big white light blooming on its head.

Among them are the beautiful and elegant Nine-Tailed Monster Fox, the mighty Martial God-like snake-tailed lion, and the ferocious bull-headed giant.

Each of them is a huge monster with a height of more than ten meters, so the moment they appeared, they smashed the narrow building corridor, causing the whole sweet home to vibrate violently.

Boom ——————!

The little children were awakened by the sudden movement, while the big children quickly gathered in the building corridor.

Because the five-member team headed by Kou Ling just left the Hidden Realm of Lihu to explore the outside world, the eldest child of the Sweet Home is now only nine members headed by Betasha.

They turned their heads and looked out the window together, and then they saw the three-headed white light giant beast that appeared out of nowhere, and had already begun to wreak havoc on the interior of the Sweet Home, as if it was a giant beast. I plan to destroy the entire building in one fell swoop.

Even though there were thousands of shocks and confusions in their hearts, the nine Betasha immediately started to act, and immediately launched a fierce melee with the demon fox, snake lion, and Ox Head Man.

Although the origins of these three giant beasts are unknown, the realm of each member is enough to rival other labyrinth monsters in Peak Level. They can not only roar flames, but also release corrosive poison. , and also possessed invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable arrogant bodies, which made it impossible for the Betasha nine to suppress them all in a short period of time.

It's just that when a bloated silhouette whizzed out from the opposite floor, it turned into a distorted streamer and swept over the demon fox, snake lion, and Ox Head Man in turn. Beast suddenly suffered heavy damage, just smashed the wall of Sweet Home, and each overturned and flew into the rainstorm outside.


Seeing that Fente, who fell from the sky, immediately turned the situation around, Betasha and the others immediately gathered around her with excited expressions.

"What the hell is going on!?"

"Where did that three-headed monster come from!?"

"Why Bieberto? Mu's big brother's Formation was suddenly released!?"

Faced with the question of the elder children one after another, Fente immediately signaled everyone to shut up with a gloomy expression.

"Don't be arguing! I don't know the situation! So take action for me now!"

Although she said so, she had a vague idea in her heart, Then different orders were issued to everyone: Nicola went to settle the little child, others were alert to the surrounding situation, Betasha went to find Olin, and herself went to confirm the state of Bibtum.

So the family split up so quickly.

Soon, Biebertum's mutilated corpse appeared in front of Fente's eyes.

Fente kneeled in the pool of blood of the dead eldest son, bowed her head, and said nothing, her face wrapped in a turban was shrouded in a dark shadow.


In less than one minute, Betasha returned to Fente's side in a panic, reporting the situation with a trembling voice:

"Mother, there's no one in Olin's room, she's gone!"

At the same time, Nicola kept rushing after hiding the little child. in front of Finte.

"Mother, Momo didn't come back. She was in the bathroom a few minutes ago! I guess she ran out of the small window there!"

Then , and a few older children also flew back to remind Fente:

"Mother, the three monsters you flew just now aren't dead yet, they have started to get up again, and I In the distance, I saw three other huge white monsters with the same physique, but instead of coming towards us, they were heading straight for the farm at the other end! What the hell is going on here!?”

Fente grinned and took a deep breath, then suddenly stood up from the pool of Biebertum's blood, and announced to the crowd in a low and hoarse voice:

"It's Olin."

"Olin did all this."

"She kidnapped Momo, killed Biebertum, and now summon out these monsters, thinking It should be used to distract us, so that we can take this opportunity to escape from the Hidden Realm of Lihu in one breath.”

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