Aura Hunter

Chapter 677

Ou Lin listened with a complicated expression, her eyes subconsciously swept to Momo's limbs, and then found some pink lines on her slender arms, interwoven into a pattern of love.

At first glance, Olin thought that this dao chart case was drawn by Momo herself with a crayon.

However, after a careful observation, she was stunned to find that the real body of these lines... turned out to be pink sutures, pierced through Momo's thin skin. In and out, this is the pink love in front of you...

As a decoration on a girl, such a thing really makes people feel terrible to see.

"Momo, what is this?"

My eyes stayed on the stitches on Momo's body for a while, and Ou Lin asked the girl in front of her.

After listening, Momo raised her arms and explained to Olin proudly:

"This was given to me by my mother a week ago in praise of my sword technique. How about the gift, it's beautiful, isn't it?"

Ou Lin was at a loss for words, and immediately questioned:

"Isn't this painful?"

Momo Replied with a faint smile:

"Pain, but mother said 'pain' is the best gift, so I should be happy, I should smile, otherwise I'm ignorant, and will be punished by big brother The elder sisters are punished."

Olin listened, and involuntarily bit her lower lip with her teeth.


She hesitated in silence for a while, then whispered to the girl in front of her:

"Momo. you here is happy?"

Momo nodded innocently with a smile.

"Well, very happy, because mother is very good to us, as long as everyone is obedient, who will not be hungry~"

Olin's expression is full of helplessness and bitterness.


Afterwards, another young voice came from the side of the shade, interrupting the conversation between the two.

"Momo, it's obviously fun to play hide and seek, why did you come here halfway to chat with others?"

Ou Lin turned her head and saw that the speaker was The other child, Mi'er, is only one year older than Momo. She looks a bit introverted and seems to have the best relationship with Momo in the group.

"Really, I hid in the grass for a long time..."

Mi'er walked to Momo and complained to her with a disappointed face.

"ah ha ha, sorry, I forgot, let's start a new round."

Momo touched her head to laughed at her friend, and then waved to Ou Lin Farewell for now.

"Ou Lin elder sister, let's go play first, let's talk next time~"

Ou Lin nodded slightly, watching the two of them happy in the woods I ran and jumped, but my heart became even more unpleasant.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Olin has lived in Sweet Home for half a year.

During the period, because of her unconditional obedience and serious and responsible style, Olin gradually gained Fente's favor. Not only was she not treated badly, but she also obtained a set of wood made by herself. Although the prosthesis is equipped to walk bumpy and stiff, it is much more convenient than the previous wheelchair.

But while Fenty likes Olin, the rest of Home Sweet Home doesn't.

Whether it's the big child or the little one, there is almost always a sense of alienation between them and Olin.

And the sharp-minded Olin soon discovered that this sense of alienation stemmed from their arrogance and disdain. The fact that "ability comes first", so the other members of the Sweet Home will have more or less contempt for the existence of a disabled person like Olin.

Of course, Momo is the only exception among the crowd.

She had never seen a "same clansman" like Ou Lin before, and the simple conversation with Ou Lin that day had completely stimulated her interest, so whenever she had time, Momo would Actively chat with Olin and listen to her describe how wonderful the world is outside and how delicious the delicious food is.

Over time, Ou Lin and Momo's contacts became more frequent and their relationship became better and better.

Such a situation did not arouse the slightest concern of the other people in the Sweet Home. After all, for them, Olin is just a dispensable existence, and at most there are some stories left. As well as the value of cultural education, it is a waste of time to pay attention to such a useless person.

However, Ou Lin herself doesn't care about these contemptuous eyes at all, just because all her thoughts are used to brew a long plan, and all of this requires Ou Lin's patience, insight, timing. And other factors can be brought into play...

During her life in Sweet Home, Olin secretly and carefully observed every family member who might be a threat to her, and became familiar with them All abilities and character traits.

And there are two people who are very important in Ou Lin's heart, one is Sweet Home's Guardian Bibtum, and the other is Sweet Home's controller Fente himself.

Biebertum, like Olin and Fente, are in the Fifth Layer nightmare realm, and his Life Source Aura technique is a Formation-type technique that integrates defense and detection.

By placing the nails as a medium at the corresponding location, Bibtum can summon out an energy Formation that is concentrated with the power of powerful Aura, so as to make the sweet home as the center in a radius of one kilometer The area is covered, and it can even be maintained 24/7 all year round.

This "Nail Formation" can not only isolate the outside world like a fortress of invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, but also give Biebertum a permanent broad vision, allowing him to monitor the world anytime, anywhere. Everything visible to the naked eye from the outside.

Because of this, whenever someone in Sweet Home needs to pass the "Nail Formation", they need to inform Biebertum in advance, otherwise the "Nail Formation" will not open the door for the outgoing person, And if the outgoing person intends to push hard, then the "Nail Formation" will give the opponent a devastating blow like a thundercloud.

Biebertum once threw a hard labyrinth boulder in front of Olin in front of Olin with a show-off mentality, and this thing immediately melted into Olin's eyes. A pile of scorched liquid that was difficult to see with naked eyes made her deeply understand the fact that breaking through this Formation would pay a heavy price.

As for Fente, who is The head of the family, the impact on Olin is even more exaggerated.

Fente is personally responsible for teaching little children the skills of close-up sword technique in education.

Ou Lin once observed from a distance how she taught the children with a sword in her own hands, and the hanging wires hanging between the squares of the sweet family property floor are the head of the family teaching place.

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