Aura Hunter

Chapter 672

Ten years ago.

Located on a coast in the vastness of the Aura labyrinth Heaven and Earth, a half-black, half-red silhouette was washed up on the beach by the waves.

This is an adult woman with three short hair.

The black on her body comes from her broken hunter uniform, and the red on her body comes from the numerous wounds between her limbs.

The hunter is confused and weak, and although he wants to move, he can't, so he can only breathe alone on the beach.

The gray eyes stared at the equally gray sea and sky above, like a terminally ill person full of gloom and hopeless.

Afterwards, she was ready to accept death and continued to lie on the beach for half a day.

As a result, after this, a burst of rapid footsteps came from the other side of the sand, and then entered the hunter's ears close to the sand.

So her expression changed suddenly, she turned her head with difficulty, and immediately caught a glimpse of a slender figure at the end of her field of vision, and it didn't take long before she walked in front of her.

The hunter glanced at each other with a dying look, opened his dry lips a few times, and then completely lost consciousness.

The visitor is also an adult woman, wearing a colorful dress, her long fluffy hair is tied into a dozen small braids, her eyes are wide apart, the bridge of the nose is flat, and her complexion is naturally pale. Zi, and the hunter in distress are obviously not the same race.

And seeing that the fainting hunter's limbs were all amputated, the purple-skinned woman crouched down immediately and began to search the hunter's body.

Finally, she managed to find a steel nameplate, and saw this line of writing on it:

"1881 - Paper Hunter - Olin"

Seeing this, the purple-skinned woman couldn't help showing a surprised smile.

"Haha, it's really an Aura hunter, and it's turned into a human stick! What a treasure today! Mother will be very happy!"

She was excited After talking to herself like this, she immediately carried Olin, who was missing limbs, on her shoulders, and then she jumped to the other side of the coast.


After a long time, Olin slowly opened her eyes, and what caught her eye was a pitch-black stone ceiling.

So she struggled to get up from the rough bed with a confused face, looked down towards her body with mutilated limbs, and found that the original blood-stained hunter uniform had been taken off, replaced by one after another Hemostatic bandages and bundles of medicinal herb for disinfection.

I am... saved by who?

Ou Lin was so puzzled, she turned her head to look all around, and found that it was a narrow room with a series of old wooden furniture such as bedside tables, tables and chairs standing beside it. A lot of green moss, and the candle light close to the wall brought a few faint rays of light to Ou Lin's field of vision.

Where is this?

There is no labyrinth madness in the air...

Is it some "hidden domain" inside the labyrinth?

Looking up at the old wooden door ahead, Olin's face was full of confusion and confusion.

Not long after, as if sensing Olin's awakening, there was a sound of slow footsteps from the outside of the wooden door.

Then the door is lightly opened.

An Old Lady with a bloated and plump figure, dressed in lace cloth and a pitch black turban on her head, appeared in front of Ou Lin.

Her face was full of old folds like dry and cracked tree bark, and the half-grey and half-white skin was crowded with distorted facial features, making Ou Lin unable to distinguish the person in front of her. In the end is the same human beings, or other races.

Then a hoarse voice came from the Old Lady's slightly parted lips.

"he he he, you're finally awake, Miss Hunter."

Listening to Old Lady's fluent human language, Olin's face suddenly revealed a look of shock.

At the same time, the aura emanating from this Old Lady made her immediately understand... This is a person who is in the same 5th layer dream as herself, In the eyes of the other party, Ou Lin, who is now in a weak state, can be easily killed like a swaddling baby.

However, even so, Olin, the Master hunter, quickly regained her composure, and turned to talk to the Old Lady in a weak tone:

"You saved me. Me?"

"Accurately, one of my daughters brought you back before I got you out of mortal danger."

"Where is this place? ?"

"This is a small hidden world."

"You know my language and my identity, who are you?"

Hearing Olin's very direct question, the bloated Old Lady laughed immediately.

"he he he, I can only tell you, my name is Fente, as for other things, you don't need to know any more."

Listen After Fente's response, Olin paused for a moment, then asked calmly:

"Then why are you saving my life again? I think It shouldn't be just plain Be kind?"

Fente's smile showed a bit of cunning because of this questioning.

"Of course not, dear Miss Olin, there is never any kind of 'kindness' in the world, some just ask and use each other."

Then, she He walked in front of Ou Lin in one step, then stretched out his swollen palm tied with silk threads, and gently lifted Ou Lin's thin chin.

"The situation is the same now."

"From the moment we brought you back, it was impossible for you to return to the holy light pure land safely. I will allow you to do that, of course, even if you are physically disabled, you can do it if you want to."

"So, paper hunter Olin, I'll make it clear now."

"From now on, you will be my pet and slave of Fente, and you will stay with me and my children in this hidden world for the rest of your life, until the day you die. "

"You have to do whatever I tell you to do without any hesitation. Of course, you can also choose not to obey. In that case, I don't mind slaughtering you like a beast." corpse, and then make delicious food for the children to feast on.

“Although you are no different from a cripple now, I think your body that has experienced nightmares five times baptism is also full of sufficient nutrition. Well, hehe hehe..."

Faced with Fente's declaration of terror, Olin didn't say a word, but she didn't show any fear either, just staring at her pair Eyes with no energy, just stared blankly at Fente's aging and ugly face.

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