Aura Hunter

Chapter 667

"You want to see me? Why?"

Ye Chen felt quite strange about Sophie Lanie's thoughts, because apart from that year's graduation assessment, he had a relationship with the "Extreme Hunter" 』, there is no new intersection at all, but the other party seems to be very concerned about himself, which really makes Ye Chen puzzled.

"Haha, what else is there to say?"

Sophie Lanie answered with a smile:

"Because you have both talent and good looks Yeah. Three years ago, I was very delicious and pretty, and three years later, I have become handsome and masculine. And I have become the youngest Master Hunter in a hundred years. Who wouldn't want such a baby? See you?"

Ye Chen's eyes were dazed by Sophie Lanie's words, and then she realized that her interest in herself...seems to be reflected in " On the level of heterosexuality.

"Here's my contact information and address in the town. If you are free, we can communicate 'privately' after the meeting. I promise you will never regret it. ~"

Sophie Lanni licked her red lips, and with a charming smile, put a business card into Ye Chen's palm, which not only recorded her full address, but also printed it. Full of peach-colored patterns and love, it seems to show a strong desire to Ye Chen.


Ye Chen looked down at the business card in his hand, thinking that if Ouke found out about this, he would not be angry with her. exploded, and then immediately showed an embarrassed smirk to Sophie Lanie.

"Sorry, the battle is imminent, I don't have time for these things."

Sophie Lanie sighed with disappointment.

"Ai, really a serious child, forget it, let's talk about it later~"

The voice fell, and she immediately returned to her "4" seat.

Seeing that this eccentric "Purple Hunter" didn't bother much, Ye Chen secretly sighed in relief.

He turned his gaze to the familiar two coming one after another behind him, and greeted them in turn.

"Hello, Mr. Feng."

"en. ”

Feng nodded slightly to Ye Chen, and then sat down neatly. 5" seat.

"He Sheng, hello."


He Sheng was a little surprised by the appearance of Ye Chen, but not much Say something, and turn to seat "8".

After the two of them arrived, a few minutes later, the last three participants of the meeting walked out of the door together.

The silver-haired, one-eyed Kui Ze walked in the middle with a cane, and two middle-aged men of the same age accompanied him like guards.

The man on the left has messy long hair and small braids. He is tall and tall, with slender legs. His face is covered with scruffy beards. His eyes are a little listless. The second seat of the "Extreme Hunting", Nie Suo, who saved Ye Chen's life together with the hunter Kadaixi.

The man on the right has neatly cut short hair, a tall body, strong shoulders, a clean face, and a natural aura of majesty in his appearance. But it still does not prevent his reputation from resounding on the top of the hunters. It is the current number one person of the Aura hunting group, and also the first seat of the "extreme hunt" - Alpedis.

The old gaze one after another swept across the people on the tea table, and Kui Ze then explained calmly:

"Sorry, everyone, we just temporarily dealt with it. I had to do business, so I was delayed on the road for a while."

Hengley listened to Quizze's words, and responded immediately with a bright smile:

"It's okay, Mr. Quizen , you have a lot of time, everyone understands this."

Nie Suo and Alpedis' eyes were on Ye Chen invariably.

"Hey, Ye Chen, I haven't seen you for many years."

Nie Suo's expression was slightly astonished, and then he greeted Ye Chen with a hearty smile.

“long time no see, Mr. Nie Suo.”

Ye Chen greeted him respectfully, admiring the former life saving benefactor in front of him. .

"Did you call him here?"

Alpedis turned to Quize and asked.

"Yes, mainly to let him get to know you in advance."

Kui Ze answered with a kind smile.

"Well, I see."

Alpedis nodded responded and made no further comments.

Then, as the old man who was the supreme commander of the entire Aura hunting group, Kuize drove his mechanical limbs and walked to the seat marked with the "Hunter Regiment Emblem".

At the same time, Nesso and Alpedis immediately took their seats on the black wooden chairs with the codes "2" and "1" printed on them.

"Okay, since everyone's here, let's get down to business."

Kui Ze folded the robotic arms in front of his chest and announced in a flat tone At the beginning of this short meeting, the rest of the people present came to the spirit and showed the attitude of listening carefully.

"First of all, the church has made a preliminary terrain analysis of the theater base camp."

"They are stationed in a large castle in an unknown hidden area. The castle It covers an area of about 300,000 square meters. The landforms outside the city range from flat and open wasteland to rugged and steep rifts. Detailed information will be distributed to all plan participants in the form of physical Terrain Map in a few days. ."

"Secondly, holy light has also clearly confirmed the abyss's active aura from this area, so the clown butcher is likely to successfully establish a connection with the abyss, but those auras are not strong , it can be judged that it is far from a sign of the appearance of the abyss body Harvey Jordan, so everything is not irreversible for us."

"Originally, the church was still considering whether to send a Knight team. Come to reinforce, but now we can't do that anymore. After all, the three sides of the butcher clown abyss are likely to play 'lured the tiger away from the mountain' with us, so the holy light pure land must be heavily guarded by the Knight side. An indispensable insurance measure. Our original annihilation action outline remains unchanged, and the overall participating members are still the "Extreme Hunter" and the Master team."

"As for what I'm going to talk about next, it is For everyone's battlefield deployment."

Speaking of this, Kuize immediately turned his attention to the first seat of "Extreme Hunting".

"Alpedis, you will be the supreme commander of this battlefield, and all Master Hunter squads will unconditionally obey your instructions."

"In addition, this raid The first shot of the battle is also started by you. When the time comes, your primary task is to carry out a surprise attack through precise coordination at the beginning, which may reduce the enemy's battle strength, and may completely block the theater base camp and the surrounding area to ensure that Cut off all escape routes for the enemy, and can no longer appear like a fish that escaped the net like last time."

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