Aura Hunter

Chapter 664

Fortunately, Ye Chen, who was kneeling on the ground, only struggled for a moment, and then forcibly suppressed the crazy desire in his body with his firm willpower.

The quivering palm retrieved the labeled tranquilizer, and then pushed the needle precisely into his arm.


Empty all the liquid in the needle in one breath, Ye Chen continued to kneel and gasp for a while, and was soon able to get rid of it Physically and mentally everything is different.

The setting sun is warm again and the forest is green again.

The world in front of the bloodsmith hunter returned to its original calm.

Only the little python was still behind him, shiver coldly, for unknown reasons.


Ye Chen got up and straightened his back, let out a long relaxed breath with lingering fears, then turned around and glanced at Xiao Python, and then Summoned a small group of "Pure Blood Body" and placed it in front of it.

Due to the delicious temptation of the food, Xiao Python instantly forgot what he had just seen, and happily dived into Ye Chen's blood cell, as if nothing had happened Gorge oneself up.

Looking at its innocent and cute appearance, Ye Chen couldn't help showing a bitter and gloomy smile.


In the evening, the hall of the flower house.

After taking a bath, Ye Chen and Oke had dinner together. The two days of hard cultivation made them very tired, so after a full meal, Ye Chen and Oke planned to rest early.

However, unlike usual, Ou Ke did not stay in Ye Chen's bedroom with him this time, but obediently returned to his room to part with Ye Chen. sleep in the room.

Ye Chen was extremely surprised by this, and immediately asked Ouke the reason.

In the end, she just gave this answer with a smile:

"Don't you always want to rest alone? Since the war is imminent, I naturally don't want to. Excuse me again."

Although Oke's answer is reasonable, it still makes Ye Chen feel unimaginable.

Having known and lived together for so many years, he knew very well that Ou Ke was not such a "reasonable" person, so now he has suddenly become so well-behaved, which obviously makes Ye Chen feel that something is wrong. Too right.

Could it be that Amanlo senior's behavior of hugging and hugging her earlier made her jealous, so she got angry and turned into what she is now?

That's not right, that kind of trivial matter that's not worth mentioning, no matter what, it won't come to this point, right?

What happened to her?

Ye Chen alone was lying on his bed and began to make various conjectures, but he couldn't come up with a reason.

However, just as he was thinking hard, there was a sudden vibration from the communicator placed on the bedside table.

Ye Chen, whose thoughts were interrupted, took the communicator, clicked on the screen, and immediately saw this message:

[Tomorrow at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I will be at the top of the mountain. The old clock tower started a short meeting between extreme hunting. If you are free, I hope you can come and listen. ]

[Sender: Captain Kuize]

After browsing the message in front of him, Ye Chen's face immediately showed more surprise.

Mr. Kuize wants to have a meeting with the "Hunters", why did he ask me to come with him?

The reality just made him feel even more puzzled.

However, Ye Chen, as a junior and subordinate, also regretted rejecting the invitation of the head of the group, so with the idea of opening his eyes and getting to know other "extreme hunters", he decided to arrive on time tomorrow afternoon.


The next day at 2:30 in the afternoon, Ye Chen changed into his formal clothes, went to the upper level of Hunter's Peak, and arrived at the old clock tower at the top of the mountain ahead of schedule.

Ye Chen gently pushed open the thick unlocked door, and the clock tower hall that came into view was exactly the same as when he came back here.

The colorful stained windows between the walls transmit mottled sunlight, and rows of wooden bookshelves stand on both sides of the hall with traces of the years, which exudes a vicissitudes and solemnity to Ye Chen atmosphere.

And in front of an exquisite tea table at the back of the hall, one silhouette is sitting at this time, raising a cup of tea.

He was the only one Ye Chen saw here, but it was not the inviter Kuize himself, but another person Ye Chen knew and had a conversation with several years ago.

"Extreme Hunt" three seats, Hungry.

Seeing this, Ye Chen's brows suddenly wrinkled, just because the conversation that year made him feel unpleasant. In "Extreme Hunting", Ye Chen only didn't want to be alone with this seat.

At the same time, looking up at Ye Chen who entered the hall of the clock tower, Hungry's face was also stained with a coldness.

He slowly put down the teacup in his hand, and then asked Ye Chen indifferently: "Do you know where this place is? Who allowed you to come here?"

Ye Chen listened, and responded with a face doesn't change:

"I know, this is the place where your "Extreme Hunt" is about to meet, and the reason why I am here is because of Mr. Kuize I was invited to come and listen."

After Hungry listened, an unbelievable color emerged from the originally icy face.

"We had an internal meeting in 'Extreme Hunting', but he pulled you, an ordinary hunter, over to listen?"

Ye Chen continued to replied in a flat tone: "I have Kui here. If you don't believe the text message sent by Mr. Ze, you can read it yourself."

Hengri's eyebrows sank slightly at this moment, turning his head to look at the extra page between the tea tables. Ten seats, and then muttered in a low voice with a gloomy face:

"No wonder there is one more seat than before, so Mr. Kuize specially prepared for you this guy... .... okay."

Hearing Hungry's attitude, Ye Chen immediately moved towards the tea table.

As early as three years ago, this "Extreme Hunter" was very unhappy with Ye Chen, and seemed to be very concerned about the relationship between Ye Chen and Kuize, but Ye Chen himself was not here at all. Such a waste of thought on boring things.

Before he came to the tea table, he turned his head and glanced at all the black wooden seats in front of him, and found that the back of the chair Hengri was sitting was engraved with the code name of "3", apart from this, and The eight empty chairs are printed with the codes from "1" to "8", and the two empty chairs are engraved with the patterns of "Hunter Regiment Emblem" and "X" respectively.

Ye Chen understands that the former corresponds to seats 1 to 8 of "Extreme Hunting", but as for the meaning of the patterns of the last two chairs, he is a little confused.

And seeing his pestle sitting in place without immediately sitting down, Hungry, who was on the opposite side of the tea table, immediately reminded impatiently:

"Mr. Group, so your seat can only be the 'X'."

Although Ye Chen didn't know what the "X" pattern represented, he still politely whispered to Hungry. He thanked him, and then leaned down on the chair Kuize had prepared for him.

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