Aura Hunter

Chapter 657

Seeing that Amanlo suddenly hugged Ye Chen Shia tightly, the expressions of the rest of the Dawn Squad changed at this moment.

Weamon, Ferona, and Errigat shifted their gazes almost simultaneously.

Then, the three of them found another teammate, Oke, whose face was now shrouded in shadows, and her bright long hair with cherry blossoms quietly floated up. Thousands of hairs stand up from it, as if it were "fried hair" in the literal sense.

Seeing this, Weimon, Ferona, and Errigat looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Hello, isn't this great?" Filona whispered.

"If it's her, even in this situation, it's really possible to do something stupid." Errigat's expression became serious and worried.

"Wait a minute if something happens, let's hold her down together." Wei Meng made a decision nervously.

While Ou Kejianmao and Wei Meng were muttering, Ye Chen and Shia broke away from Amanlo's embrace with embarrassment.

Sia noticed the strange gazes from other colleagues around, and immediately protested to Amanlo panting with rage: "Amanlo elder sister, please don't do this kind of thing on such a solemn occasion. , very humiliating..."

Ye Chen agreed with a speechless expression.

However, Amanlo smiled indifferently.

"Aiya, what's the matter? Anyway, everyone just glanced at it and forgot about it!"

"Anyway, now we have become a relationship of the same level, you guys The speed of these children's upgrades is really exaggerated to the point of shocking people."

"Is there any secret of progress? Don't hide it, share it with elder sister?"

Amanlo was talking, and she was about to make some intimate teasing to Ye Chen Shia, but she was immediately stopped in front of her by another silhouette.

"This dear 'Aunt', please don't do anything to Ye Chen."

Ou Ke gave Amanlo such a message with a cold smile A provocative warning followed by an assertion of his own sovereignty.

"Because he's my man."

Amanlo was stunned for a moment, and the arms that had stretched out to Ye Chen and Shia were withdrawn just like that.

"Oke, don't be so rude, the other party is always a senior worthy of our respect."

Ye Chen hurriedly stretched out his hand to dissuade the partner in front of him, although he himself had no regard for Oman. Luo's behavior was equally distressed, but she shouldn't have spoken so meanly to the latter anyway.

However, Ye Chen's words just blurted out, Amanlo's arm suddenly changed direction in the air, and then turned around and took Oke in his arms.

At this moment, not only Ye Chen and the others were stunned, but Ou Ke himself was also stunned.

"Ah, you look so cute! You look like a doll!"

"Ye Chen is so lucky to have found a girlfriend like you? Right?"

"Also, why is your hair so shiny? It feels smooth, smooth and watery! How is it maintained?"

Amanlo said while Sighing in surprise, while hugging and hugging Ou Ke, the latter's expression suddenly became unstable.

"Hey, stop, let me go, and don't touch my hair!"

Oke, who was watching normally do as one pleases, was completely at odds with Amanlo. Ye Chen and the others were stunned for a moment, and then they all showed expressions that didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Ai, really, this woman still likes to be noisy as before..."

In addition, one silhouette also walked to Ye Chen and Shia, with a tone of voice Sighing a little irritably, it was another senior known to the two, Leviton the Blink Hunter.

"Hello, Mr. Leviton."

Ye Chen and Shia greet each other at the same time.

"Well, hello."

Leviton responded calmly, then continued:

"After many years, this time we We're acting together again."

"Although not in the same group..."

"But hopefully this time we won't encounter the same bad luck as before. It's the situation."

Ye Chen and Shia felt the same way, and then ignored Ou Ke and Amanlo who were fighting on the side, and instead chatted with Leviton.

"Mr. Leviton, I thought you had become a teacher at the Hunter Academy, instead of staying with us and waiting to go to battle as you are now."

"Huh , This is a long story, I did want to retire three years ago, but the situation was too turbulent at that time, so the hunting group used various welfare policies to keep me."

"And then continue the hunter career like this?"

"Yes, at first I only planned to work for a year at most and then quit, but the deadline hasn't come yet. I ushered in the Fifth Layer dream. This time, the hunting group was even more reluctant to bear me. Facing more 'expensive' retention, I chose to give in. After all, no one will have a hard time with money, he he he.... .."

"so that's how it is, it's just like your style."

Everyone continued to chat about something, and then Leviton waved his hand to end the conversation. After a leisurely time, he turned his head and urged Amanlo to the side:

"Okay, Amanlo, we should go."

"Ah? So fast? I I want to talk a little longer!"

"What's the hurry, Captain Hummingbird is waiting outside for our short meeting, why don't you come to me now!"

"Hmm. ......Well, then, Ye Chen, Shia, and everyone in the Dawn Squad, see you next time!"

The voice fell, and Amanlo followed Li Wei briskly. Dayton left the conference hall together.

Ou Ke, who finally escaped the catastrophe, then sighed with a tired face:

"There are still guys in the hunting group who are so cheeky and shameless realm, Today is really an eye-opener..."

Hearing this straightforward evaluation, Ye Chen and the others immediately tacitly expressed the same feeling:

"You have absolutely no right to say that about her."

However, just when Ye Chen felt that he had communicated with the other hunter teams around him, it was time for his side to leave Sheen. Fang was followed by another team.

Ye Chen turned his head to look, and immediately found that each member of this team has a unique temperament.

A bald-headed and white-bearded old man wearing blind sunglasses, a sassy woman with short hair in a ceremonial robe, a young man with loose hair with eyes as thin as a falcon, and a high hat dressed like a magician's curly beard The man, the mature woman in the coat with her long hair tied neatly and tidy on the top of her head, and the tall and straight man who stood in the forefront of them, but looked as ordinary as an office worker. The middle-aged man in uniform...

The comer is the first Master Rank team recognized by the hunting regiment - the Dusk Squad led by the dominant hunter Fanu.

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