Aura Hunter

Chapter 653

After hearing Weimon's words, Ferona's eyes flashed, and she was obviously interested.

"Do you mean the Number One Person who occupied the top of the Master Hunter career contribution list?"

Erigat hearing this, also involuntarily asked softly:


"Is it Fanu, the dominant hunter?"

Wemon smiled nodded, and then turned his eyes to the other side of the ancient ceremony hall.

The rest of the team followed him and turned their heads to look, their eyes passed through dozens of round tables and the silhouettes of hundreds of colleagues, and then between the first round table at the other end of the hall, they saw A group of hunters with unique temperament senior.

There are men and women among them, a total of six people, all of them are mature in appearance, steady and dignified in manner, and each has its own aura of a seasoned veteran.

And the leader of this round table is a tall man with thin cheekbones and middle-aged appearance. His hair is neat and tidy combed according to the direction of the hairpin, and he is wearing a white shirt to match. Man in black striped uniform.

At this moment, he is looking down at the newspaper in his hand, and his flat face reveals a little tiredness and tiredness. Ordinary office worker.

However, it is such a mediocre middle-aged man, but he can quietly send a warning signal to Ye Chen and the other six that should not be provoked.

His sitting posture is extremely upright, but the chair is deliberately pulled away from the edge of the table so that he can immediately get up and move in any emergency. He has a few mirrors by his hand, It is convenient for him to observe the blind spot behind him anytime, anywhere.

Even now in the most heavily guarded base camp of the hunting group, this man still did not forget to put in place these tiny precautions, which was enough to highlight his unreasonable caution and steadiness.

Sia silently observed Fanu's silhouette, and then couldn't help but sigh softly:

"I often see his deeds in the headlines in the Hunter Express, and I remember that There are also many reports about him among the people, and there are even many biographical books written for him."

Wei Meng excitedly stated:

"Well, this It is a living modern legend, different from those "extreme hunters" who keep secret from the outside world, Mr. Fanu's name, even if placed in the whole holy light pure land, is like thunder piercing the ear, well-known to every household."

“He has made countless achievements and exploits in the past, and several times during this period can even be said to have saved the entire holy light pure land, and the most well-known among them is the Legendary story fifty years ago.”

"At that time, Mr. Fanu was relaxing in an idyllic village on the outskirts of the country, but unexpectedly, the labyrinth pothole suddenly fell from the sky, and then the abyss monsters poured down like a flood. The demons and ghosts corroded by the abyss, and even the three abyss body species appeared together, and the scene at that time was as terrifying as destroying heaven extinguishing earth."

"It's been fifty years since then. The most dangerous time of holy light pure land, if these monsters are allowed to invade and spread infection, then the whole holy light pure land will be severely damaged, but luckily, Mr. Fanu blocked in front of these demons."

"He summons out all his familiars, and with the domineering attitude of "one person is an army", he wiped out all the invaders present, including those of the abyss body species, before finally waiting for the holy light Knight. When the team arrived at the scene, the accident was over, and under the protection of Mr. Fanu, there was not even a single victim in that idyllic village.”

“Inside the hunting group, it was even more so. There have been rumors that his strength may have reached the level of "extreme hunting". Although no one can make a conclusion on this, Mr. Fanu has still become the idol of countless people, and I read it when I was a child. His biography, that's why he became interested in learning about the Aura hunters..."

Waemon gushed about Fanu's deeds in Danger Land with the air of a fanatic fans.

"Is his existence so important to you? Why don't you want to ask him for an autograph later?"

Ou Ke held his cheek and teased like this.

"Ha, I had to arrive three years ago, why do I need to wait until today."

Waemon replied triumphantly.


Ye Chen quietly observed Fanu at the far end, and Fanu at the far end was also staring at Ye Chen silently.

Although there is no formal acquaintance with the other party, Ye Chen also knows Fanu's Legendary stories well.

According to the internal rumors of the hunting group, Fanu's Life Source Aura technique is to tame other creatures, and then use his imagination to evolve them into the unique ability of the demon, including fleshy body invulnerable, indestructible And impregnable, the ghoul that launches madness to kill, there is also the Ghost Statue that can soar at high speed and smash the wind and the sky, and the undead army that can continue to resurrect, and the bisexual Divine Bird that can release the blow of destroying heaven extinguishing earth , named Phoenix.

Apart from this, the teammates who dominate the hunter Fanu are also not simple.

Blind Slash Hunter Qian, Silent Hunter Wuming, Qi Bow Hunter Hexu, Retrospective Hunter Jia Wennai, Trick Hunter Don Jiminder.

These five people are all hunting group veterans with similar qualifications as Fanu, and they all remain in the top ten in the overall hunter career contribution list. Respect is the ideal teammate who has accompanied Fanu to work for many years.

And the fixed team formed by these six veteran powerhouses firmly occupies the top position in the comprehensive evaluation list of the hunter team, and its name is...


Dusk Squad.

Like the Dawn Squad led by Ye Chen, the Dusk Squad led by Fanu also has a unique meaning in its name.

"As long as the dusk is still there, the night will never come."

And this is exactly what the hunting group stood for when the turbulent situation three years ago The best symbol of trust and high hopes bestowed by the Fanu Six.

They are the strongest team under the "Extreme Hunting" and the mainstay of the last generation of Aura hunters. No matter how chaotic and dangerous the situation is, the hunting group believes that they can use their rich and extreme skills. Experience turns it peril into safety.

From a certain point of view, Ye Chen's Dawn Squad and Fanu's Dusk Squad just formed a sharp correspondence.

The former is a new genius, with wings gradually growing, momentum is fierce, and he wants to compete with the sky.

The latter is a seasoned veteran who has been flying in the sky for countless years.

At this moment, the two sides are not only the Master Hunter teams at the left and right ends of the auditorium, but also the Peak innate talent groups at the top and two ends of the years.

As a result, between the silent glances of the twin Captain Fangs, the air adds a bit of a strong taste of the alternation of the times...

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