Aura Hunter

Chapter 647

【The first round preparation meeting of "The Butcher Clown Destroyed Operation" will be held at the first decision-making room on the upper floor of Hunter's Peak at 2:00 p.m. on April 8, 2024. All Master hunters must be present on time. If you are absent, you must advance in advance report. ]

At noon, Ye Chen, sitting on the sofa in the living room of the flower house, looked down at the important notice that the communicator had just received, then walked outside the doors and windows, towards the garden who was watering the potted plants. Ou Ke opened his mouth and suggested:

"I want to call the rest of the team over for a dinner at home in the evening, and discuss some things by the way, what do you think?"

Ou Ke While grasping the tilt angle of the watering can, he responded with a calm expression:

"Okay, if they are all free, then we will go to the city to buy ingredients together in the afternoon?"


Ye Chen nodded in agreement, then edited an invitation message with the communicator, and then sent it to the remaining four of the Dawn Squad.

In the evening, Wei Meng and the others arrived as scheduled in front of the flower house.

Walking into the cozy courtyard with colorful flowers and fragrances, everyone will be greeted by a round table made of pure white birch, and a gorgeous column lamp surrounded by golden light.

On the table top of the round table, there are more than ten kinds of delicious dishes, such as five-color salad, mushroom soup, salt and pepper barbecue, fruit cake and so on.

Wei Meng looked at all of this, and sighed with surprise and joy: "Wow, are you prepared so well?"

Xia looked puzzled and said: "Is it someone's birthday today?"

Ou Ke answered the two with a smile: "No, you think too much, these are actually used to celebrate the disaster of all our members. I'll be promoted together if I don't die~"

Ferrona cuddled her chest with a playful look in her eyes and teased: "Oh, you are so caring, this is really rare seen."

Er Rigat seriously mentioned another thing to Ye Chen: "Ye Chen, today I went to apply for the exchange process of high-level relics, but was rejected by the Relic Hall, they said that high-level relics are currently only available for The Master Hunter who participated in the annihilation operation is open, and we just entered this ranks not long ago, and it seems that it has not been officially included in the annihilation plan by the high-level side, so you may need to report as Captain.”

Ye Chen replied calmly: "Well, that's what I'm going to discuss tonight, but I'll talk about it after everyone has eaten and drank."

So the six people sat around the round table, Then began a pleasant dinner time.

During talking and laughing, the atmosphere is harmonious and friendly.

After all the delicacies on the table were settled and the scene was cleaned up, Ye Chen greeted everyone to sit down and officially started the major topic of tonight's party.

"About the upcoming 'The Butcher and Clown Extermination Plan'..."

Watching the other five people listening carefully, Ye Chen calmly and calmly He explained in a tone of voice:

"There are too many uncontrollable factors in this action."

"If the connection between the butcher clown and the abyss has not been established, it is better to say, But if the establishment is successful, even if all plan participants are at least Master Level or above, this operation is probably bode ill rather than well."

"The hunting group naturally needs to save some battle strength. As an insurance force against future events."

"Besides, we are too young compared to other Master Hunters..."


Here, Ye Chen paused for a moment, and finally confessed his thoughts to his teammates.

"Everyone, why don't you just stay here and give up participating in this annihilation operation?"

Ye Chen's voice fell, and the rest of the people were instantly stunned, and the atmosphere of the party was at this moment. suddenly solidified.




After a long silence, Ferona questioned with a surprised look: "Ye Chen, you are obviously the one of us who is least afraid of death, how can you say such a retreat at such a critical juncture? cowardly remarks?"

Ye Chen corrected in a flat tone: "No, to be precise, I mean you stay and I'll go alone."

Er Rigat was hearing this, his eyebrows furrowed immediately. "Why do you have this idea?"

Ye Chen explained calmly: "you all people are too young, even more how, Weimon, Ferona, and Elijah Special, don't all three of you have family members to support? So I don't think you need to take this risk at all, staying here well is equivalent to contributing to the hunting group."

Wei Meng retorted with a puzzled expression: "It's as if you and we are not the same age. We have all carried through the catastrophe in the past few years, why are you leaving us behind now and go alone? ? As a real Captain, do you think it makes sense to do this?"

Ye Chen sighed softly and replied in a low voice: "Sorry, I have my own difficulties and can't delay any longer, but you can. ."

Sia questioned with a dignified expression: "What is the difficulty? I think you should make it clear to us in advance. Otherwise, everyone will not accept it so hastily."

Ye Chen hesitated for a moment, and then gave this explanation: "Since I arrived in the Fifth Layer dream, my mental symptoms have become more serious, and this will continue for a long time. Maybe this year is not over, I will no longer be a I can’t be a hunter anymore, so before that, I have to take good care of the precious period left, and this annihilation operation can’t be missed.”

After listening to Ye Chen’s words, the rest of the people fell into the trap again. silence.

With the nightmare realm reaching a new level, Ye Chen's mental symptoms have been further deteriorated. This is a reality that everyone present did not expect.

However, Ye Chen is reluctant to talk to everyone about the details of this symptom, which means that everyone only needs to know that there is such a thing. Like a child crying, no matter how much you say or do, everything will be useless.

Afterwards, after another round of silence, Ou Ke was the first to ask Ye Chen:

"After this annihilation operation begins, other Master hunters will also Let’s act collectively according to the original fixed square? If you really insist on going alone, where will you be assigned when the time comes?”

Ye Chen replied calmly :

"It depends on the organizational decision-making of the hunting group. I believe they will let me fill in a suitable position..."

Ou Ke listened. , smiled slightly, and immediately showed his attitude resolutely and decisively:

"Then don't think about stopping me, because no matter what, I will definitely follow you."

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