Aura Hunter

Chapter 639

After listening to the whole process of the hunter's commission from the teammates, Ye Chen, who was sitting on the bench in the corridor, bowed his head and did not speak for a long time.

A super-senior Master hunter who was brainwashed by the clown and infected by the abyss...

Just from Wei Meng's mouth to know the identity of the attacker and the In the background, Ye Chen's mind can immediately imagine how dangerous the battle situation was at that time...

The bloodsmith hunter really didn't expect that he was staying at home because of psychological problems. During the period, the entire group of Ouke will face such a critical situation.

And the most unacceptable fact for Ye Chen is...

As the real leader when the other five people in the Dawn Squad are on the verge of life and death He himself was sleeping and dreaming in the living room of the flower house!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen felt deeply ashamed and couldn't lift his head for a while.

And seeing his silent appearance, Wei Meng's eyes changed slightly, and then he also smiled bitterly and opened the mouth and said:

"Hey, Ye Chen, to be honest, I have led rookie hunters on missions before, so I don't think I have no leadership experience, but this is the first time to lead the same level guys."

"So, at first When you asked me to be the acting Captain, I was secretly happy and excited about it, but didn't expect it ended up like this..."

"Sorry Ah, Ye Chen, it's all my fault for commanding mistakes that made everyone almost die...I'm really sorry."

However, Ye Chen immediately raised his eyebrows as soon as he heard this sentence. He raised his face, and then responded to Weimon in a calm tone:

"No, Weimon, I don't mean to blame you, because you have done a good job, in that extreme Under the circumstances, I can't guarantee that I can make the correct decision."

"The key is that after the enemy pursues, you can calmly guide the rest of the members to make strategic deployments, no matter what the subsequent process is. This alone is worthy of praise."

"If there is no support behind you, the agent Captain, even Ou Ke will be unable to support in the end."

"So, On the contrary, I have to thank you and apologize to you... I, as the official Captain, did not stand by your side at the most dangerous moment. I am very sorry. I especially want to thank you for your extreme Under the circumstances, I took my responsibility and successfully brought everyone back alive."

"It's really hard for you, Wei Meng."

The voice fell, and Ye Chen immediately said Putting his palm on Weamon's shoulder, he sincerely expressed his gratitude as a true Captain.

Wei Meng originally thought that Ye Chen, who has always been strict and serious about details, would launch a severe scolding because of his command error in the Early-Stage mission. Feeling deeply remorseful, even in turn, solemnly recognized everything Weimon has done.

Recalling Captain's this remark in his mind, Wei Meng's original guilty heart immediately felt as if a warm current entered his heart and spleen, and then he felt that the burden that had previously been on his shoulders seemed to be finally swept away at this moment. All removed in general.

The tip of the nose was slightly sour uncontrollably, Wei Meng then involuntarily reached out and touched the back of his neck, and sighed in a low voice with shame:

"Ah... What you said is a bit too much, because it was Oke who really brought us back, but I was still the one with the least injury in the team... So it's not an exaggeration to say that I followed along. ......"

"You don't want to undervalue oneself, it doesn't make much sense."

Ye Chen emphasized calmly, and then added to Weimon One sentence:

"In addition, didn't you just say that both the hunting group and the church attach great importance to the corpses you brought back this time? Is it even related to the future of the entire holy light pure land? I know what Manfvor was like in his lifetime, but if he didn't find you and started hunting, then you wouldn't have the chance to bring back his body. So in other words, your command error also It is the primary factor that made all this happen."

Wei Meng was convinced by Ye Chen's reasonable analysis, and then he also said with a complicated mood nodded lightly with a smile:


"Haha...that's right."

Sia silently listened to the conversation between the two of them. Seeing that the atmosphere was full of humanity, she felt relieved that there was no more say what.

Then, the sound of gentle footsteps came from the side.

The three people sitting outside the door of Oke's ward turned their heads and saw that they were the other two people in the team, Ferona and Errigat.

They are all now wearing plain white hospital gowns, Filona's left eye is wrapped in thick gauze, and Errigat's right arm is hung with a sturdy suspender.

Seeing this, Shia was instantly frowned, and immediately got up and asked the two of them:

"I said in the message just now that I was taking Ye Chen to the ward to visit you. Why did you guys just walk over so directly? Did you forget that the injured can't move around easily?"

Firona bit her lip and smiled, and replied in a bitter tone:

"Hey, Shia, my eyes haven't recovered yet, and you have healed the rest of the area, so don't worry so much!"

Erigat also agreed with nodded:

"Yes, I feel the same way, mainly because I want to take a look at Oke's condition by the way."

After hearing this, Shia pursed her lips slightly, and then sighed helplessly.


Ye Chen got up and walked in front of the two of them, observed the injuries of the two in turn, and then calmly cared: " How does your injury feel now? Do you still feel any pain?"

Erigat replied calmly: "Basically not, because before returning to the holy light pure land, Shia had already Our disabled parts have been rescued, and now we are just undergoing a safe neurological repair course."

While Ferona asked with a playful expression: "By the way, Ye Chen, haven't you been blind and broken hands before, so Shia's ability in this area, you should have experienced it before us, right?"

Ye Chen nodded with afaint smile. brain.

"Yeah, I was rescued like this three years ago. With Shia by my side, it really means that I don't have any worries."

The three of them talked and laughed on the surface, She gave Shia a big compliment from the side, and then she took a few steps back with her cheeks red, and she looked a little overwhelmed.

"Let's go into the ward to have a look now, but Ou Ke hasn't woken up yet, so everyone must keep quiet."

Ye Chen finished speaking, lightly tweeted He opened the door, entered the ward with everyone, and quietly observed the situation inside.

Ou Ke, who was lying on the hospital bed, was now blinking his fiery-red eyes and quietly looking at everyone.

Then, facing the confused expressions of Ye Chen and the others, she said this expressionlessly:

"Excuse are Who?"

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