Aura Hunter

Chapter 632


He looked down at the bloody mouth that suddenly opened between his chest and abdomen, and the abyss werewolf immediately covered the palm of the abyss power on it.

hua hua wow...

Under the regeneration of the abyss characteristics, this injury quickly healed itself, but even so, it is difficult to eliminate the abyss werewolf Terrified look between faces.

It turned its head and looked at the cherry-colored figure on the other side of the snow, but it couldn't see any new wounds on the other side's body.

The abyss werewolf's attack was completely in vain.

However, Oke is different.

The Abyssal Werewolf doesn't even know how he got hit by Oko!

In terms of speed and movement method, there is no suspense in the result of this round. The hunter wins and the werewolf loses.

All this makes the Abyssal Werewolf extremely unbelievable.

After all, it had already demonstrated a swiftness that clearly surpassed that of Ou Ke when it had driven Ou Ke into the ground...

However, now when I switch to the state of spare no effort, it is in the two fields of speed and movement method, which in turn is overtaken by Ou Ke!

What the hell is going on here?

Why was she able to make such exaggerated progress in such a short period of time?

Is it because of the gain effect of that floating attitude?

At this moment, I stared at the cherry-haired hunter at the far end in shock. The face of the half human half beast of the abyss werewolf showed a strong inconceivable in addition to the hideousness.

Then, facing the appearance of it stagnant, Ou Ke, who was hovering above the "Guardian Ring", did not rush to attack, but kept his breathing smooth while keeping his mind in mind. Calmly sighed.

Sure enough...

Mr werewolf, you and I are "the same kind".

We are all flexible types of fighting styles, not very physical, because defense is not our strong point.

So, I just need to get a little faster than you.

Even if it's only for a second...

It's enough to take down your ugly head~

Thinking to this point, Qijian Ouke immediately squinted and smiled at the abyss werewolf at the far end, showing a sweet smile with a bright spring in the bright moonlight.

However, in the eyes of the abyss werewolf, the girl's smile was so sarcastic and irritating, as if stepping on the soles of its most proud characteristics, A great humiliation to it.

So, this jet-black orc finally howled at Heavenly Wolf uncontrollably.

"喔 喔 喔 喔 ------!"

The vibration of the deafening roar Running through Heaven and Earth, stabbing the Earmes and the HAE heart.

The abyss werewolf, his face twitched and his eyes red with blood, as if he had overdrawn his life force at this moment.

Then, this ear-piercing wolf howl was pulling out a dark and filthy abyss force from between its torso, and it condensed and formed on the upper and lower sides of its shoulders in an instant. Four brand-new and sharp twisted wolf arms, so that the abyss werewolf entered the unprecedented "six-arm posture", which just formed a clear correspondence with Oke's "seven sword posture".

Sakura-haired hunter saw this, smiled and said nothing, as calm as ever.

Then, she made a spiral pattern on the back of her head with the thick hair wrapped around the three double-flowered swords, and staggered the left and right hands holding the first pair of double-flowered swords horizontally. In front of the chest, the left and right legs that bound the second pair of Huatan double swords were bent forward and backward in the air, and the whole person showed a strange sword array trend, as if it was about to burst out the final blow.

Witnessing this scene, Shia held her breath and further increased her protection for Oke. As for Weimon, she took a deep breath, and then crouched on the ground and summon came out a few times. A mouse with a tiny, lean head.

"si si sizzle..."

The abyss werewolf, baring his teeth and grinning, showed his "spiritual void" skill and jumped directly to the level of the energy step. Up, his limbs touched the ground, and he leaned forward, as if he was going to use the force of the shattering explosion to display an extremely fast charge that far surpassed the previous one.

At the same time, Qijian Ou Ke kept his limbs still, his blade not shaking, and his smile the same, and at the same time he kept the sword technique that has been hidden in deep in one's heart for a long time. The formula came out silently:

"'Slim-haired sword body'."

Then, the abyss werewolf's orc body shot up immediately.

Through the heavy push of the blasting power of "Ling Kong" and the powerful strength bonus of the werewolf's body, at this moment, its charging speed directly breaks through to an exaggerated situation of 1.5 times the speed of sound, just like teleportation Usually flashes directly in front of Oke.

Six dark and slender wolf arms, with those 30 sharp wolf claws that condense the power of the abyss, are enough to shatter the space distortion's 30 sharp wolf claws, just so moved towards Ouke's delicate body. Come.

As a result, Ou Ke's figure suddenly flashed downwards, only letting the abyss werewolf shred an illusory afterimage of himself.

Just because she's faster.

The next moment, using the bearing capacity of the "Guardian Ring" as a balancing support, Ou Ke leaned back his torso to be parallel to the snow, flung his hair upward, his arms slanted upward, and his legs. Twisting up sharply, as if showing a wonderful dance at this moment.

Therefore, the seven flower tandem swords condensed with the power of Aura, at an even more outrageous speed, aimed at the shadow of the werewolf above her and cut out violently, just like the seven swords in the night sky. Smearing the silver and white streamer, I vowed to tear this wild and aggressive abyss beast alive.

Seeing that his supercharged charge still failed to hit Ou Ke, the beast eyes of the abyss werewolf were wrinkled, and a brand new level of "spiritual space" was immediately created between the limbs. With this technique, his body quickly changed lanes in the air, and through a series of up, down, left and right ejections, he flew to the side of Ou Ke in an instant, and then suddenly lifted his sharp and pitch-black wolf claws.

As a result, when the wolf arm was swung out, it did not get any feedback, but after the wolf arm was retracted, it found that there was an extra bloodstain on the back of its hand.


The abyss werewolf's face was condensed, his heart was terribly cold, he turned around and looked back, looking at Oke's figure swirling in the air like a storm, right To align its neck is to decisively sweep out the sword-edged legs, like a pair of huge and slender scissors, and the head of the abyss werewolf will be cut off on the spot.

The abyss werewolf has one's hair stand on end and slammed down, with the cut off temple hair as a slight price, narrowly avoiding Oke's double-meaning horror scissor legs.

However, just as it was furiously preparing to strike back at the silhouette in front of him, Oke's hair and arms were already carrying five other silvery white lights. , and then attacked the key points of the abyss werewolf at the same time... making it feel so dazzling... so overwhelmed!

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