Aura Hunter

Chapter 619

If the "Blood Control Technique" is compared to a technology, then the "Pure Blood Body" that Ye Chen has now is equivalent to a foundation that can lead this technology to the Peak field. tool.

More flexible plasticity, more superb precision, and more pure blood power, make Ye Chen's "Blood Control Technique" now far more effective and efficient. above the past.

Understanding this gratifying fact, Ye Chen then went through the doors and windows and turned to the outdoor courtyard of the flower house.

Looking up at the dusky evening sky, he raised his knees, stretched out his right foot, and fixed it in the air, thus making a move up the stairs, and using up the power of Aura in his body. Condensed under the soles of the feet.

Through a series of qualitative changes and assimilation of the air, Ye Chen quickly created a crystal clear and near-transparent light body platform with the power of a new Aura.

Looking at this pure energy product, Ye Chen paused for a moment, and then stepped on his heel to exert force.


With a clear sound, the platform condensed by the pure power of Aura could bear his weight off the ground and help Ye Chen stay in the air stably.


Faced with such a situation, Ye Chen's face suddenly brightened, he quickly took a second deep breath, and then he built a building under the sole of the other foot. After reaching the second light body step, the whole person walks on the air step by step, pulling the distance between himself and the ground farther and farther...

And this kind of use of the power of Aura to The special technique of creating air steps to achieve aerial movements is the very high-level technique in the category of general aura art - "spiritual sky".

Similar to general Aura techniques such as "spiritual eyes", "spiritual ears", and "spiritual feet", different types of high-level general aura techniques have the same effect on the user's own Aura power and nightmare realm. with varying degrees of requirements.

And this "spiritual sky", the soaring technique that violates gravity, has a technical threshold that is much higher than the previous techniques, which is what the bloodsmith hunters have obtained today. The body of the one who "touches its limbs".

Actually, Ye Chen in the past has not tried to use the power of Aura to make solid air steps like now, but the limitations of the 4th Layer nightmare realm made him use the previous steps every time. Failed.

At that time, the "spiritual air" technique exhibited by Ye Chen across the realm was either broken when he stepped on it, or could not be fixed in the air, and simply had no value in actual combat.

Of course, if it were him now, the situation would be very different.

At this moment, Ye Chen's physical and mental strength has skyrocketed in all directions due to Fifth Layer's dream, so this time he successfully used this flying technique without any difficulty. come out.

I saw Ye Chen's bare feet constantly pedaling over the Level 1 flashing steps that are now used and now eliminated, and the more he pedaled, the faster he pedaled, as if he was naked. The visible speed of the eye is rapidly improving his proficiency...

After that, it only took ten minutes or so, and the flexible bloodsmith hunter of the movement method was one stroke. Leap to a height of 100 meters above the town.

Stopping and looking down, the vast and prosperous Hunter Town style was immediately caught by Ye Chen, who was standing high in the sky.


Overlooking everything below, feeling the cool evening wind, and facing the starlight in the sky, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and then his expression changed. Satisfied self-assessment of the results of this flight experiment.

"Very good."

Different from the general Aura technique in the past, the soaring technique of "Spiritual Space" is divided into three types in total.

One form is "fixed air", as the name implies, it is fixed in the air. The second type is "upgrade", as the name implies, it means stepping up. The third type is "Smashing Explosion", and the specific meaning is to smash the light body platform under the sole of the foot, and use the blasting recoil of the power of Aura to achieve a sprint or emergency stop in the air.

Now Ye Chen has only achieved the first two styles of "Ling Kong", and at present, he is still unable to achieve a thorough walk on the ground. Apart from this, the learning difficulty of 3rd Style is similar to the first two styles. The ratio is even more difficult. Even the active Master hunters of the hunting group, not everyone has the ability to master this technology thoroughly.

However, Ye Chen believes that as long as you practice, think, and study hard, then these problems can be solved after all.

Although I don't know how much time I will spend on this, the bloodsmith hunter knows very well that once he successfully controls this extremely high-level general Aura technique, then he will be able to use his The combat field extends from the ground to the air, thereby achieving the free realm of "Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth", thus making its comprehensive strength a new upgrade.

With such anticipation, Ye Chen then condensed a downward spiral energy ladder on the soles of his feet, descended fast in the sky with vigorous steps, and returned to the spacious and fragrant flower house. within the courtyard.

He raised his head and glanced at the faint Moon Wheel hidden in the clouds. He turned around and returned to the living room of the flower house to confirm the time on the round watch. It was early 7 o'clock in the evening.

When the attention was withdrawn from the joy and harvest of the breakthrough realm, Ye Chen realized that something seemed wrong, because if he was awake on the day of the dream, then the duration of this nightmare would be too long. It was too short, so I quickly took out the hunter communicator, intending to confirm today's calendar time.

After turning on the communicator's screen, Ye Chen's face froze on the spot.

Through the time display in the upper right corner of the screen, he realized that it had been five full days since he fell into the dream. The dreams of the first 4th layer add up to be exaggerated!

apart from this, Ye Chen immediately realized that five days had passed, but the place where he woke up was still the living room sofa, and he was not covered with blankets and quilts, which meant that during the period Ou Ke didn't come back, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to leave Ye Chen here.

However, Ye Chen clearly remembered that the hunter commission arranged by the hunting group for the Dawn Squad was a short-term mission. It should not be taken so long.. ....

At this point, a bad premonition appeared in his heart.

As a result, just when Ye Chen's brows wrinkled unconsciously, an unread message suddenly popped up in the center of the communicator screen.

Ye Chen looked startled, looked down, and then found the initiator of this was his old friend Wei Meng.

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