Aura Hunter

Chapter 612


Looking down at his former home in the black liquid lacquer pool, the bloodsmith hunter fell into silence and stopped all movements of his body for a while.

He was shocked and even more at a loss.

And the ruins of the old church floated slowly in the dark water, staring at him silently, and then did not make any moves similar to approaching Ye Chen. .

Faced with such a strange and strange situation, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly became very tangled.

Why...the corpses of those abyss monsters... suddenly look like this?

Last time it was baby cries from unfathomable mystery.

This time the old church popped up again.

What's the point of all this fantasy?

Is it simply trying to shake my mind?

Ye Chen looked down at the ruins of the church in the water and felt puzzled for a while. However, he could not help but recall the people and things of the past at the same time, so that his His expression suddenly became a little lonely.

Although I don't know why the abyss became this church...

But it is false...

in order to guard against the unexpected , it is better to destroy it first.

With such thoughts in mind, Ye Chen immediately continued to gather the power between his palms with gloomy eyes, intending to summarize the previous pure blood body according to the original idea, so as to drain the pool water. The bizarre buildings in it were completely destroyed in all directions.

However, just when he tried to do so, another kind of accident happened in vain.

A deafening sound erupted from the other side of the fog.


The sound of this giant is one after another, like a ballad. A certain rhythm shook the fog, the blood pool, and the entire dream of Ye Chen.

The young man's thoughts were interrupted because of this, and his brain was faintly fainted by this strange sound.

He never imagined that in this dream, he had not yet completely cleared the Heart Demon, and the test originating from Aura's labyrinth had come one step ahead.

The matter has come to this point, all Ye Chen can do now is to stop immediately, no longer paid attention to the ruined church in the pool, but to tighten his body and mind to the point where The ultimate, in order to bear the next "nightmare sound".

And at the same time as he calmed down, an irritating smell that was enough to tear the tip of his nose, followed by a strange sound and color, drifted from the other side of the mist, and drilled straight into Ye Ye. Chen's nose and mouth made a faint nausea spread between his internal organs.


However, Ye Chen just took a deep breath and frowned slightly, and then he quickly regained his initial calm.

After years of hard work and growth, his spirit strength is now incomparable.

So, at this moment, whether it is "singing" or "breathing", it can no longer shake Ye Chen's mind like in the past, and can no longer pose a serious threat to Ye Chen's ideology.

The bloodsmith hunter held his breath, calm as before, and stood there so quietly, continuing to wait for the next wave of Nightmare's offensive.

Then, the "contour" of a vague and huge gray shadow soon slowly emerged from the other side of the fog, following the "singing" and "breath", it was so aggressive. Enter Ye Chen's field of vision.

Its appearance is difficult to describe with the plane geometry that Ye Chen is familiar with, as if it has absorbed all the concepts that exist in reality, which not only greatly weakens Ye Chen's recognition ability, but also makes the The bloodsmith hunter who noticed its existence felt a sudden sting in his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Chen felt as if countless tiny Flying Insects had drilled into his pupils, and immediately began to desperately bite every nerve inside.

However, even so, the bloodsmith hunter just vomited, and immediately endured all of this through gritted teeth.

Like the 3rd-layer dreams he'd experienced in the past.

At this moment, the combined strikes of the three nightmare scenarios of "singing", "breath" and "contour", even though Ye Chen's face has begun to ooze out one after another Sweat beaded, but he still did not let his spirit be overwhelmed by these indescribable pressures.

After all, the first three rounds of nightmare trials alone are not enough to defeat his powerful willpower today!

So, it didn't take long for the "contour" to initiate further changes.

The whole nightmare world also began to shake like heaven falls and earth rends at the same time.

Under Ye Chen's calm and fearless gaze...

It wobbles, it twitches, it floats.

No matter how bizarre and confusing the way it is, only one thing is certain, that is, the outline has launched a "closer" action to Ye Chen.

As the distance gradually shortened, the "contour" became bigger and bigger, and finally changed into a "shadow" that was enough to cover Heaven and Earth.

Inexhaustible strange things, from between its figure enough to hide the sky and cover the earth, began to flow towards the young people below like a swarm of locusts.

Point, line, area.

The senses received these distorted signals, and the feedback to Ye Chen's brain was no longer just the original dizziness, nausea, and pain, but further evolved into a kind of self-consciousness. A person's "sense of doubt".

Then, the same as the previous round of dreams, Ye Chen's body first began to twitch and tremble, and then the cells of the whole body began to divide and differentiate unstoppably, which finally caused his entire body That's how a complete change took place.

It's just that, unlike that time, the mutation of the body has just opened, and Ye Chen's eyes immediately turned fierce.

Like a ferocious lord martial power suppressing the rebellion of the mob, he immediately released a surging spirit strength, swept through his limbs, and directly forcibly suppressed it with hegemonic power The alienation trend of the cells all over the body, and the control of the body was forcibly snatched back on the spot.

Although I still feel incomprehensible about what happened to me, even though my eyes and eyes have been forced to break away from the original calmness, it has turned into a difficult situation where the veins are exposed and the sweat is pouring down, but this In the end, Ye Chen managed to keep his body and mind under this strange ordeal, instead of directly mutating into an immature like last time.

Next, it's time for him to formally meet the final test of this round of dreams.


With this in mind, Ye Chen immediately exhaled and threw away the negative feelings such as dizziness, nausea, pain, and doubt in his heart. In the back of his head, he twisted the remaining spirit strength into the last strand.

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