Aura Hunter

Chapter 610

In order to hunt the abyss better in the future, and no longer carry the psychological burden I have now, should I treat all other factors as floating clouds and become a cold blooded and emotionless hunter?

Ye Chen questioned this silently, and unconsciously recalled those innocents, including the Wen brothers and sisters, their identities, moods, and their despair after learning that they were rescued. And the tears in the face of pain...

Then, Zhan blue eyes quickly dimmed in this brief moment.

I... in what direction should I move towards?

Ye Chen was perplexed, confused, and then involuntarily stretched his arms to his shirt pocket, and took out the little colored lollipop.

He lowered his head and stared silently at this small thing, it was obviously so unremarkable, but Ye Chen's pupils silently flickered a little bit of light because of this.

In front of his eyes, the innocent smile of the little girl just now reappeared...

In his ears, he reappeared in front of his ears. His tolerance and expectation...

In his mind, the peaceful childhood time he lived with Lyle and Hedge was reproduced in his mind...

Recalling what happened, Ye Chen lightly squeezed the lollipop in his hand, closed his eyes, and settled his mind.

alone sat in the quiet living room, and after a long, long silence, the bloodsmith hunter's eyes finally slowly opened.


He sighed bitterly, and then, laughed helplessly.

So far, Ye Chen finally confirmed his unique concept in deep in one's heart.

No matter how cruel this world is, I still hope that the good will be treated well and the evil will be treated badly.

No, after all, I don't have the qualifications to measure the standard of good and evil.

even more how, reality is not black and white, it is the essence of most people to be in the gap between black and white.

So, it should be said...

I hope that the people I recognize will be treated well and get the peace and happiness they deserve, while people like The hopeless criminal scum of Clown Abyss should stay in hell and suffer forever.

Even if this idea is too ideal, there is no possibility of realizing it...

I will continue to move forward.

Until the enemy is killed, or until the day I die.

However, this does not mean that I will be willing to accept all the unnecessary sacrifices on this path.

Accepting those who have passed away who should not have been victimized...

I will try to get used to the inevitable tragedies that happen to them in the days to come.

However, I will never be numb to this.

Even if it will cause me more psychological burden in the future, I will only improve and strengthen my psychological endurance step by step.

Only numbness, I absolutely cannot allow it to appear in me.

I am stubborn.

Unacceptable results, in any case, I will not accept.

So, I'm going to keep this in mind.

If this is my humanity...

I will pursue it to the end.

Remember all unwillingness, imprint all regrets, and store all anger.

I will keep going.

To the end...

To the end.

When the trapped state of mind ushered in a new light, Ye Chen's open eyes finally regained the calmness and firmness of the past.

Then, as if in response to his higher realm's determination, a drowsy drowsiness quickly and silently poured into the bloodsmith hunter's brain.

Ye Chen's face was slightly stunned, and he immediately lay down on the sofa, so as to let his body and mind reach the most relaxed state, so as to better face the next one. A new challenge.


A long time passed, when consciousness gradually recovered in the depths of darkness, the feedback of one after another senses suddenly resounded in Ye Chen's heart.

The familiar cold chills the spine, the familiar damp touches the skin, and the familiar stench irritates the tip of the nose.

Silently, the bloodsmith hunter slowly opened his eyes and came to his own dream world.

Boundless blood pools of bright red, endless gray fog.

Looking up at this eerie spiritual scene originating from the Aura labyrinth, Ye Chen instantly recalled his identity as a dreamer and what this dream meant to him as an Aura hunter .

However, even though it was possible to gain a new power, Ye Chen did not feel excited or impetuous, but just observed everything around him calmly.

Similar to the last round of dreams, the blood pool that appeared in front of Ye Chen this time was also empty, with no weapon wreckage floating on its surface.

Then, a strange black quickly floated from the bottom to the center of the blood pool, like ink spreading in clear water, and quickly rendered the entire blood pool into a viscous pitch black, At the same time, it sent out a humming sound to Ye Chen, like thousands of insects mingling together.

Listening to this uncomfortable and weird sound, Ye Chen stood still, with a calm face, silently looking down at the turbid depths of this mutation blood pool.

There, bloodsmith hunters could vaguely see the silhouettes of hundreds of living creatures roaming among them.

Except for the dark skin and silt-like bodies of similar styles, they come in all shapes and sizes.

Some have tentacles all over their bodies and fangs covering their faces, like creatures forcibly pieced together by sea urchins and octopuses.

Some of them look like long snakes, but their bodies are covered with densely packed hands, swaying one after another.

Some densely packed into a large group, a single individual looks like a tiny shrimp, but the specific appearance looks more like a fly with fins.

There are others in the shape of whales, so large that they can swallow a heavy ship at will, and the surface of the body is connected with the heads of various creatures to form uneven scales... ..

It's just that no matter how extreme the morphological differences between them are, at this moment, these distorted and indescribable deep-sea animals seem to be starving to the point of death. They were twisting their pitch-black bodies like crazy, moving towards the surface of the blood pool where Ye Chen was swam from bottom to top, as if to eat him, the living gorge oneself, to the point of not even slag. left.

However, in the face of this group of ugly monsters, who are as captivating as a tsunami, the majestic terrifying appetite, the man who was locked by the eyes of tens of thousands of hideous beasts and stood on the pool of blood, still remained. face doesn't change.

Compared with the past, the abyss minions that appeared in front of Ye Chen in this dream are undoubtedly more ferocious and trickier than before.

However, even so, bloodsmith hunters will never be afraid of them.

Who told him that he was already used to living with the abyss?

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