Aura Hunter

Chapter 1102

Hunter Academy, 2020 issue, Free Day.

On this day, Jettiskuki believes that, with the dive object in hand, no one in the world can catch him.

Because of this arrogant idea, or because of the silent instigation of "Conduction Prism", this man finally made that stupid decision.

With the mentality of traveling and having fun, the butcher hunter secretly returned to his former base camp - Hunter Town.

Then, the fate of this man has once again ushered in a 180-degree reversal.

An irresistible iron chain encircled the throat of his life.

As a result, today, four years later, Jettiskuki had to fight a fateful battle with an immortal abyss monster in his "sinful capital".

The Butcher Hunter, Jettiskkey, the last dive object.

Bloodsmith hunter, Ye Chen, immortal body.

Both sides, here, all-out war!

Only the last winner is qualified to continue life!


Ye Chen rode the majestic blood waves and roared towards the night sky overhead.

During the period, the wrinkled and kind face of the old man, and the innocent smiles of the children, were like electric currents constantly flashing through his mind, constantly stinging his brain.

Even though he knew that all of this was the enemy's conspiracy, the young man still couldn't endure it completely.

Part of the reason is that Ye Chen can't judge whether it is pros or cons to continue to spend so much time with the butcher.

After all, on the one hand, Ye Chen has no idea what the situation is on the Holy Light Pure Land.

On the other hand, the abyss consciousness in Ye Chen's body could revive and run wild at any time, and then it was possible to replace his main consciousness in one breath.

So, from a certain point of view, Ye Chen did agree with what Jettiskeky said earlier.

It's not good for both parties if the time drags on like this.

However, these considerations are only secondary factors.

What really made Ye Chen decide to take action directly was the almost crazy anger in his heart.

He's going to eat this man alive!

He will make the butcher hunter pay for what he has done!

He wants to make all the pain that the Daig family endured go back to this murderer!

However, although the rage overwhelmed his heart, Ye Chen took the initiative to start the fight, but his sensibility just stopped there.

For the next full-scale fight, Ye Chen's mind is still very clear, and he clearly knows what means he needs to dike this man.

This crucial issue, when thinking about it, is nothing more than the following four abilities.

One of them is the Life Source Aura technique of Jettiskoky.

Second, the labyrinth relics of Jettiskaki.

Third, Jettiskoky's "Spirit World".

Fourth, the "divine object" of Jettiskoky.

The above four points, Ye Chen's only clear information is the first one.

The Butcher Hunter Jettiskokie, before he betrayed the hunting group and became a fugitive murderer, his real hunter title was actually called the Blood Weak Hunter.

Apparently, this title comes from his Life Source Aura ability.

Bloodsmith hunters, blood weak hunters, both are also nightmare sensors that use blood as a medium for casting spells.

Unlike the blood of Ye Chen, which focuses on the two characteristics of "enhancement" and "creation", the characteristics of the blood of Jettiskuki completely focus on the concept of "weakening".

Everything in the world, whether it is living or dead, will become vulnerable if it is contaminated with his blood.

The hard blade is as brittle as glass when it touches blood.

The thick armor is as weak as a sand castle when it touches blood.

As for every Nightmare Senser, impervious to sword and spear, the transcendent flesh that is completely above the laws of biology, will be forcibly weakened after touching blood, and will return to the fragile state in an instant. mortal body.

The Life Source Aura technique system with such characteristics, Jettiskoki named it - "blood touch is ordinary".

Its meaning seems to be like to let all the supernatural people in the world return to their original ordinary bodies, and then slaughter them like animals.

As a former member of the Aura hunting group, this ability of Jettiskuki was naturally recorded by the hunting group many years ago.

However, this information is also the only accurate information about the butcher hunters that the hunting group can provide to all active hunters.

After all, when Jettiskok betrayed the hunting group and killed his compatriots, it was only the strength of the 4th layer nightmare realm.

So, Ye Chen has absolutely no clue about the relic ability of the fifth-order labyrinth relic that the butcher hunter summons out today—"The Hatchet Knife".

As for the "Spirit World" that the butcher hunters have long displayed, that is, the "sinful city" where Ye Chen has lived for many days...

Ye Chen At present, it can only be concluded that "it will hinder the recovery speed of its own power", "it will block the connection between itself and the maze relic", "it will interfere with inducing its own thinking and actions" and other very abstract control effects.

Only the "divine object" left by the butcher hunter - "conducting prism eye", its divide force characteristics, but Ye Chen can clearly see it at a glance.

It is the space power of "anytime, anywhere, distorted space, connecting space, distorting space".

This is the Butcher Hunter's most powerful, outrageous, and most intractable ability.

On the other hand, Ye Chen's side, not only has not awakened "Spirit World", but even the original "Swallowing the Lord Drawing Python" can't come out!

apart from this, even if Jettiskaki called him an "undead monster", Ye Chen himself knew that this kind of undead and immortal regenerative power was simply a matter for him. A double-edged sword!

The more Ye Chen regenerates his body like an abyss creature, the easier it is to stimulate the abyss consciousness in his body, which will cause the humanity in his heart to keep drifting toward the abyss!

This is the result that Ye Chen is most afraid of!

Because of this, now facing the butcher hunters with all four abilities, the blood smith hunters are at a complete disadvantage!

However, by now, Ye Chen has no intention of being timid.

He just wanted to kill Jettiskuki as much as he could.

Positive situation?

Then find a way to break through!

It's that simple!

Under the combined effect of crazy killing intent and clear logic, Ye Chen clearly understands that Jettiskuki's "conducting prism", speaking of which is nothing more than two usages!

One is to allow him to pass through the space fissure and instantly change his space position, which is the usage of avoiding and escaping.

The second is to let the space rift act as a transfer shield in front of him, so as to transfer all external attacks to other space locations, such as the distance that will not affect him, or the back of the attacker's own head, That is, it is used for defense and counterattack.

As long as the above two characteristics are clearly understood and firmly remembered...

Then, the bloodsmith hunter will still have ideas to deal with the power of this dive object!

(Kill you.)

(Kill you!)

(Kill. Kill. You ——————!)

Ye Chen's blood-red eyes were locked on the man in the night sky, and at the same time, he made an oath with a sonorous and powerful voice in his mind.

(I must do my ——————————— ——————!)

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