Aura Hunter

Chapter 1090

As a result, Ye Chen suddenly changed the conversation.

"However, I don't think so myself."

"After all, your behavior in the previous war was completely aloof, like sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers The attitude of fighting."

"Also, I also know that the massacre you committed in the holy light pure land in your early years has always adhered to the despicable practice of 'take it as soon as you see it, and run away when you come'. Because of this, the Knight of the church has never been able to punish you, because you never gave them the slightest chance."

"These pasts all prove that you are a thoughtful and prudent person."

"However, look at what you are doing now?"

"I have seen my immortality with my own eyes, and I have been successfully caught in my own lair, but the result is He also allowed me to recover here, and even took the initiative to sit in front of my eyes."

"These actions of yours are undoubtedly equivalent to setting yourself on fire, as if you are deliberately accumulating risks for yourself. ...It's completely different from your previous style, it's simply not the same person."

Jettiskoky toasted the red wine and drank the wine, and then rushed to Ye with a sloppy attitude. Chen asked rhetorically:

", you don't mean to say that my butcher is a fake, right?"

Ye Chen's tone was indifferent Corrected:

"No, what I'm trying to say is... you are more likely to be instructed, controlled, or coerced by some kind, so you do it This kind of abnormal behavior that goes against his own personal style."

Hearing this, the wine glass in Jettiskok's hand was slightly paused, but his expression and demeanor still seemed calm.

"It's a very interesting conjecture...If you think this statement has the greatest probability, then let's take it as fact, then, then? What else do you want to say ?"

Ye Chen expressed his thoughts calmly.

"What I'm trying to say is...if this conjecture is true..."

"Then, whatever the mastermind behind you is Who... 'it' must have given you some kind of task."

"And 'I' is the crux of that task."

"You You have to get something from me, but because of some 'restriction', you can't force me to act."

"So, these days, you can only be in a passive state and have to Just let me rest on your turf until I come to you in person now...isn't it?"

Jetiskki listened without making a sound and didn't answer. .


Seeing this, Ye Chen expressed his opinion seriously.

"So, butcher, let's stop wasting time by beating around the bush. Let's directly clarify each other's goals and directly put forward each other's conditions."

"If there is If we talk, then we will talk."

"If we don't talk, then we will fight."

"Things shouldn't be complicated, I believe you agree with that , right?"

Jetiskki's eyes sank again, and then he showed a contemptuous smile.

"He he he...Talk if you can, or fight if you don't?"

"Youngster, look at what you said, it's really arrogant Hey!"

"I blocked your labyrinth relic and disarmed your exclusive weapon... As a result, you are now empty-handed, how dare you speak to me like this? It seems My butcher seems to be underestimated..."

Ye Chen responded expressionlessly:

"Where does my confidence come from, you It should be clear, after all, there's already that Din Moro as a prime example."

"Let's put it this way, Jettiskoki..."

"If possible, I personally hope that you, the holder of the dive object, really have the ability to 'completely' kill me." Laugh out loud.

"hahahahaha ——————!"

"Arrogant! You monster in human skin! It's arrogant to the point of fucking!"

"Who would have thought that the cowardly brat who was so nervous that he was ready to draw a gun just by looking at me in the tavern back then would dare to be so fearless and utter nonsense in front of me today!"

"Hey, the baptism of the years is really amazing!"

Listening to the man's harsh laughter, Ye Chen urged indifferently:

"So, can we put aside these unnecessary nonsense now and go straight to the topic?"

However, facing Ye Chen's request, Jettiskuki still did not respond positively, and He raised the glass and asked the secretary to pour himself another round of red wine, and then asked Ye Chen at a moderate pace:

"Little kid, you think you are very smart and rational, Calm, isn't it?"

"You think you've seen me through, don't you?"

"You feel like you've got the upper hand now, don't you?"

After listening to Jettiskoky's sarcasm, Ye Chen didn't say a word, but his expression seemed completely indifferent.

"It's a overestimate yourself."

Jetiskki spoke arrogantly.

"Ye Chen, why don't you think carefully now, are your actions reasonable these days?"

Ye Chen frowned slightly.

"What do you want to say?"

Jettiskoky raised his glass slowly, took a sip of red wine, and then he started his own examples and doubts.

“When you woke up in the corner of that slum, when you didn’t know whether your existence was noticed by me, why didn’t you at first choose to hide in the house and recuperate until Do you go out after your strength has recovered? Don't you think the approach I mentioned is more secure and more cautious? Are you not afraid that you will expose your whereabouts directly to me as soon as you go out?"

Hearing this, Ye Chen's eyes changed drastically.

"Even if you don't mention this, why do you dare to walk on the street with your true face when you are out and about? You don't even do the most basic camouflage work? Don't you know that your appearance is very eye-catching outside? Especially in a place like a slum? Could it be that you are a master hunter, and you don't even have the most basic vigilance and self-knowledge?"

Ye Chen's pupils begin to constrict.

"Next, let's review what you did two days ago..."

"The first day, you and the old man went to the suburbs Working on a construction site, with the idea of visiting the city and gathering intelligence, well, that's a plausible reason..."

"Then what? Then you showed the people at the construction site how extraordinary you were Strength, without saying a word, emphasized your specialness, your sense of existence, and your uniqueness to everyone... Oh, I have to say, this way of showing off is really ingenious!"

"If I were one of them, when I was drinking at night, I would definitely not be able to help spread the word about your deeds in my circle!"

Ye Chen's face stiffened.

"Okay, let's move on to second day, what did you do?"

" chose...let That old man took you to the street to fight?"

"Wow, there is still no disguise at all, still completely not afraid of criticism from others, still preventing others from forgetting you!"

"What's next? Then you left a Legendary story on the ring of playing the pig to eat the tiger! By the way, you broke the highest record in the local arena! Not only did the old man's family make a lot of money, but also Almost everyone in the local neighborhood can hear about your deeds, your appearance, your strength, your characteristics!"

Ye Chen's eyes began to twitch.

"Not to mention, you later fought for those two little beggars and beat up a family of three in that pork shop without any hesitation in the street..."

"Hahaha, looking back on these situations now, I don't even know what to say..."

"Ye Chen, it seems that you are afraid that you will be mistaken for someone else. The unremarkable little character, for fear that he will not be able to make a name for himself in the city of evil, for fear that his existence will not be able to reach the ears of my mayor?"

"Isn't that the case?"

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