Aura Hunter

Chapter 1059

Ye Chen started a simple Q&A with Daigman based on the current situation.

"Mr. Daigman, how long have I been at your house in total?"

"You have been in a coma for three days and two nights, and today is the fourth day Now."

"Have you really never heard of hunting groups and churches or anything like that?"

"No, youngster, I really don't know what you're talking about? These..."

"You don't know the external conditions outside of the 'Neidu' at all?"

"Yes, our city has always been self-sufficient The tradition of self-sufficiency can be said to be completely closed to the outside world..."

"No one even tries to explore far away?"

"No, never , because the mountains and forests around Niedu are too tangled and complicated, even if you go, you will just get lost in it, and then return to the door of Niedu in a daze..."

" So, anyway, your city has to have a ruler in charge, right?"

"Well, that's true, that's our mayor."

"The mayor What's your name?"

"I don't know, we untouchables have no right to inquire about these things, and I have never heard anyone mention it, and I don't even know what the mayor looks like.... .."

Ye Chen listened to this, frowning involuntarily, and then asked Daigman:

"Then, Mr. Daigman, have you ever listened to him? Said..."

"The name of the butcher hunter?"

"Or the name of Jettiskaki?"

Daigman was hearing this, and his expression froze for a moment.


However, after a few seconds of silence, he saw a blank look in his eyes again, and then he submitted to Ye Chen. negative answer.

"No, sorry, I've never heard of that either...but the mayor is definitely more experienced and knowledgeable than us poor people, maybe he can help you."

Ye Chen has this in mind.

"Where do I go to find the mayor?"

Daigman replied with a slightly embarrassed expression:

"The upper city of Sindu is also The city center."

"It's just that the place is strictly guarded by the guards, and ordinary citizens are not eligible to enter at all, even more how are we poor people living in slums..."

"If you trespass, you may even be shot by the guards, so it's an extremely dangerous area for us."

Ye Chen, however, said: It seemed very calm.

"It's okay, just knowing that is enough, so how do I get to that place? Are there any special buildings that can be used as counters?"

Daigman hesitated for a while , then gave the answer:

"The only big clock tower in the city stands in the center of the city."

"That building is so high that it can be said to be in any corner of the city. You can easily see it, as long as you follow the direction of the clock tower, you will eventually reach the mayor's site..."

"But, Ye Chen, it's really dangerous there, you It's not long before my body recovers, so there's no need to go now."

Ye Chen just replied:

"Well, I also know in advance, I really want to go. If you are looking for the mayor, you should naturally wait until your body recovers better to be safe."

"However, it is really unfortunate to continue to eat and live here for free. Now that I am awake, Then let me share some of the financial pressure for you."

"Mr. Daigman, can you introduce a place where I can work and make money, and by the way, let me walk around and exercise. ."

Hearing Ye Chen's question, Daigman was instantly refreshed.

"Oh, of course, of course!"

"I'm going to work at a construction site on the outskirts of the city later, if it's convenient for you, you can come with me!"

"It's can just get out of bed and walk around now, and it's equally inappropriate to do all the heavy work all at once."

Ye Chen laughed.

"It's okay, these jobs don't put much pressure on me."

Daigman nodded suspiciously.

"By the way, when it comes to making money..."

Ye Chen suddenly thought of something, and then asked Daigman:

"Mr. Daigman, I want to see what your currency looks like here, okay?"

Daigman was stunned for a moment, then nodded, turned and walked towards an unremarkable cupboard , took out a few copper coins from it, and then cautiously handed it to Ye Chen's hands.

Looking at the Copper Coin style in his hand, Ye Chen's eyes changed suddenly.

Although the surface of the Copper Coin is badly worn, Ye Chen can still see a mottled four-pointed star in its center!

And this is the most iconic symbol of holy light currency!

However, the shape of this four-pointed star and the surrounding decorative reliefs are different from the holy light Copper Coin in Ye Chen's perception...

Ye Chen held the Copper Coin, frowned and pondered for a while, and then suddenly recalled that he had seen this style of Copper Coin in history books in the past!

This is...

holy light Pure Land 19th century currency style!

There is a gap of more than a century from Ye Chen's era!


Faced with such an unexpected situation, Ye Chen took a deep breath with a solemn expression, and then returned the Copper Coin to Daigman hands.

"Uh, what's the matter, is there something wrong?"

Seeing that Ye Chen's expression suddenly became strange, Daigman thought he was provoking him somewhere. Unhappy, so I hurriedly asked why.

"No, it's fine, there's no problem..."

Ye Chen replied calmly.

"Oh, that's good..."

Daigman was nodded, and hid the coins carefully, leaving Ye Chen alone to fall into contemplation.. ....

Next, after confirming that the children had enough to eat and drink, the old man moved the bowl and spoon by himself, and then thoroughly solved the remaining breakfast in the pot.

Ye Chen didn't feel the slightest hunger, so he sat still and didn't move any food.

After breakfast, without grandfather saying more, Daig siblings consciously cleaned the dishes.

A total of four pairs of cloth shoes are placed at the cramped doorway, two of which are small for children and the other two are large for adults.

Daegman voluntarily gave up the good shoes without patches to Ye Chen, and replaced them with old shoes with scattered holes.

"Ye Chen, I bought these new shoes for you yesterday. I don't know if they fit your feet, so you can just wear them..."

Ye Chen accepted Daigman's kindness without any disgust, and prepared to go out together with the latter.

"Ye Chen big brother, will you come back later?"

Daegrek sat on the ground, holding the small bowl he just washed, looking at Ye Chen's Back, asked nervously.

Compared to the younger sister Dai Ge Ruian who is still wary of Ye Chen, Dai Ge Rui Ke, the big brother, is obviously more sensible and understands the importance of Ye Chen to his family, so he is also very afraid Ye Chen, a hard-won adult, will just go away and never return, leaving his family alone, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

However, Ye Chen listened, then turned back to the boy and smiled, nodded left his promise.

"Of course, after I go to work with your grandfather, I will come back with him."

At the same time, Daigman told his grandson:

"You and Ryan are only allowed to play near your home and never run out of the slum without permission, do you hear?"

Daigrek agreed.


After finishing the explanation, Daigman pushed open the moldy wooden door, and went to the brighter outside with Ye Chen... ..


In the cramped and dark room, Ye Chen sat on the bed with a haggard face, wearing a gray shirt with rough patches all over his face.

He raised his palm and tried to concentrate the power of Aura on his fingertips, but in the end he failed.

After another round of day and night sleep, Ye Chen's condition is much better than before, and his brain is no longer dizzy and painful, but his memory is still very confusing, and he can't remember the scene. What did the teacher say to himself in the illusion.

As for his body, his body is still weak and weak, and he is able to move, but even the most basic behavior of condensing the power of Aura cannot be done...

Today's Ye Chen is like a patient who has fallen into a low-grade fever. Although his limbs are intact, he still needs to cultivate for a period of time if he wants to fully recover.

With this in mind, Ye Chen lightly sighed.


gradually, the smell of firewood and food came from outside the curtain, as well as the noise of children.

Ye Chen listened, cautiously got out of bed and landed on the ground, stooping through the eaves of the door, which was only one meter eight, and then came to the outside hall.

This is not much bigger than Ye Chen's room, with an area of just over ten square meters. There is a Fire Pit in the middle with a hanging boiler, and a chimney facing the sky on the top. Together with the kitchen and toilet, they are all two or three square meters in size, and with the sundries placed in the east and west, the overall layout is extremely shabby...

And this is exactly what Dai An overview of the Greg family's house.

At this moment, the old man Dagman was cooking porridge next to the Fire Pit, while Dagrick and Dagrian siblings were helping to arrange the bowls and spoons.

Seeing Ye Chen walking out by himself, the expressions of the three of them were suddenly filled with surprise.

"Ah, Uncle, you can get out of bed and walk around by yourself, which is very good!"

"This time, Ryan doesn't need to lay the floor... ."

Ye Chen hearing this, looked towards a pile of coarse rugs on the ground next to him, and felt very sorry, and turned to touch the heads of the children, and sincerely apologized:


"Sorry, occupied your room."

However, at the same time, his palm secretly and carefully felt Daig's siblings through this act of physical contact. The body does not perceive the flow of any extraordinary energy from it.

Through this simple and subtle action, Ye Chen came to the conclusion on the spot that the two children and grandfather are the same as the ordinary person, thus concluding that neither of them poses any threat to him.... ..

Daigman on the other side then sighed with a smile:

"Ai, it's alright! They are all suffering, the key is that you can rest well. Come on. , Ye Chen, you must be hungry after lying on the bed for so long, the porridge you just cooked, I will present you a bowl now!"

Digman said while giving Ye Chen served a bowl of steaming porridge, and the intention to please is self-evident.

Ye Chen took Daigman's offer and looked at the plain white porridge with distinct grains of rice, floating leaves, and shredded meat, then turned to look at the silent siblings beside him. both.

Then, he handed the white porridge to the children, and then turned down to Daigman:

"Thank you for your kindness, but I'm not very hungry, so These foods should be eaten by children, after all, they are still growing."

Seeing this, Dagman looked nodded with disappointment.

"Okay, okay, it's all up to you..."

However, next to him, Dagrick spoke loudly:


"Uncle, just eat, we'll be fine!"

Daegrian pouted and muttered:

"Yes, yes, grandfather said, this is It's something to keep you, we eat but we're going to be beaten..."

Daigrek both gave his younger sister a shocked and angry look.

"Hey, why did you suddenly tell us our plan, you clearly promised to keep it a secret!"

Seeing the siblings quarreling for a while, Ye Chen fell silent and turned. The head looked towards Daigman, who was sighed with embarrassment.

"Ai, that's all, youngster, I'll tell you clearly, in fact, we brought you back and took you in, but we still have selfish intentions..."

Daigman reluctantly confessed to Ye Chen:

“These two children have no parents since they were young, and now I am the only old man left to take them, living in this dark place all the year round. Slums."

"I am old and weak, with limited income, it is difficult to barely maintain food and housing, let alone provide these two children to go to school, life has been very hard, usually because of poverty. Don't be bullied."

"It doesn't matter to me as a Messiy Old Man, but I really don't want to suffer these two children, I'm sorry for their parents..."

Speaking of this, Daigman's eyes were already wet and red, and Ye Chen looked so helpless and sad.

"But...but...if you are willing to live with us, then this family can also appear a youngster, and the pressure can naturally be greatly relieved , and our days can be much better..."

"This is my true thought and wish..."

"So ....Ye Chen...your origin, I won't ask more..."

"But, please... ."

"For the sake of us helping you, stay here!"

"After all, this family, and these two children, depend only on me, the Messy Old Man, life is too hard to turn around..."

Faced with Daigman's crying pleas, Ye Chen was silent for a moment with a heavy expression, and then gave a solemn tone. out his own answer.

"Mr. Daigman, first of all, I really want to thank you for your help. I will never forget this kindness."

"But, I'm sorry, I have important things to do. I really can’t stay here for a long time.”

“If my portable item is not damaged, then I will give you a lot of money.”

“Unfortunately, the current I have no money..."

"However, I will still try to repay your kindness in other ways."

After listening to Ye Chen's speech In a firm response, Daigman lowered his head with mixed feelings, and the emotions of disappointment and reassurance alternated in his old eyes.

The Daig siblings on the side couldn't hide their disappointment. They looked at Ye Chen pitifully, but didn't know what to say.

To put it bluntly, their family is a group of old, weak, sick and disabled. There is no other way to leave Ye Chen other than human feelings, so it is entirely up to the latter to decide whether to leave or stay.

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