Standing on the opposite battlefield, Chao took a deep breath to calm down his restless emotions, and then suddenly opened his eyes, showing a completely different momentum from Fang Cai:

"Pichu, you can see it too, Ash, they are not enemies we can despise, right?" Let's get serious. "

Pichu ! " Pichu replied excitedly.

Chao still didn't have the idea of seizing the opportunity again, so Ash didn't hesitate to take this opportunity for himself.

"Pikachu, use a flash of light!



Pikachu answered, and then rushed straight out at a speed that his eyes couldn't catch.

Sure enough, the level is not low... Also, Ash also said, "This is the original partner or something." Unfortunately, Pichu is clearly not strong enough to jump like a furry opponent like a jump rope - however, this situation has long been a recipe for Pichu.

"Then it's still the same as before, using a straw knot. Facing

Pichu, as if chatting normally, Chao said lightly.

Hearing this, a green glow appeared in Pichu's two small paws. It flung the small green rope forward, and the other end was firmly attached to the ground.

"Pickup ?!


Pikachu had a bad feeling, but it was too late. Its front feet hit the rope that lay across the ground in an instant, and its whole body tilted its weight, and it rolled twice with a slightly comical "grunt".

Looking at Ash's stunned expression, he bent his eyes towards him and showed his smile unabashedly: "It's also important to develop new uses of moves, isn't it? ".

"That's amazing! You can still use moves like this! Shaking

his head, Ash looked at the tiny Pichu with bright eyes and exclaimed.

Emotion is emotion, the battle still has to continue. ... Asa seems to be better at seeing moves than taking the initiative to attack, and to involve the opponent in his fighting style... It's like Fang Cai against Furry, first deal with the opponent's moves in a targeted manner, and then officially start his offensive.

But this kind of targeted move obviously requires a focused environment, otherwise why not defuse Ibrahimovic's "slamming" in the same way? - In short, what you have to do may be to bring the other person into your own rhythm first!

Yes, the power is a little greater, and it is right to violently dismantle the other party's intentions.

Thinking about his next battle plan, Ash loudly instructed Pikachu: "Pikachu, use 100,000 volts with all your might!"

The time spent together gave Ash and Pikachu enough tacit understanding. Just listening to Ash's voice, Pikachu could understand his trainer's intentions. Even if it doesn't understand, it will do it.

Nodding vigorously, Pikachu jumped high on the ground. The small paw vigorously pats the electrical sacs on both sides of the cheek to stimulate the electricity stored in it to be more active.

"Pickup - Qiu ! ! ! ".

Dazzling yellow light exploded around Pikachu's body, and the strong electricity pierced the air and rushed towards Pichu's location, and the small currents that were too powerful to control were scattered like fireworks.

"That's a great 100,000 volts. Chao's face did not show timidity, but instead looked successful, "Ash, do you know? That's all I'm waiting for. "


Without much explanation, the mutation has already happened. Before the light from the 100,000-volt explosion had yet landed, it suddenly turned strangely, converging with the most powerful electric current, and rushed straight in the direction of Pichu.

Standing in the glittering light, Pichu proudly crossed his paws and hugged them, not at all as if he was injured, and even a small spark flashed on the pink electric bag on his cheek, as if it had been charged.

"What is this ? ! " Xiao Yao covered his mouth and exclaimed.

"The trait "lightning rod" is simply a move that can attract electricity and turn it into one's own use. Asahi kindly explained, "It's a trait that is relatively rare in the Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu families. ... Well, but my Pichu happens to be this rare child. "

Yes. Most of the characteristics of the Pikachu family are static electricity, so much so that Ash subconsciously thought that Asah's Pichu was also a static characteristic.

"But as long as you don't use electric moves, you'll be fine.

Ash said confidently.

Electric-immune guys, he and Pikachu haven't dealt with each other before. Even if they don't have 100,000 volts and electric balls, they can still use electric flashes and iron tails! Moreover, even if there is no lightning rod, the moves of the electric system are not very effective against the electric system, and Ash has no intention of really using 100,000 volts to decide the winner.

"Of course, Ash is right, as long as you don't use the electric moves.

Chao squinted his eyes and tilted his head to reveal a wicked smile. When Ash's heart was not good, he saw Chao raise his hand and snap his fingers, and said with a smile:

"-Pichu, use it again." "


" Before Ash could react, the little electric rat had already raised its two front paws and clapped its hands with a "

snap", a snap. Accompanied by Pichu, a small ball of light rose from Pichu's body, staggered towards Pikachu, and finally landed on Pikachu's forehead, making a soft "pop" sound.

What kind of move is this? Ash was stunned for a moment, and didn't react for a while.

And Pikachu shook his head vigorously, throwing out the feeling of being hit by some bubble just now.

"Pichu, let's play freely! Use 100,000 volts! Raising

his eyebrows, he chose the one that can cause more damage to Pikachu among the moves that Pichu can use at the moment.

Although the electric system is not outstanding against the electric system, after all, Pikachu is too light, and the damage caused by the grass knot is not enough to see, and can only be used as a move to disrupt the opponent's rhythm - this is very important for the small and not strong Pichu, after all, it can't go toe-to-toe with the opponent most of the time. Therefore, this is one of the reasons why Asahi Xi used to let Pichu carry the skill of "tying grass knots".

... On the other hand, there's not much to say, it's just that there is a lack of a fighter in his team to deal with Pokémon like Mizuchi.


Pichu answered, took a deep breath, and the sound of "crackling" electric sparks came from the small electrical bag on his face. The little electric rat recharged its strength and shot the blinding lightning in the direction of Pikachu with all its might—this power was even more powerful than Pikachu's usual electricity due to the 100,000 volts it had absorbed earlier.

"Pikachu! Get out of the way! Ash shouted.

Looking at the huge thunder and lightning rushing towards him, Pikachu vigilantly stretched his four claws, and when he was about to be hit squarely, he slammed it to the side, narrowly avoiding this move. The lightning brushed against the fur of his ears, and when he staggered and stopped, Pikachu turned his head and saw the scorched ground blasted by the lightning.

It's amazingly powerful.... We have to do it quickly. Ash swallowed and ordered, "Pikachu, use Iron Tail!"

"Pickup! " Pikachu said yes loudly.

It leaps high from the ground, spun around in a half-circle in the air, and raises its tail to strike downward—but just then, Pikachu suddenly realizes that his tail can't become harder, and the current in the electrical bag begins to bloom uncontrollably.

"100,000 volts"!

Looking at Pichu, bathed in golden electricity and turning the electricity outside, he nodded in satisfaction.

This is "one more time." Chao smiled and said, "Ash, do you have a solution to this problem?" "

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