Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 98 Different paths lead to the same destination

What? Serah is possessed by the undead?

During this period of time, Count Kokot went to the royal capital to meet the king, and all matters large and small were given full authority to Blaze. After hearing the report from the messenger, he looked surprised and then asked,

How's Sierra?

His Royal Highness Blaze, according to the news from Gloria, Sir Sera should have been killed. According to the news, he attempted to assassinate Bishop Sere after entering the hall, but was forced out of the undead by Bishop Sere. After his true form, he will be executed on the spot.”

Blaze didn't speak. He put down the magic feather pen in his hand and heard the messenger coming to report again.

So Gloria appointed thirteen temple priests to Wuhui City to organize the temple investigation, nominally to eliminate potential undead threats.

The messenger lowered his head. He didn't even dare to look directly at Blaze.

What about the temple? Is there anything unusual?

Blaze frowned and asked again.

There has been no unusual movement for the time being, and no priests or priests trying to escape have been detected.

I know, let's go down and keep an eye on the temple. If anyone does anything strange, report it immediately.

Understood, Your Highness Blaise!

After saying that, the messenger fled the room as if fleeing. He did not dare to stay any longer at this time for fear of incurring Blaze's dissatisfaction.

Sela is an undead?

Blaze shook his head,

Absolutely not possible. Is the problem with the Book of the Dead? What happened to Sera when he sent it to the temple?

Blaze slowly closed his eyes. He was thinking about the context of the whole thing. He always felt that there was something unreasonable in it.

If Sera is an undead, why didn't he just take the Book of the Dead and send it to Gloria on the pretext of sending it to Gloria instead of storing it in the Temple of No Return City?

He rubbed his chin,

Even if the undead are coming, why would you take the risk to find a bishop? To assassinate him? Hiss - it's impossible. Even if it can be done, there is no benefit. If it were me, I would directly control the other party. If Bishop Sere is the one...

Blaze's originally tense body suddenly relaxed, and then became even tighter. Goosebumps appeared all over his body. He opened his eyes suddenly,

If Bishop Sere is the one possessed by the undead, then

He took out a scroll from his drawer and unfolded it to reveal the mountains and landscapes of the Star Pulse Kingdom.

Blaze marked Wuhui City and Gloria on the map. He looked at the map for a long time without saying anything. He didn't know how long it took before he slowly spoke.

No way.

In his vision, the connection between the two large cities of Wuhui City and Gloria directly cut off the two largest rivers in the Star Pulse Kingdom. They both originate from the Joshua Mountains in the southwest and flow to the north of the Star Pulse Kingdom. area.

These two rivers can be regarded as the mother rivers of the Star Pulse Kingdom.

If the two rivers are cut off, as Blaze suspects, the entire northern region could be plunged into drought.

Now that spring planting is about to begin, if there is a drought in the north and the entire Xingmai Kingdom's food harvest fails, we don't know how big a famine it will cause, and we don't know how many people will die.

Is it a coincidence or not?

Blaze recalled the appearance of the undead, the origin of the Book of the Dead, and the series of events that led to the Book of the Dead being sent to the City of No Return. Blaze couldn't help but mutter to himself again,

No, we must report to Lord Kokot and ask him to prevent the team sent by Sere from entering the city of no return!

He quickly stood up and prepared to go to the royal capital. He had to hurry up, otherwise the Star Pulse Kingdom would suffer disaster, and the entire kingdom might become a stepping stone for the undead to come.

In fact, Blaze got part of it right.

As he expected, Sere was the one who was truly controlled by the undead. But he also guessed something wrong. The people Sere sent to Wuhui City were not to cut off the two rivers, cause large-scale disasters and create chaos.

Ever since the Lich came to the Shadow Forest with the Book of the Dead, they wanted the Book of the Dead to be brought into the temple. It doesn’t matter which temple you go to, the important thing is to enter the temple.

In this case, while opening the plane passage, they can use the Book of the Dead to tarnish the faith of the Goddess of Courage without Return, turning those devout priests into unclean believers.

In this way, once the undead successfully arrive, the purification magic released by all the priests in Wuhui City will become a benefit to the undead.

Therefore, those people sent by Sere were, on the one hand, to help the Frost Lord. On the other hand, it is to speed up the tarnishing of the faith of the Goddess of Courage.

However, no one could predict all this. Only Blaze chose the right path by mistake.

In Wuhui City Temple, several priests gathered together in twos and threes, whispering.

They were all discussing the recent secrets about the great priest Sera.

Hey, have you heard? Sir Sera is actually an undead!

To tell you the truth, I have long thought that there is something wrong with him! How could that book called the Book of the Dead not be destroyed? It is clear that he wants to trick Bishop Sere into Wuhui City and then use the Book of the Dead to trap him. Kill the bishop!

No way. Lord Serra has always been very pious. He is always the first to come to the temple and the last to leave.

Oh, otherwise how can we use the Book of the Dead to do anything?


Similar conversations continued to spread throughout the temple. As a member of the patrol knights, Drake nodded with satisfaction,

Not bad, the progress is perfect.

Hey, why did the Book of the Dead fall to the ground again?

The knight patrolling with him stepped forward, picked up the Book of the Dead, and placed it back on the Shrine of Courage.

It’s just that he didn’t notice that the two pages of the Book of the Dead had ‘Taint’ written on the left and ‘Doubt’ written on the right.

Hiss—what's going on lately? Why is it always so cold in the temple? Do you feel this way? Derek?

Well, it is indeed cold this winter, but I believe it will get warmer soon. After all, spring is coming soon.

makes sense.

The two continued to patrol forward, and no one noticed the slightly raised corners of Drake's mouth or the faint cracks on the statue of the Goddess of Courage.

At this moment, Lina also left Helander and rushed to Wards Heights, where Tan Xiao and his party were.

However, she didn't expect that what was waiting for her was a group of orcs and the five exhausted people.

Lilina, you came just in time, give us a reply, otherwise it won't work.

It was Tan Xiao who spoke. At this moment, his MP had bottomed out. Ah Xing had also drank up all the potions. If Barbatos hadn't been blessed by Ah Xing's [Life Pool], he would have stopped eating at this moment.


After Lina arrived at the scene, without any hesitation, she immediately released several [Recovery Enhancements] to give everyone who was surrounded by the beasts a breather.

Tan Xiao also took advantage of the gap to ask,

What is Holland doing with you?

It's to tell me about my father. He left me important things in Wuhui City.

While Lina released her skills, she repeated everything Heland said to her to Tan Xiao.

That's it

Tan Xiao remembered the agreement he made with Blaze, to go to Wuhui City when he reaches Level 50.

Is it such a coincidence? They are all in Wuhui City.

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