The undead skeleton warriors who rushed out of the shadows were obviously stunned for a second when they saw Barbatos and his party, and then they behaved incomprehensibly again.

This group of undead warriors turned around and ran away, with no intention of starting a war.

Barbatos reacted faster and used the skill [Invective Provocation]. The skeleton warrior who was about to escape immediately stopped and turned back to rush towards Barbatos.

That's right, in their perception, the name of the supreme king Vertus was actually being crazily insulted by these humans.

Everything is for His Highness Vertus!

They shouted and rushed towards Barbatos, but were swept away by an iron gun halfway.

From a bone perspective, their bones are indeed extremely hard, even harder than some ores. However, it still seemed too fragile under the iron gun wielded by Amu.

With one shot, several skeleton warriors were broken into two pieces, and the upper body of one skeleton was directly shattered into slag. They could not withstand a move in Amu's hand.

Are they the remnants of the Shadow Forest who escaped here?

Amu looked at the undead warrior lying on the ground and could barely move his body, thinking about something.

There are actually undead infesting this place. It seems we have to be more careful.

Yes, they all have soul containers, but I don't know where they are hidden.

Barbatos squatted on the ground and looked at these undead with great interest. They seemed to be different from the beast-like undead he saw in Leitz City.

Finally, under everyone's surprised gazes, Ciri expressionlessly removed the skulls of these undead skeleton warriors.

Okay, we should be done with it now.

After lifting the warrior's heavenly spirit cover and destroying all the soul containers, Ciri wiped the sweat from her forehead, as if she had done a not-so-easy job.

Hey, why are you all looking at me like that?

Ciri felt the surprised gazes around her and couldn't help but ask.

Ah, it's okay, it's okay.

Barbatos scratched his head and took a cautious step back.

You have to be careful about this NPC in the future. Damn it, he looks like a crazy person.

That's right, in Barbatos's mind, he has classified Ciri into a group of NPCs that must not be messed with.

At the same time, Barbatos quickly added another skill to attract the hatred of the group of orcs who had been slashed by Ciri but had not completely lost their ability to escape.

What followed was an unpretentious massacre, something that the four people present ignored.

In the previous undead invasion, most of the undead legions were native creatures that used the Shadow Forest. There were very few such groups of skeleton warriors.

In a location they didn't see, there was a well-hidden door.

The being behind the door spoke quietly,

Fortunately, the few sent out were smart and knew to run in the opposite direction of the plane passage. Otherwise, if they were discovered here, I would be severely punished.

On the Woz Highlands, there is actually another passage for the undead besides the Shadow Forest.

Perhaps, for them, the place here in Wards Heights is where they are really preparing to descend, and the passage in the Shadow Forest is just to attract attention.

In the north of Wards Highlands, Fast City welcomed a distinguished nobleman today.

The current talker of the Carr family is Locke Carr, who is also Holland's younger brother.

Brother, I'm sorry, I'm late.

Locke, the city lord who controls everything in Leeds City, has a kind of heartfelt respect when facing Holland.

Not only because Holland in front of him now has the status of viscount, but also because when he was at his peak, Holland chose to become a famous person for the sake of his family and for the southernmost corner of the Starline Empire. A little-known village chief.

It's okay! Sit down, you're here today and you want to talk about McGee, right?

Hearing Holland's words, Locke immediately nodded respectfully, already praising his brother's wisdom in his heart, and at the same time replied,

That's right, brother, not only McGee, but also the weapon he sent [Spider Web Staff] has now become a [Crystal Eye Spider Staff] weapon. I'm afraid there is a big problem.

Decades later, a pair of brothers who were still young when they separated and now old when they met again talked secretly in the room.

Although things have changed, their love for their country has not changed at all.

Since this period of time, various changes have occurred frequently, and a plague has broken out in Leitz City, and there always seems to be an adventurer, Feng Sheng, at the center of the whirlpool.

Locke spoke, and then seemed to think of something again. He took a peek at his brother's reaction and saw that the other person's expression did not fluctuate much, so he continued,

It would be fine if he is loyal to the human race, but if he switches sides to another race like the good curse that disappeared, then the human race will be in danger!

At this point, Locke's foreshadowing has been completed and he revealed what he has been thinking about for a while.

Not to mention that if he was originally an undercover agent of the undead, the Star Vein Kingdom would be in trouble.

After the words fell, Holland couldn't help but frowned, and suddenly asked this sentence,

Do you know Mednit?

Locke was stunned for a moment, and then he kept thinking about it in his mind. He was sure that he had never heard of this name before and shook his head.

never heard before.

Holland was not surprised by this answer. He just said to himself,

Recently, I always feel that I have forgotten something. Even the scene when I persuaded Mr. Feng Sheng to help go to the Shadow Fall Realm that day, I can't remember clearly.

Holland closed his eyes and spoke slowly,

Now I only vaguely remember such a name. It seems that there is a mysterious power making me forget it.

Hearing this, Locke's eyes gradually began to change. He opened his mouth wide and stuttered a little,

Brother. Brother, what do you mean?

Holland frowned and nodded.

Yes, he is most likely related to a certain god. He can accept the assistance of the priest of the Star Pulse Kingdom, which means that at least he is not the object of the Goddess of Courage's disgust, and he can be trusted in a short period of time.

Holland continued to speak,

As for McGee, after I came to Fast Village, he did not show any abnormality. In other words, it is very likely that he was already controlled by the undead from the beginning.

He rubbed his brow,

I wonder how many such people there are in the kingdom today, and how many are in higher positions.


Locke asked inquiringly,

Count Coket, do we need to remind you again?

No, I'm afraid the count has already thought of these details, so I don't need to wait for more words. I care more about another thing than Sir Feng Sheng. Why is the battle between the Obsidian Kingdom and us suddenly so fierce?

Speaking of this, Locke let out a long sigh,

I don't know. What is certain now is that the current war damage has tripled compared to the last war, and many villages on the border have been massacred.

While the two prominent brothers were discussing, fighting broke out on the border again.

And one of the figures looked a little thin, her name was Shanju.

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