The tavern in Fast City is not big, but Helander likes it very much.

There were several old taverns in the city, all of which he frequented. So much so that seeing Holland's return this time, he directly announced that the entire pub would be free of charge.

Ha——! Free wine is delicious!

Holland raised his glass, drank it all in one gulp, and then smashed the glass on the table, showing his heroic nature.

Xi Rui glanced at Tan Xiao and saw that he didn't move, so she didn't dare to move, so she could only stare at the clear yellow wine.

She was so greedy that her eyes glowed faintly green.

Ciri only drank once. On the way to pick up her father, a gambler, she asked for a glass of wine from the tavern owner to embolden her.

The tavern owner, who was very fond of this well-behaved girl, naturally did not refuse and handed her a glass of extremely inferior wine.

From that day on, Ciri fell in love with this kind of thing, but she never had the opportunity to drink this luxury product for her.

Hahaha! Ciri, drink if you want! Your president will pay for it for you!

Helander couldn't see Shirley's desire, so he spoke bluntly and patted Tan Xiao on the shoulder.

How about it? You won't be reluctant to part with this little money, right?

Tan Xiao was not worried about the cost, but he was afraid that Xirui would drink it as soon as he drank it. The quality of this wine was not very good.

Seeing Xirui's longing eyes, Tan Xiao sighed,

Don't drink too much. I can't tell Barbatos.


Ciri nodded heavily, then happily held up the wine glass and drank.

So, Lord Viscount Holland, are there any new discoveries in the Shadow Forest?

Tan Xiao spoke quickly, trying to divert Holland's attention away from his guild member Ciri. He felt a little embarrassed. Both Ciri and Barbatos were a little abnormal in some aspects, at least from his perspective. perspective.

Holland moved his eyes away from Siri and looked at Tan Xiao,

The invasion of the undead is also thanks to you. For this cup, I thank you on behalf of all the residents of Fast City.

Holland raised his glass again and drank it in one gulp.

In addition, the reason why I came to you today is that traces of a plane passage were found in the Shadow Forest.

Holland paused, his eyes gradually became serious,

Although the passage has been closed, the node is extremely fragile. There are still lower-level undead people appearing inside, and low-level orcs in the Shadow Forest can also enter.

Holland once again pushed a full glass of wine in the direction of Ciri and continued,

According to our judgment, the opposite side of the node is the Shadow Fall, the plane where the undead were once exiled, and now the passage may allow low-level beings to pass through each other.

Tan Xiao frowned. He had never heard of the name of this plane. Just like there was no undead invasion in his previous life, he spoke doubtfully,


So, we are going to send a team from the surrounding cities, with Fast City as the center, including Leize City, Dogon City in the east and Sad City in the west, to explore.

Not going.

When Tan Xiao heard this, he didn't know what their plan was. They were going to organize a death squad to explore the road.

How could Tan Xiao take such a risk? Although the inexplicable attenuation of experience made it extremely difficult for him to upgrade, it was not to the point where he needed to risk his life.

Helander was not surprised at Tan Xiao's reaction, but he slowly opened his mouth and said a name that Tan Xiao had never thought of.

You know Mednit, right?

The moment he heard the name, Tan Xiao stood up suddenly, his eyes full of surprise.

You know Mednit?

It was only then that Holland spoke with relief,

You are indeed the one who caused the Mad Moon.

Under Tan Xiao's surprised expression, Holland took out a piece of paper from his arms.

The paper is old and worn, and is covered with creases. If you look closely, there is still fluff after broken fibers. If Holland hadn't preserved it well, this paper would have been in pieces.

This is a village chief's token that has been passed down from generation to generation. It's been for who knows how many years.

Holland slowly extended his palm towards Tan Xiao, with a complicated expression on his face.

I could only see vague handwriting on the torn piece of paper.

Give it to the adventurer who triggered the Madness Moon, and you can let him go where you want to go.

Holland carefully turned the paper over. It read,

The secret corner you want to know is just ahead. What you see is not a dream, it is all reality.

The signature was the same name that sent shivers down Tan Xiao's spine, Mednit.

Tan Xiao looked at Helander, as if wanting him to give an explanation.

But Helander understood what Tan Xiao meant, and he shook his head,

I don't know who Mednit is. Even the oldest historian in the kingdom doesn't know. This piece of paper is something that has been passed down from generation to generation in this village.

Holland recalled the hesitant expression on the previous village chief's face when he handed him these things.

Because the other party was afraid that Holland, the former Lord of Leeds City, would despise this matter and cut off this important inheritance.

Therefore, the two made many agreements, and Holland finally got this piece of paper, and at the same time there was a word that was kept secret,

With the name of Mednit as a signal, the other party's reaction is the basis for the inheritor to judge the other party's identity or timing.

Tan Xiao didn't know how to react for a moment, but Holland held his shoulders and asked him to sit back in his seat.

Holland was not in a hurry and just looked at Tan Xiao quietly. During this period, he kept pushing the wine glass in front of Siri.

Xi Rui refused to accept anyone who came and paid no attention to the conversation between the two. At this moment, her cheeks were already red, but her drinking speed was getting faster and faster.

I don’t know how long it took before Tan Xiao slowly spoke,

So, you are going to Shadowfall?

That's right.

What's the benefit?

This piece of paper also contains a kingdom treasure specially prepared for you, [War Medal].

A familiar voice from the system sounded in Tan Xiao's ears,

Ding - Heland has released a mission [Exploring the Shadow Fall Passage]. Mission rewards, a lot of experience, and special props [Battle Medals].

[War Medal] A relic of a genius magician that can increase the holder's experience value by 100%.


Tan Xiao took a long breath. He was already ready to take on this task when he saw the piece of paper from Mednit. The name Mednit had an unusual appeal to him.

Not only was the description of the Lich’s Disaster last time full of weirdness, not to mention the bizarre scene after he killed the Lich.

However, when he saw the description of [War Honors], he no longer hesitated and took the piece of paper from Helander's hand.

Helander had a satisfied expression on his face. Just when Tan Xiao was about to have a drink, he found that all the wine glasses on the table were empty, and there was a blushing Siri muttering something unknown.

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