When the balance of fate was imposed on Tan Xiao, there was only a deafening metal knocking sound coming from nowhere.

In Eddie's field of vision, a fire sparkling with endless light appeared on one side of the balance of fate.

The layers of fire show colorful colors, but they don't appear chaotic. They are changing in a strange pattern, which symbolizes Tan Xiao's luck.

The weight of Tan Xiao's lucky fire caused the entire balance to tilt nearly sixty degrees, and the sound of metal knocking was the loud bang made by the scale that sank instantly.

After Eddie was briefly stunned, jealousy could not be concealed on his face.

Damn it, why is he so lucky?!

However, after thinking about it, this good luck was about to become the adventurer's talisman, and Eddie's jealous heart gradually calmed down.

Tan Xiao didn't know what happened, but he had a feeling that something about him was being spied on, and an indescribable sense of insecurity came over him.

He carefully checked the condition of his body and found nothing unusual.

How is this going?

At this moment, Eddie's ferocious laughter came,

Okay, okay! I just like to see lucky people like you fall into the altar. It really makes people want to step on them again.

Eddie snapped his fingers, and a cloud of gray-black smoke appeared on the other side of the scale.

When I weigh out your suffering, you can spend the rest of your life in pain.

That's right, Eddie wanted to use this method to make Tan Xiao fall into the abyss and make him roll off the top of the pyramid with no possibility of getting up again.

Because, in Eddie's opinion, Tan Xiao's luck must be far greater than his suffering.

However, its expression began to gradually change, because in its field of vision, the gray-black smoke on the other side of the scale began to expand, as if it were endless.

The smoke began to solidify, with scarlet lightning surging through it, and occasionally even facial features that could not be seen flashed away.

The originally one-sided balance began to slowly return to normal, but the gray and black smoke continued to collect, which caused fine beads of sweat to appear on Eddie's forehead.

What's going on? This is impossible!

The horror in its heart continued to rise, and the skeleton knight Yogel standing next to it seemed to notice something strange about Eddie, and couldn't help but ask,

What's wrong? Captain?

Eddie couldn't speak. At this moment, it was already being weighed down by the weight of the balance of fate, so much so that his spine cracked loudly.

Tan Xiao was also unable to move. It was not Eddie's skills that made him unable to move.

But when Eddie began to weigh his suffering, strange pictures began to appear in front of his eyes, and many memory fragments he had never seen before spread in his mind like mud rising from the bottom of a river.

But what made him feel strange was that he didn't even have the slightest impression of some scenes, and he couldn't tell what the people and objects in his field of vision were.


Eddie's waist bent even lower. At this moment, the balance of fate it released was close to balance, and the smoke at the end that symbolized Tan Xiao's suffering was still gathering.

The entire beam of the scale has been bent, and Tan Xiao's suffering continues to increase. Before Tan Xiao's suffering has been completely weighed, cracks begin to appear in the beam of the scale of fate released by Eddie.

No! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

Eddie looked at the crack in disbelief. It wanted to terminate the spell, but it couldn't.

In Eddie's extremely horrified eyes, the scale of fate collapsed. It misestimated the weight of Tan Xiao's luck and suffering. It didn't even think that the scale of fate would be crushed.

But it had no chance to regret it, because its body also shattered together. The broken pieces were so fast that they instantly smashed Yogurt next to Eddie.

Eddie and Yoger both died on the spot.

However, Tan Xiao's body still did not move. At the moment when the balance of fate collapsed, the fragments of the balance returned to his body in a way invisible to the naked eye, along with Tan Xiao's luck and suffering.

The arcane heart began to become hot, and Tan Xiao's consciousness quickly disappeared. He could not even maintain the skill [tornado] and fell from mid-air.

Fortunately, Barbatos had recovered a lot and crawled to the spot where Tan Xiao fell, catching Tan Xiao with his body.

At this moment, a scene began to appear in Tan Xiao's field of vision. He appeared on a throne, with his people kneeling at his feet.

Most of them are gorgeously dressed, and every piece of jewelry they wear contains huge magic power.

Is this a god?

Before Tan Xiao could see clearly, the picture in his eyes suddenly disappeared. When it became clear again, there was already a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood around him.

Countless bones were floating around him, and the staff in his hand was also covered in blood, and the scene disappeared again.

As the light and shadow passed by, another scene appeared in front of him. It seemed to be in a study room. There was a woman beside him who seemed to be calling his name continuously, but Tan Xiao couldn't hear clearly. He tried hard to talk to the other party, but couldn't.


Tan Xiao woke up with a start. Only then did he realize that there was a bright red countdown in his field of vision. It was his character Feng Sheng in the game who had fallen into a coma.

Tan Xiao recalled all the scenes he had just experienced, and he was a little confused.

Did I fall asleep while playing?

He took off his helmet and shook his head vigorously.

Looks like you need to take a rest.

Thinking of the nearly twenty-hour countdown, Tan Xiao calculated that he still had a few hours to spare. He looked at the time and said,

It's half past one in the afternoon, that's not too late.

He is going to apply for an overseas account, not only to receive the monthly salary of the special operations team, but also to prepare for subsequent transactions on the exchange.

The reason why he used an overseas account was because Tan Xiao didn't dare to reveal his true identity yet. It was hard to guarantee that he had ulterior motives and could trace him.

By using cryptocurrency transactions from overseas accounts, Tan Xiao can at least ensure his own safety.

At the moment Eddie died suddenly, a little incident happened in Wuhui City.

I won't go drinking. You go ahead. I'm going to go home and rest.

Derek calmly pushed away the hand of his colleague and spoke politely.


It seems like he hasn't recovered yet.

Yes, if it were you, would you be able to recover?

Hey, that's right, it's all those bastards in the Obsidian Kingdom.

Don't mention it. I heard that the scale of the war is getting bigger and bigger. The losses on both sides are frightening. It seems that they are all going to kill each other.

Several patrol knights on duty were chatting and walking towards the tavern. This was their rare rest time of the day.

But they didn't know that there was a chill all over the body of Drake who was leaving.

A rare servant was ruined like this. I will remember you, damn magician.

The cold light in Derek's eyes flashed away, and then returned to normal.

Tan Xiao didn't know that while his game character was in a coma, he had been targeted by a patrolling knight from the Northern City of No Return. His name was Drake.

At this moment, the one residing in his body was none other than the Frost Lord, Ferez, who came through the Book of the Dead.

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