The development history of Leeds City is actually the development history of the Carl family.

Because the rise of Leeds City is entirely due to the prosperity of the Karl family.

As the most loyal followers of the Stella family and the orthodox of the Star Pulse Kingdom, the Karl family has always adhered to one idea during the years of ruling Leeds City.

Following the footsteps of the Stella family closely, the development of Leeds City has never encountered any difficulties from the kingdom, and has even been supported everywhere.

This made Leitz City, which valued commerce over the military, perform poorly in this sudden undead attack, and could even be considered lacking, especially with the help of a commander sent by Count Kokot. Many undead people survived.

This was the case when Leitz City focused on developing its military power after experiencing the Mimic Beast Rebellion.

If it hadn't been for the beast-like chaos decades ago, Leeds City's performance might have been even worse this time when the undead suddenly appeared and attacked.

However, just when the impact of the undead had not been eliminated, a terrible plague broke out in the city one after another.

According to quite a few people, it is related to the wealthy Meister.

Especially when his Mest Casino closed down and he himself was announced to have died suddenly and violently in the manor, along with almost everyone in his manor.

The reason why I say almost is because there is still one survivor, and I don’t know whether to call him lucky or pitiful.

On the day of the accident, he was found fainted in front of the Meister family manor. His ribs were half broken. It seemed that he had fainted from pain. No one from the Meister family rescued him.

Shortly after the person who found him took him to the hospital, the priests of the temple rushed to Meister's manor and surrounded him. It was obvious that something big had happened in the manor.

Since then, strange diseases began to appear in the city, and the major medical clinics and even the temple were unable to deal with them.

The course of this disease varies in different people. Some people will have a high fever that will not go away, and may even die, while some people will recover instantly after just coughing a few times.

As the number of people getting sick increased, everyone discovered a strange pattern.

Those who were originally lucky seemed to have less luck in this plague, and they were usually the severely ill. As for those people who are known to be miserable, it is not known whether it is because God cannot bear to punish them, but they are the ones with the mildest symptoms.

For a time, people in Leitz City were panicked, especially those in high positions.

Also anxious are a group of senior executives including Locke and Rebecca.

Because, through the investigation of the temple priest, they have determined that this plague was caused by an undead tribe.

It was a man named Eddie who was once the captain of Mister's private army, and was later transformed into the undead by an unknown existence.

At this moment, Barbatos and Tan Xiao were sitting in the city lord's conference room. Everyone was staring at Tan Xiao, as if waiting for him to say something.

Your Excellency Feng Sheng, you and Your Excellency Barbatos arrived earlier than our pastor that day. Please tell us the details of that day in more detail to see if there is anything missing.

City Lord Locke's voice sounded, breaking the silence.

Before Tan Xiao could say anything, Barbatos couldn't bear it anymore.

Tell me, tell me, how many times have I said this? If I go on, I'll have to recall and tell you which foot I stepped into the manor first.

If your Excellency can recall it, we would be happy to hear it.

A man who looked like a commander spoke with a very serious expression, and it was obvious that he was not joking.

Now, it was Barbatos' turn to be silent. It was one of the few times since he became a provocateur that he was speechless.

Tan Xiao understood the thoughts of these senior leaders of Leeds City. It can be said that everything happening in Leeds City today is closely related to what happened after they received the mission that day. Locke cannot be blamed for asking more.

So, Tan Xiao started to tell again,

That day, I picked up Barbatos and Ciri from the temple and prepared to go to my property in Fast Village. As my new guild members, it is necessary for the two of them to go to my station.

It's just that, just as we were about to leave, Barbatos and I received the mission at the same time, which is what you call the Apocalypse.

We were told that Leeds City would be enveloped in the plague. So, out of love for Leeds City, we chose to accept the mission.

Having said this, Tan Xiao took a sip of water.

He would not say that he was forced to accept it, and that Barbatos was driven by greed.

After we received the mission, based on my keen sense of the aura of the undead, we rushed to Maister Manor.

In the Maister Manor, we saw Eddie who was violently committing violence against Maister. At that time, he had completely transformed into an undead mage.

So, Barbatos and I didn't have time to think too much and started a fierce battle with each other.

In the end, with the help of Barbatos' taunting skills, I used my skill [Thunder Hand] to defeat Eddie.

However, we didn't expect that what we defeated was not Eddie's body at all. The cunning Eddie did not hesitate to chop off half of his body as bait, and with the help of his undead characteristics, he reorganized the skeleton and body, allowing us to mistake the clone for the main body. killing, causing a delay in the pursuit.”

Speaking of this, Tan Xiao couldn't help but sigh in his heart,

As expected, the intrigue between the human race and the human race is the most damn troublesome.

The reason why he sighs like this is that whether it is the previous Shanju or the current Eddie, they were transformed from the human race into other races, and either one of them caused him huge trouble.

Shan Ju's whereabouts are unknown now, not to mention her, and now there is another Eddie who secretly spreads the plague in the city.

The plague that Eddie is spreading now obviously has some kind of special ability, making the entire city of Leeds miserable.

A large number of local residents with no or low magic power have been infected, and recently players have begun to be infected one after another.

Even the symptoms are the same as those of the local residents. To put it simply, the European emperor becomes a non-chief, and the non-chief is still a non-chief.

For Tan Xiao, he has no special influence yet, but it is unknown how big a problem it will cause in the near future.

At this time, Tan Xiao had never been so eager to get rid of someone, because this person had seriously affected his plan.

Prevent the coming of eternal night.

After Tan Xiao finished speaking, the entire conference room fell into silence again.

Because there was no new progress, and they had heard Tan Xiao's words many times.

Just when everyone thought that today's meeting was going to end, an unexpected news came from a certain medical center. The only survivor of the Maister Manor had woken up.


Everyone got up and headed to the medical center.

For them, this may be the key to breaking the situation.

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