Before the group of private soldiers ran out, a figure had appeared at the door of the manor, it was Eddie.

Team, Captain?!

Several team members looked at the man in front of them in disbelief. They didn't expect that the other man had already come to the door before they started.

Catch him! Don't let him get away!

I don't know who shouted loudly before everyone reacted and hurriedly stepped forward.

He thought he would experience a fierce battle, but Eddie offered no resistance at all and allowed his original subordinates to tie him up tightly.

Hey! The boss didn't resist. Don't go too far. Just tie him up and it'll be fine.

One of the young men said this.

However, everyone around him gave him a blank look.

You want to talk too much? Now he is no longer the boss! He is a wanted criminal, a criminal that Master Meister helped to arrest!

The young man wanted to say something more, but Eddie suddenly hit his head on the chest. Several ribs were broken in an instant.

His body flew backwards weakly. Everyone was shocked and quickly increased the strength of their hands to suppress Eddie.

Look, you are still speaking for this guy! He is simply a vicious person!

A crowd of people made a noise and escorted Eddie into the manor, leaving the young man with severe chest pain rolling on the ground without anyone paying attention.

Did i do something wrong?

He felt the pain coming from his chest and was a little confused for a moment.

Eddie, who was being escorted into the manor, glanced at the young man behind him with a meaningful expression.

Didn't I tell you to catch Eddie? Why are you back again? Do you all want to die?!

Seeing the people leaving and returning, Mister's anger surged in his heart, and he almost wanted to kill all the people in front of him.

Before he could continue to shout angrily, a man who was surrounded by people and tied tightly appeared.


Meister was stunned for a moment, then a bright smile appeared on his face.

Okay, okay! Well done!

He suddenly stood up from his seat and drew out an iron sword that was guarding him.

I asked you to catch someone for me. What kind of trouble did you get me into?!

Meister pointed the iron sword at Eddie's eyes,

Should I dig out your left eye first, or your right eye?

The expression on his face became more and more ferocious,

Don't be afraid, this is just the beginning, you will suffer more in the future.

At this moment, Tan Xiao, who was walking towards the temple, seemed to feel something, and turned to look in the direction of Maister Manor.


He seemed to feel a flash of extreme malice,

Is it an illusion?

He turned around again and walked quickly towards the temple,

Bring those two people out first. There is a problem in Leitz City. We must return to Fast Village first.

Having experienced hundreds of battles, he was keenly aware of the undercurrents in this city.

Tan Xiao is not strong enough yet and is unwilling to be forced into such a dispute.

In Mister's manor, Eddie's right eye has fallen off, and there is a bloody hole on his face.

At this moment, he was naked except for the last pair of linen shorts, and his body was already covered with scratches.

Yo, Eddie, I didn't expect you to be such a tough guy.

Meister spoke breathlessly. In the short time just now, he made dozens of cuts on Eddie's body.

I thought Eddie would cry bitterly and kneel down to beg for mercy, but in fact he didn't even make a sound of pain.

The only remaining eyes looked at Mister like that, which made Mister feel a little scared.

But Meister didn't want to show weakness, so his eyes began to become slightly bloodshot, and his movements with the iron sword became more and more rough.

As he continued to swing his sword, the wounds on Eddie's body became deeper and deeper, and the blood dyed the precious carpet red.

The people around him began to realize that something was wrong, but no one dared to speak because Mister had already fallen into a state of madness.

Begging for mercy! Begging for mercy!

Meister slashed with his sword, and the wound was now deep enough to show the bone, and large pieces of flesh continued to fall.

Don't ask for help! Then die! You're like a dog! Why haven't I seen you so tough before!

After Mester finished speaking, a sword pierced Eddie's heart. He felt relaxed all over, as if all the unhappiness that had been accumulated for a long time was released, and a happy smile filled his face.

Everyone around looked at each other in shock. They didn't expect that Maister actually killed Eddie, who was a wanted criminal that the city guard had specified to capture alive.

Mai...Master Maister, this...?

One of the private soldiers looked at Eddie's body and couldn't help but want to ask, but saw Meister's scarlet eyes scanning over.

It's just that Eddie tried his best to resist during the arrest, and finally accidentally killed him during the fierce fight. Do you understand?

I understand, I understand!

Get out of here! Take this dog's body and get out!

Meister roared again. It was obvious that he was in a very bad mood today and was unwilling to say another word.


What else?! Are you a stupid dog? Can't you do this?

Meister roared and turned his head, but his voice stopped abruptly.

Because, he saw a terrifying picture.

Eddie's bloody body began to slowly dissolve, especially the parts that were dragged out by several private soldiers. The flesh and blood seemed to boil and turned into puddles of mud.

Several private soldiers retreated quickly. They had dealt with quite a few corpses, but this was the first time they had seen someone as terrifying as Eddie.

What's going on?! Who asked you to use the decomposition technique?!

Max roared, thinking that someone had used decomposition to decompose Eddie's body, but he immediately became quiet again.

Because he realized a problem: there were no magicians around who could use decomposition.

There is only one possibility for Eddie's body to become like this.

Thinking of this, panic appeared in Mister's eyes for the first time.

Quick! Find the priest!

Jie Jie Jie - Meister, I really should thank you for giving me such a powerful power, and for completing the transformation of my life with your own hands.

Eddie's voice didn't know where it came from. It seemed to come from the shapeless pile of flesh on the ground that had dissolved into mud, or it seemed to come from the skeleton. actually colluded with the undead!

Meister no longer had the arrogance he had just now, and his legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

If I don't report you to the temple, you can still escape if you leave now. If you don't leave and wait for the temple priest to come, you won't be able to escape at all!

As Mister spoke, he kept retreating.

What if I'm not afraid of the temple priest at all?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible! The temple...

Halfway through, Meister felt a sharp pain in his lungs and began to cough uncontrollably.


He spat out a large lump of blue-black flesh, mixed with dark red blood.


There was another overwhelming feeling, and Mister's tail kept shrinking, pulling out all the contents of his stomach.

They were all green and black pieces of meat.

At the same time, everyone in the room began to cough and vomit, mirroring Meister's symptoms.

Jie Jie Jie - let the plague spread across the land! Feel the pain! Meister! I will let the entire Leitz City be buried with you!

At that moment, the fleshy paste on the ground began to reorganize, covering Eddie's original skeleton.

However, his skin turned a strange green color and his body began to emit light green smoke.

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