Ding - [World Announcement] The armored giant bear has been killed, and the player [Feng Sheng] has received a huge reward. I hope all players will move forward and never forget their original aspirations.

The world announcement once again appeared in the players' field of vision, causing an instant sensation.

Some of them had been to the Woz Highlands and had seen armored giant bears from a distance, and knew that they were terrifying orcs with levels as high as Level 42.

At this moment, how could they not be surprised when they heard that the armored giant bear was killed, and they inevitably started talking,

What level is Feng Sheng at now? Didn't I see two days ago that he was only at Level 29? Can he beat an armored giant bear?

Ah? Say it again? Lv29 is also called only? What level are you?

After all, I am also at a double-digit level. Rounding it off, I am about the same level as Feng Sheng.

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding players fell silent.

That's right, they've been playing until their livers are almost broken, and they're only at about ten levels. Even the guild leaders like them were only in their early twenties. They wanted to know how Feng Sheng relied on to kill those powerful orcs and always be able to leapfrog challenges.

However, they didn't know about the area southwest of Wards Highlands, near the den of the armored giant bear.

Tan Xiao was squatting next to the armored giant bear's body, sighing and kicking the other's charred corpse.

“I feel powerless about being exploited by capitalists.”

It turned out that he killed the armored giant bear at level 29, which allowed him to move up one level to level 30. On the contrary, Lina, because of the team formation, gained a lot of experience, and actually upgraded three levels in a row, reaching Lv15.

In other words, she can go to Pastor Leo to change jobs.

Yes, this is because she can no longer upgrade after reaching Lv15. Otherwise, Tan Xiao doesn't know how many levels she can upgrade to.

Forget it, at least in terms of combat effectiveness, it's still pretty crushing.

Tan Xiao could only console himself in this way. Although the progress of the levels was slower than he expected, in terms of improvement in combat effectiveness, it was still in line with his expectations, especially after absorbing the liquid gold shadow, all his skills were improved. Partially strengthened.

It is not reflected in the skill level, but it is solidly reflected in the actual use process.

It's done, come out.

Tan Xiao waved to the fire-eating ant king not far away, tremblingly hiding in a rock crevice.

You come and eat this guy first, and then we'll go to the next stop.

The fire ant king clearly showed ecstasy, and its tentacles trembled wildly, which is a physiological reaction that only occurs when the excitement reaches a certain level.

Tan Xiao didn't care what to do with the giant bear's body. After all, he had already received experience rewards, skill points and the dropped material [Lava Core].

[Lava Core] In the chest cavity of the armored giant bear, the fiery core formed over many years contains immeasurable fire-attribute magic power. The size of the core is related to the survival time of the giant bear, and can be used for weapon strengthening or armor forging.

Tan Xiao took advantage of the Fire Ant King to eat, and picked up the [Crimson Eye Spider Staff] and [Lava Core], wanting to use the [Lava Core] to strengthen his weapons, just like he did in the forest. .

However, nothing happens.

Is it because the proficiency level hasn't reached 1000 yet?

Tan Xiao touched his chin and thought about this problem.

At that time, in the forest, he felt strange when the spider web staff and the crimson eyes merged. Generally speaking, this kind of weapon requires forging and processing in an alchemy workshop before it can be strengthened. That time when it was actively fused into the Crimson Eye Spider Staff, he always had this question in his mind.

This time, he happened to come across a material that could strengthen weapons. Tan Xiao couldn't help but want to try it again, but as expected, there was no reaction.

Wait until the staff proficiency reaches 1000 before trying again. Anyway, it won't be much different.

Tan Xiao looked at the Crimson Eye Spider Staff, which had a proficiency level of over 900. He vaguely felt that this staff seemed to be hiding some secrets, especially after its skill Viciousness could restore blood to the Lich. This suspicion in his heart became even stronger. .

However, this does not prevent him from using this weapon. From the current point of view, just use the skill [Bitterness] carefully.

At the same time, the fire ant king also finished eating. The charred armored giant bear was now only a pile of gray-black charcoal, and the Fire Ant King's level had reached Level 35, a level it had never dared to imagine.

It's good to eat so fast! I'm liking you more and more, next stop! Let's go!

Tan Xiao patted the Fire Ant King on the back and jumped up skillfully, while Lina was still behind the Fire Ant King, measuring the vastness of Woz Highland with her feet.

During that time, there were constant world announcements, and the players were almost numb.

Because, it seems that the orcs with some strength in the Woz Highland area were brutally killed.

Whether they had seen it or not, they all became Tan Xiao's trophies.

For a time, Tan Xiao's bad reputation left over from the Lich Scourge was gradually dispelled. With the unremitting efforts of his loyal fans [Hyacinth], Tan Xiao's public opinion image also began to gradually improve. Among them was a wealthy player. Brother Feng’s great help.

However, Tan Xiao didn't care much about these.

In the depths of the Shadow Forest, after experiencing the battle of [Advent of the Dead], the number of orcs in the forest has decreased significantly, making it seem a bit deserted.

On the edge of a secluded pond, a simple but sturdy wooden house was built. The exterior of the wooden house is entirely made of brand new wood. It is obviously newly built and seems to have been specially built for someone's arrival.

A familiar figure slowly walked out from inside, it was Shan Shu.

There was no trace of resentment for the failure of the mission on her face, but instead there was an indescribable doubt. All of this came from her conversation with the old king of the forest the day before.

Is it because I didn't give the skeleton enough orc people that it failed?

Shan Ju was a little worried. She was afraid that her temporary willfulness would lead to the failure of the mission. She was not afraid of being punished, but she was more afraid of losing a lot of game rewards.

Haha, you're too young, kid.

However, what the Old Forest King said next made her once again impressed by the charm of the game Magic World.

What do you think the master of the Shadow Fall Realm wants a lich with a level of less than 200 to come to this plane with the artifact Book of the Dead?

Is it to let it conquer this plane?

Then why doesn't it just let the Frost King come?

So, all this is just a pretense. You did nothing wrong and even helped him achieve his goal faster. He just wants the Book of the Dead to be lost here.

That lich is just cannon fodder.

Thinking back to the conversation the day before, Shanshu casually took out a rope from his pocket, tied up his hair, and thought of the last words of the old king.

Go, disguise yourself as a human and participate in the war, and gain infinite power from the war! My child!

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