Lina's shocking blow failed to cause any harm to the Lich, and it even confirmed that Tan Xiao had nothing to do with the Dark Goddess Char.

Because the copper dragon bloodline shown by Lina was clearly the ability of the platinum dragon lineage.

The Lich was sure that if Tan Xiao was the favored one of the Dark Goddess, he would not be able to stay with the copper dragon, let alone let the copper dragon release the attack that exhausted its own essence just now to delay time.

You two really surprised me, but that's it for now.

The Lich was standing high, his robes still shining brightly without leaving a trace of dust.

However, Tan Xiao took out a hexagonal prism from his backpack and spoke softly,

Let you go, help me kill this skeleton, and then rob this on your own.

That hexagonal prism is the cracked prison that imprisons the shadow of liquid gold.

As Tan Xiao took out the Shattering Imprisonment, he threw the solidified magic crystal towards the lich.

The Lich was not afraid of Tan Xiao's plot at all. He didn't think that humans of this level could pose any threat to him, and he didn't even intend to block it. It caught the solidifying magic crystal with confidence.

Then, for the Lich, today's Nth accident happened again.

Before it could take a closer look at the crystal in its hand, two golden flashes of light followed.

A golden halo emerged, instantly dispelling the magic shield on it.


Its arm bones were instantly cut off, and the solidified magic crystal, together with the two liquid gold shadows, fell towards the Watts Heights.

Tan Xiao's face was filled with joy. He didn't know any better way to kill this kind of undead creature that he had never seen in his previous life. He could only treat it like a dead horse.

At the moment, the effect seems to be good.

However, what he didn't expect was that the lich's frantic voice sounded,

Hey, hey, hey! Is this how you use this precious magic resource?

After the Lich saw the shadow of liquid gold clearly, the red fire in his empty eyes suddenly became strong.

It has no facial muscles, so it cannot show any expression, but you can feel its unusual ecstasy.

It's actually two balls of liquid gold, and you threw them out like this? It's interesting, it's so interesting! Hahaha!

The lich didn't care at all about his severed hands, and smiled at Tan Xiao and spoke, and then his eyes flashed red,

Then let me show you how liquid gold is used!

The next second, the Lich's severed hands suddenly grabbed the liquid gold that was still fighting for the solidification crystal in mid-air, and lifted them in front of him one by one like a chicken.

Blood red filaments spread across the smooth section, connecting the broken bones.

The solidified magic crystal is like a magnet fixed in a magnetic field. It cannot be reached by any lump of liquid gold. It is firmly fixed in the center. It may occasionally shift but it will center immediately.

Something unexpected happened to Tan Xiao. The two masses of liquid gold began to gradually become smaller.

The golden lines gradually wrapped around the Lich, and the bones of his hands were dyed golden, then his ribs, spine, and finally stopped at the thigh bone.

At that time, the solidified magic crystal that was originally suspended between the two liquid gold shadows also fell to the ground because it lost the power to fight for it.


With a soft sound, the solidified magic crystal shattered instantly.

The Lich's whole body seemed to be engraved with golden lines, which looked particularly dazzling.

Hahahaha! For magic users, liquid gold, which is an excellent magic resource, you actually used it as a stone to throw at me. If I hadn't only had the talent tree of undead magic, these two lumps of liquid gold and my The degree of integration can be even higher!”

Tan Xiao couldn't help but think of what he had read in the Book of Magical Creatures before leaving Fast City.

He murmured to himself,

Are they all true? Then Mednit.

His thoughts stopped abruptly, not because of anything he thought of.

It was because his head had already flown up. Looking at his slowly falling body, Tan Xiao sighed secretly in his heart,

Have you still not been able to keep your arcane heart after all?

Fast City has become like this, what will happen next?

Is my rebirth still meaningful?

Medenit. Who are you?

His vision gradually darkened, and Tan Xiao knew that he was about to return to the interface where he had regenerated his account, and that he would have to start over again.

Damn it! Why did the undead suddenly invade!

That was his last thought, and then his vision went completely dark.


The current sound kept ringing, and the loading interface for re-creating an account seemed a bit slow this time.

Tan Xiao kept sighing, all his efforts during this period were in vain.

Then his vision blurred. He cheered up and was about to log back into the game as Level 1 when something strange happened.

Familiar scene, familiar taste.

It's the house at 13 Carter Street!


Blurred handwriting appeared in front of his eyes. Tan Xiao suddenly cheered up and stood up from a book. The smooth liquid bridged the corner of his mouth and the book. It was obviously his saliva.

Huh? What's going on? What should I do?

His numb arms and legs seemed to tell him that he had just experienced a deep, deep sleep.

His vision fell on the magic book in his hand, which was still The Record of Magical Creatures.

What the hell is going on?

He couldn't help but exclaimed, and then Lina's gentle voice sounded,

Your Excellency Feng Sheng, are you calling me?

Ah. No, no, I was talking to myself.

Tan Xiao sat back in his seat and opened the Magical Creatures Encyclopedia again, with a confused look on his face.

What the hell does this happen?

He looked at the two liquid gold shadows on his table that were still attacking each other. He opened the task panel again [Exploring Woz Highlands] and it was still on the list.

Tan Xiao stuck his head out of the window. The blue sky was accompanied by a hint of orange sunset. The city of Fast was peaceful. There was no scene of undead invasion.

Tan Xiao seemed to realize something, and quickly opened Magical Creatures Encyclopedia and turned to the title page.

Ah? Where's the message? Where's Mednit's signature?

The message that should have existed originally,

“A gift to someone who deserves it.”


Also missing is Mednit's signature.

Tan Xiao searched everywhere in the catalog and found that even the record about Liquid Gold Shadow had disappeared.

He calmed down, crossed his hands in front of him, put them against his chin, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

Damn it, I can't figure it out!

However, he was sure that it was not a dream, absolutely not! In other words, he couldn't believe it was a dream. He even went offline briefly to take a look at the situation in the real world. The Magic World forum was also peaceful, with no discussions or incidents about the undead at all.

Returning to the game, he looked at the broken prison and looked at the two masses of liquid gold inside.

An idea appeared in his mind,

How about giving it a try? Put them into the talent tree of your land attribute?

He clearly remembered the descriptions of the liquid gold shadow, which could be absorbed by magic learners.

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