After separating from Lina, Tan Xiao followed a path toward the southwest corner of Wards Heights to explore.

Tan Xiao was still relatively relieved about leaving Lina alone in that gold mine. Because that location is located on the outskirts of the Woz Highlands, the level of the orcs is generally not too high. Even if Lina couldn't handle it, she still had enough time to escape.

But just in case, he still quickened his pace and tried his best to make sure to leave early and come back early.

At this moment, the blood lion suit he spent a lot of time sweeping up in the hot sand wasteland came in handy. Not only could he be completely immune to the increasingly hot environment, but the environmental heat also provided him with a small increase in ability. So much so that his movement speed increased by nearly 10%.

In less than half an hour, he had arrived at a lava lake.

This is the sign of approaching the southwest volcanic group of Wards Highlands, and it is also Tan Xiao’s destination.

I don't know if there are any here.

He climbed up a small rocky slope and scanned the surrounding lava lake.

Hey, yes! Good luck!

In his field of vision was a group of ants with black heads and chests and blood-red abdomens.

Fire-eating ants, a species unique to the Wards Highlands.

[Fire-Eating Ant] Lv5~Lv7, a large ant that lives in the Woz Highlands. It likes to eat lava and fire energy. It has low intelligence and will only take the initiative to attack when its life is threatened. Rarely, a fire ant king will be produced, with the ability to control the fire ant colony.

Tan Xiao quickly ran towards the ant colony.

When they got closer, the group of fire-eating ants didn't seem to care about Tan Xiao's arrival. They continued to ingest magma and pulled out particles of pitch-black stone feces from their abdomens. They were purifying energy.

Without hesitation, Tan Xiao took out his spider web staff and sprinkled the skill [Fire Attack] on the fire-eating ants.

Only this time, he wasn't trying to kill these fire ants.

The flames produced by [Flame Attack] instantly attracted the attention of the fire-eating ant. The tentacles on its head moved slightly, obviously being extremely interested in the sudden appearance of the flames.

Because they felt the hotter energy in that flame.

A bolder fire ant couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of the flames produced by [Flame Attack]. Its abdomen instantly turned redder, and stone feces composed of magma residues continued to pour out from its abdomen. It was obviously sudden. The flame greatly speeds up its metabolism.

As its tentacles continued to come into contact with the surrounding fire ants, more and more fire ants began to eat the flames produced by [Flame Attack], until the flames produced by Tan Xiao's skill completely disappeared.

This group of fire-eating ants are still searching nearby, even turning a blind eye to the magma that was originally a delicacy for them.

ok, done!

Upon seeing this, Tan Xiao began to control the output of [Fire Attack], leaving a path of flames on the ground with his staff, and walked towards the gold mine.

The group of fire-eating ants didn't care how the flame appeared out of thin air. Their instinct prompted them to keep moving forward along the flame path created by Tan Xiao. Tan Xiao actually wanted to take the group of fire-eating ants to the mine.

At this moment, it has been almost an hour since Tan Xiao left.

Lina, who was still working diligently to move the gold in the mine, was sweating profusely. As a priest, even if she applied several buffs to herself, she still couldn't withstand such high-intensity labor. She could hardly lift her arms.

But the idea of ​​repaying Tan Xiao became her strongest motivation, and she never wanted to stop for a moment.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of scattered footsteps and a rather messy sound of rolling gravel.

Lina turned her head to look in the direction of the sound. It was Tan Xiao who had returned, and behind him was a black mass of fire-eating ants.

Your Excellency Feng Sheng! Run! There is an ant colony!

As if her adrenaline was stimulated, Lina's fatigue was swept away. She quickly applied iron wall and magic energy recovery to Tan Xiao. She thought that a fierce battle was coming, and Tan Xiao was stunned.

Uh, don't panic! These fire ants are harmless, I brought them here.

Seeing Lina's busy look, Tan Xiao quickly explained.

This made Lina's physical strength, which was already close to the limit, completely exhausted after her mental tension and relaxation.

Lina slumped to the ground weakly, tears oozing out of the corners of her eyes. She was really scared just now.

Tan Xiao was a little embarrassed and quickly spoke,

Hahaha, I'm sorry that I didn't say hello in advance and scared you. But the good news is that you can rest now, it's up to me!

With a wave of his staff, countless sporadic flames were sprinkled on the scattered gold mine fragments.

The fire ants swarmed up, swept away the flames on the fragments, and then began to search for the flames in confusion.

At this time, Tan Xiao was not in a hurry to release [Flame Attack] again, but quietly waited for the fire ants' movements.

The fire-eating ants that lost their flames began to look around, constantly turning over the broken gold ore, and some even ran around with the gold ore in their ant pincers, and then abandoned it in one place.

Tan Xiao quickly threw out a flame and fed it to the fire ant that did this unconsciously. After tasting the sweetness, the fire ant once again began to aimlessly search for flames nearby, but never got Tan Xiao's help. Feed.

Until it picked up the gold mine for the second time and placed it near the position just now, Tan Xiao threw another just-right flame.

Over and over again, after being fed several times, the fire ant seemed to have enlightened itself. It discovered that as long as the gravel was placed somewhere, it would be rewarded with fire, so as its tentacles trembled, the entire ant colony began to become orderly.

Done! Lina, come on!


Hey, the little girl has no sense at all.

Tan Xiao reluctantly placed his backpack at the spot where the fire ants first laid down the gold mine.

This is called reflex training, do you understand now?

As Tan Xiao continued to adjust the fire reward strategy, the location where the fire ants dropped the gold mine became more and more precise. Countless gold mine fragments were put into the backpack by the fire ants.

Lina only needed to transfer the gold fragments in her backpack to the guild warehouse before it was full. Her eyes once again showed a look of admiration. To him, Tan Xiao's move was a miracle.

This was the first time she had seen someone driving a herd of beasts in this way.

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of the fire ants, half of the gold mine had disappeared in less than half a day, and the fire ants gradually began to leave because of their full bellies.

They were going back to their nest, so Tan Xiao naturally didn't care about their departure.

He knew that this group of fire ants had already tasted the sweetness here and left behind a wealth of pheromones.

Even if he does nothing tomorrow morning, these fire ants will still come to look for food and become his labor force.

However, he did not expect that in the nest of this group of fire ants, a fire ant that was half the height of a man slowly stood up.

After receiving the pure fire attribute energy brought back by the ant colony, it suddenly extended its tentacles backwards, as if enjoying the most delicious delicacies in the world, and let out a silent carnival.

As more and more fire ants return to their nests, their abdomens begin to turn red due to the accumulation of fire energy.

If Tan Xiao were here, he would definitely be surprised by the size of this fire ant. This is a fire ant king that he has never seen in his previous life.

The fire ant king kept opening and closing its powerful ant pincers, and turned its head in the direction of Tan Xiao.

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