[Red light] Guild, guild hall.

The white bones in the broken arm of Shan Mantra quickly extended outwards. The humerus, ulna, radius and hand bones all grew in less than half a minute.

Bright red muscle filaments drilled out from the cross section and twisted into bundles of muscles, attached to the white bones, followed by blood vessels and skin.

In just over a minute, the good spell had returned to its original state. This was the powerful self-healing ability brought to her by the orcs.

However, at this moment, she felt the tension brought to her by the game for the first time.

There are so many hidden mechanisms in this game! It's so interesting!

Her heart beat faster, not because of fear, but more because of excitement. The initial displeasure and doubts were all forgotten by her.

After transformation, I'm already at Level 15. There shouldn't be many people in this village who are better than me, right? My attack power is almost 500.

Shanshu pouted and shook his head,

Well, if you really can't beat me, you will die at worst~ It doesn't matter anyway, just create a new account. It's just a pity. The identity of the orcs and the ability of [Bereacher of Faith] obtained by accident are much more interesting than other things. ah!

After she calmed down, she suddenly realized that there was a system message that she had ignored. Perhaps the pain of breaking her arm just now prevented her from paying attention to the system prompt.

Emergency mission [Tolerance of the New King], as the future king of the Shadow Forest, do your best to escape the pursuit of humans! Escape into the Shadow Forest, and you will be praised by the old king.

Shanshu put away the message and looked out the window again.

Interesting! Interesting! Interesting! Hehehe~ This game is so interesting!!

She slowly leaned forward, and jet-black manes emerged from her fair skin. Her appearance began to change until she turned into a miniature shadow wolf that looked like a Shadowfang.

The duration is 10 minutes. Let's try first to see if we can use its passive [Shadow Walker] to reach the edge of the village.

Shan Ju has been completely immersed in the battle. The emergency mission just released by the system made her start to calm down while being excited.

This battle has changed from a hearty massacre to a brave and strategic escape. Shan Ju is really curious about what kind of creature the old king of the Shadow Forest is.

At this moment, the streets of Fast Village were completely deserted. All non-combatants were ordered to hide in their houses and were not allowed to go out.

The combatants have surrounded the [Red Light] Guild Base on three floors inside and three floors outside.

The warriors stood at the front, holding up one-handed shields and their own weapons, looking nervously at the building in front of them.

The priests followed closely behind and began to continuously apply buffs to the warriors in front. The archers and mages stood staggered, hiding at the end, but they also raised their staffs and bows, ready to give a sharp blow at any time.

[Red Light] Around the guild, there are still shadows flashing from time to time. They are all assassins hiding in the dark, preparing to attack.

The rain from the sky was getting heavier and heavier, causing all players and NPCs present to suffer both mental and physical torture.


I don't know who it was, but I couldn't stand such a tense atmosphere and swallowed.

No one expected that this would become a signal for massacre.

Black lightning shot out from the [Red Light] Guild in an instant, hitting the warriors waiting in the north in a straight line.

In an instant, the warrior standing at the front in the north was smashed into parts and scattered in all directions. Blood and rain mixed together and sprinkled on everyone's faces.

Over there!

The one who roared was Bard the Wild Battle, not because he was unwilling to stand at the front of the battlefield, but because they were not sure where the beasts would attack from. Therefore, he could only stand on the surrounding rooftops and observe everything on the battlefield.

Before Bard's voice disappeared, a huge fire dragon had appeared, and it was the magician McGee's skills that had rushed towards the good spell.

Followed closely by were several terrifying wind-breaking sounds, coming from the wind-breaking feather arrows of the archer Angel.

Leo skillfully added Buffs to Bard, and threw an [Accelerated Recovery] to McGee and Angel respectively. The four people's cooperation was a tacit understanding.

It turned out that they had already learned the secret of the hunting target from Helander during the confrontation. Ordinary people don't know that the Mimic is the boss of level 45. How can they, the job transfer instructors who have been in the main city, not know?

For a moment, they thought that Fast Village was going to be destroyed tonight, but they were unexpectedly told by Helander that this mimic beast was the one that was severely wounded by the Ice and Fire Mage and fled thirty years ago, and its strength was even worse.

However, this beast-like beast showed up tonight for some unknown reason, and they had every chance to kill it.

Once they succeed, they will not only gain a large amount of experience points, but also receive rewards from their lords. The benefits are immeasurable.

In fact, even if there are no subsequent benefits, these four job transfer mentors will step forward. Because they are all devout believers of the goddess of courage.

Feeling the fire dragon and feather arrows behind him, Shanshu did not hesitate at all and dodged the arrows, ignoring the fire dragon's attack.

The huge fire dragon instantly swallowed up the body of the shadow wolf transformed by Shan Curse, but the bristles on her body continued to absorb the heat of the fire dragon and turned red.

The heavy rain combined with the characteristics of the shadow wolf caused the power of the fire dragon released by McGee to decrease sharply, and it completely dissipated without causing any damage to the good spell.

The next second, the red bristles all over her body trembled slightly and shot out in all directions.

Ding ding - dong dong -

The surrounding warriors were on guard against the Shadow Wolf's skills and blocked most of the scalding hair. Most of the injured were low-level players and a few scattered NPCs.

+0.1, +0.1, +0.1

Shan Ju ran rampant in the encirclement. As the number of kills increased, her attack power also slowly increased, but she had no desire to fight. Her goal was clear, which was the north gate.

As long as she could reach the gate, she would have a chance to get out. As for how to escape from the terrifying beast-destroying magic circle, Shan Ju already had a rough idea, but she didn't know if it was feasible.

In the process, she suddenly realized a problem,

Come to think of it, why do these people call me a beast? Am I a beast? I don't think so.

At that moment, she felt a fleeting gaze on a rooftop in the distance.


At the moment when she was distracted, Angel's feather arrow landed on her waist, piercing a bloody hole.

Tsk——! Is the AI ​​of this circle of NPCs so awesome?

Shan Cur couldn't help but cursed in pain, and then he had an idea.

Although I can transform into any Boss I see, I don't necessarily have to transform them all into their appearance, right?

The next second, while she was constantly killing enemies coming up on the battlefield, two giant wings appeared behind her. The red and blue feathers were mixed with white fluff, and they actually grew the wings of the Wings of Joshua!

It's really good~ Very good! This game is really awesome!

The next second, Shanshu used [Shadow Walker] to superimpose [Flash], and the speed suddenly increased several times, leaving several afterimages in the crowd, and dozens of players and NPCs died suddenly.

She was getting closer to the north gate.

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