Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 244 Refusing to plead guilty

"The above is read out."

Eggens looked at Gullid standing on the trial stage and spoke slowly,

"Do you plead guilty?"

"It is impossible to plead guilty. As I said, Vertus has a special status and I cannot refuse his request. If I refuse his request and His Highness the Demon King is affected, I cannot bear the consequences."

Gulide was neither humble nor arrogant, and he had no attitude of admitting guilt.

"Then why did you hide in Watts Heights when the two realms of humans and demons were connected? If the cave you were in hadn't collapsed unexpectedly, I don't know how long it would have taken to find you."

"This is it."

Although Gulide had thought that they would ask this question, he could not find a particularly good excuse. Just when he was about to start quibbling, several demon nobles around him had already begun to denounce Gulid. Most of them were from the Seventy-Two Pillars.

"What Vitus? These are all excuses. As far as I know you have built a complete currency system in the human world. Do you want to monopolize the souls of everyone in the human world?"

"That's right! Besides, Vertus was pushed off the altar by Nerul hundreds of years ago, and he is still using his name now."

At this point, the demon shut up in time, not only because all the demons around him had their eyes on him, but more importantly, he himself also realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Regarding the existence of Vertus, it has always been a relatively special existence in the demon world.

Not only because of a certain agreement between him and the Demon King, many demons still have to act according to the agreement made hundreds of years ago. Yifu's actions towards the human world are one of them.

It's just that Yifu has exceeded the agreed bottom line and began to secretly absorb human souls for his own use.

Although almost all demons with status knew that Vertus had an accident, no demon dared to mention it on the table.

The scene was awkward for a while, but Gulide took the initiative to break the awkward situation.

"Anyway, if I don't plead guilty, you shouldn't go to trial. It's a waste of time."

Gullid suddenly looked at Eggens,

"Instead of interrogating me, why not recall Yifu from the human world? Other demons don't know what he did in the human world. Don't you know?"

Gulid's words silenced the trial hall for a moment. The next second, countless demon guards outside the trial hall who were waiting for their masters to come out left the place one after another. As if they received the news at the same time, they all began to investigate Leviathan through their own channels. What on earth did the head of the family, Yifu, who went to the human world do in the human world?

The human world, Fast City, which had been turned upside down after the demon's passage, has completely turned into purgatory.

Ice, flames, and dark thunder completely covered the entire Fast City. The only things that were intact were the Place of Heroes and the statue of Pope Elijah in the center of the Place of Heroes.

It was Wiltus sitting on Elijah's shoulders that prevented his statue from being destroyed in the earth-shattering battle just now.

As the top-ranked heir of the Barr family, Lightning has probably awakened his seventh magic core and is fully capable of fighting an ordinary Duke. However, for some reason, he did not fully demonstrate his strength before today, so that all The demons, including Viertus, thought he was just a demon count who was about to advance.

If Veltus hadn't taken action in time, Ace and Uther would have been no match for him even if they had fused the remains of the Senniu.

At this moment, Ace's battle ax was broken, and the bones all over his body were covered with fine cracks. Half of Uther's skeleton was charred black, and he was obviously seriously injured by Lightning's intensive lightning strike just now.

"Hmm - I do have some skills."

Vertus sat on Elijah's shoulder and patted the back of Elijah's statue.

"Let you see my progress over the past thousand years. Your choice was not wrong back then, Your Highness the Pope."

Wiltus stood up slowly and looked at the panting Leining,

"Although my level is not high now, I am more than enough to deal with you. You are not the only one who can use electricity in such a wide range of ways."

He waved his staff towards Lei Ning, but nothing happened.

Even Leining, who was tense all over, was stunned for a second because he also felt that nothing happened.

However, just when he thought that Vertus was just bluffing and wanted to rush towards the man who was trying to make a fool of himself, an accident happened.

His wings started to flap randomly, and Lei Ning noticed the abnormality. Just when he was about to retract his wings, thinking that the other party had done something to his wings, his right hand actually released a bolt of lightning behind him.

"Something's wrong! Something's very wrong!"

At this moment, Leitenen finally realized that Viertus's unusual behavior just now was not an act of mystery.

"Look, don't you understand?"

Wiltus controlled the nine-star wand at will, turning it on his fingertips, like playing with a pen.

"Skills like yours are certainly very lethal, but don't forget that the use of magic power is never static."

It turned out that Vertus only used a small amount of magic power to control the electrical signals in the muscles in Lei Ning's body, so that Lei Ning's entire body began to twitch completely uncontrollably.

The more he tried to adjust his body quickly, the more distorted his movements became, and the lightning he released even struck him several times.

However, Lightning Barr did not disgrace the name of the Barr family. After the initial confusion, he stopped moving and lay quietly on the ground.

With every slight tremor he made, Vertus's eyes lit up,

"You are really enlightened."

It was Leiten who began to investigate his instructions and actual actions one by one, and thus began to reconstruct his action pattern.

The next second, he stood up in a strange posture, which made Vitus couldn't help but applaud.

"Okay, okay!"

Then, every time he clapped his hands, the transmission of electrical signals in Lei Ning's body would change.

"Unless you can analyze my changes in an instant and adapt to them at the same time, I suggest you just lie down on the ground."

At that moment, Leining twisted his movements again, lost his ability to resist, and lay on the ground.

Veltus kicked Ace and Uther;

"Okay, get up, it's time to go. Azcott should be impatient and stop playing with them."

As he spoke, he jumped off Elijah's shoulders and said hello to the statue of Elijah behind him.

"Let's go, Your Highness the Pope."

However, his steps suddenly stopped and he looked in a distant direction, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"Did the fighting here still attract him?"

Vertus stood up straight and showed a serious attitude for the first time, because the person who came was none other than If Leviathan.

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